JUNE 2015 ALLEGAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 409 Trowbridge Street Allegan Mi 49010 269-673-4236 Fax No. 269-673-8856 JOYS AND CONCERNS Listed below are some of the Joys and Concerns heard during recent worship services. We carry each other’s burdens and dance dances for all of God’s children. Reach out and touch someone’s life as you pray for them. [email protected] Website alleganumc.net Sunday Morning Worship 9:30 a.m. JOYS Robert K. Lynch Pastor 269-673-2512k Congratulations Sari Hammon’s new granddaughter, Eastyn Geurink, was born on April 30; Virginia Conklin celebrated her 70th birthday; Norm Pierson honored for his 25 years of contribution to our bell choirs. Thank You Chic Heckman is thankful for all the prayers and support during Lee’s illness. Allison Wiley thanks Wende Wood for being an inspirational choir director. Celebrations and Joys Barb Simpson celebrates family birthdays; Tim Dickinson shared his son Jake will be an ER doctor in Indianapolis and Josh will be a surgeon in West Virginia; Lee Heckman back in worship; Bach Sunday and our Chancel Bell Choir and Joyful Noise. ALLEGAN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH is a caring, dynamic community of faith where all people are invited to encounter God and to celebrate a Risen Lord. Through God’s Spirit we grow spiritually, emphasize the individual’s relationship with Christ and others, and change with and serve the needs of the community. Concerns on the following page…. JUNE 2015 PRAYERS AND CONCERNS Prayers for our military: Those connected with this congregation: Ryan Balgoyen, Tanner Boysen, Steven Carroll, Andrew Cowen, Thomas DeBruyne, Matt Fullam, Stephanie Hadley, Isaiah Hadley, Dillon Hileski, Michael Hileski, Gregory McIntire, Chelsea Reed, Jason Star, Jeremy Thompson, Dai Wessman and Dan Wrobleski. Continued prayers for those battling cancer or having treatment: Jane Allen, Dale Barber, Evelyn Bierlein, Hanford Brink, Kyle Brower, Erin Brown, Bill Carr, Denise Cherry, Jim Conlon, Tammy Christy, Stacy Davis, Sam Edgerton, Linda Evans, Ernie Hagerman, Walter Hall, Angie Heckman, Dave Hitchcock, Ryan Howrigan, Monica Kraai, Mary Jo Lange; Julie Maynard, Ken Milhiem, Villas Mohrland, John Murphy, Nancy Parker Newton, Philip Nicolai, Linda Pullen, Phil Rose, Denise Schmidt, Carol Taylor, Mark Thomas, Terri Stapleton, Deb Stutzman, Cessily Wotring Thackler, Naomi Watts, Jenny Walsh, Jen Wessman and those known but unnamed. Health Concerns: Ginny Borgman’s sister, Cecilia, having dialysis; Al LeMaire's step mother, Sharon LeMaire, recovering from ill health and had a stent inserted into her heart; Jackie Thompson’s niece, Natalie Thompson, diagnosed with MS; Continued prayers for Andy Branham who continues physical therapy at home; Continued prayers for Joan Rininger as she recuperates from knee replacement at home; Al Nielsen returned home from the hospital; Carl Fuller is recuperating from a fall. Prayer Shawls Given To: Andy Branham, Judy Gordon, Joan Rininger Sympathy: Scott and Connie Dangremond family on the death of Connie’s mom, Beverly Harnden; Haley Emmons on the death of her grandma, Mildred Beldon; Don and Linda Hausserman family on the death of their son, Jason. Thankful: We are very thankful Pastor Bob was not seriously injured when his tractor turned over on him. He has a scraped/bruised leg. He was thankful for the people driving by who stopped to help him. FROM THE HEART OF THE PASTOR REV. ROBERT LYNCH Allegan UMC Synergy: The Power of Togetherness Allegan UMC Synergy is based upon a covenant partnership of shared values and goals for ministry. Our goals for 2015 are simple: Continue to attract families with children, develop new leadership and continue to nurture all our families with the power of togetherness! Allegan UMC has a timeline of God’s glory that began in 1836 and continues today! This year 2015, we have celebrated 20 years of Kid’s Hope and 25 years of the Chancel Bell Choir! Let us praise God as we continue the power of togetherness! We have created an Allegan UMC Timeline of God’s Glory in our Fellowship Hall where you can remember and post important dates of the church that have happened in our lifetime. Before we take it down, we would like to celebrate Heritage Sunday, June 14th! At worship on June 14th we will honor our “long-time” members: June Querbeck 1936 Vern Olcott 1939 Jane Dangremond 1939 Carl Fuller 1942 David Waanders 1943 Marguerite Bloss 1945 Naomi Weaver 1948 Willard Jennings 1949 Bonnie Olcott 1949 Rachel Wait 1949 Jack Webber 1949 Hopefully we can make this a great celebration for the power of togetherness at Allegan UMC by inviting family and friends for this special worship! After June 14, we will spend the rest of the summer understanding what it means to being a church in Mission! Being a Church in Mission! The people of God are the church made visible in the world. It is they who must convince the world of the reality of the gospel or leave it unconvinced. There can be no evasion or delegation of this responsibility; the church is either faithful as a witnessing and serving community, or it loses its vitality and its impact on an unbelieving world. Mission is the action of the God of grace who creates out of love, who calls a covenant people community, who graciously redeems and reconciles a broken and sinful people in Jesus Christ, and who through the Holy Spirit, calls the church into being as the instrument of the good news of grace to all people. Mission is also the church's grateful response to what God has done, is doing, and will do. A grace-formed church is one which responsibly participates in God's action in and for the world. Mission is witness to the God of grace. Witness has four essential dimensions: 1. Proclamation. We proclaim the gospel. We tell the story of God's gracious initiative to redeem the world. The imperative for proclamation is found in the gospel itself. Good news cannot be withheld. 2. Evangelism. To proclaim the gospel is fundamental; to invite persons to personal decision for and commitment to Jesus Christ and his being is equally fundamental. The gospel calls forth response. The invitation to respond to the gospel is evangelism. 3. Incorporation. We call persons to be incorporated into the Body of Christ. All who are “in Christ” share in the mission of Christ. 4. Servanthood. We serve as agents of God's liberating and reconciling grace among the nations. Witness is to whole persons and their social contexts. The wholeness of grace entails justice, mercy, and forgiveness. Our aim is, therefore, transformed people in a transformed world. THE CHURCH IN MISSION Mission is the action of the God of grace who creates out of love, who calls a covenant people community, who graciously redeems and reconciles a broken and sinful people in Jesus Christ, and who through the Holy Spirit calls the church into being as the instrument of the good news of grace to all people! JUNE 7, 2015 2nd SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST: 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Ellen Bierlein will be preaching and Rev. Bill Carr presiding over Holy Communion. JUNE 14, 2015 HERITAGE SUNDAY: (Mark 4:26-34) We will honor our “long-time” members by understanding the mystery of the mustard seed. JUNE 21, 2015: Acts 2:1-4 A Church in Mission series: “Catching the Wind” JUNE 28, 2015: Acts 2:14-21 A Church in Mission series: “Understanding Evangelism” JUNE 28, 2015: 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 Community” “We are the Body of Christ.” A Church in Mission series: “Understanding Church as MEMORIAL DAY May 25, 2015 NEWS FROM THE PEWS BIBLE STUDY This group meets every week on Thursday at 12:30 p.m. the home of Chic Heckman. Come join us! WHAT DO WE COLLECT? CHECK OUT THE ROUND TABLE OUTSIDE THE OFFICE Box Tops for Education for North Ward Elementary Lions Club - Glasses Loose Change/Pennies Missions Pop Tops from cans- Burn Center in Chicago THOSE WHO SERVE IN June 2015 ACOLYTES 7 - Tara LeMaire Chase Milbocker 14 - Adriana Brink Anthony Thomsen 21 - Abby Hall Allison Wiley 28 - Ryan Brink Audrey Brink 7 - Trevah Dalrymple 14 - Chris Jurkas 21 - Kristy Milbocker 28 - Ami Salisbury PIANISTS 7 - Tom and Lois Giles Lee and Chic Heckman 7 - Doug and Amy Brink Family 14 - June Querback Family 21 - Lisa Sebright and Family 28 - Barb Brewster Chris Jurkas GREETERS I think I’ll call it a day,” God replied. NURSERY COMMUNION SERVERS FELLOWSHIP TIME “I’ve just created a 24-hour period of alternating light and darkness,” God told one of His angels. “Wonderful!” exclaimed the angel. “So what are You going to do now?” LITURGIST 7 - Ed Garvin 14 - Jim Sebright 21 - Sari Hammon 28 - Ellen Bierlein 7 - Terry and Donna Skoglund Rod and Karen Rambadt 14 - Lee and Chic Heckman Norm and Margaret Pierson 21 - Gene and Wende Wood Tim and Mary Kay Borgman 28 - Ed and Sarah Thomsen Family Mark Bolyen JR. CHURCH June - No Junior Church 7 - Wende Wood 14 - Amanda Wood 21 - Ireland Armintrout 28 - Mackenzie Sturman SOUND 7 -Tim Borgman 14 - Hanford Brink 21 - Jon Brink 28 - Ed Garvin USHERS 7 - Jack & Becky Rininger 14 - JoAnne Giles Willard Jennings 21 - Laura Weaver, Bailey Weaver 28 - Terry Skoglund Cindy Thiele VIDEO 7 - Barb Gibson 14- Terry Skoglund 21 - Susan Barnes 28 - Norm Pierson Food Pantry 2015 Report Month January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL 2014 Visits No. of People 91 74 105 119 96 103 125 115 116 116 98 125 1,283 Total Number of New Households YTD 2014 166 297 243 347 431 307 345 417 370 379 424 351 440 4,351 2015 # Of People # Of Kids 101 86 106 100 30 378 302 285 384 108 Not Tracked 423 1,457 2015 Visits 64 (2/16-28) 121(Thru 3/31) 164(Thru 4/26) 42(Thru 5/17) 391 250(Thru 5/17) FOOD DRIVE for JUNE: Cereal, Hamburger Helper, Pork and Beans We will have our grocery carts out for any donations. God Bless You and thanks! STATUS OF OUR FUNDS: We have been able to purchase the items we needed but will purchase again in about three weeks, depending on how many receive food. Our account balance is $2,498.88. Thanks to everyone for your support. Although the account is stable at this point, we still will need funds for future purchases. ALLEGAN COUNTY COMMUNITY FOUNDATION—Non-Profit Spotlight: Look for our article in the next issue which comes out July 2. JUNE BIRTHDAYS 1 - Bonnie Olcott 2 - Joyce Hard 6 - Eilene Brink Terry Brink 7 - Cade Thiel 8 - Joyce Brink 9 - Tessa Armintrout 11 - Gene Wood 14 - Ray Kinney Bailey Weaver 15 - June Querback William Armintrout 18 - Ami Salisbury 21 - Jennifer Dunning James Flynn 22 - Paul McQuaid 23 - David Armintrout Jack Rininger 26 - Karen Rambadt Alyssa Trutsch 27 – Chris Stewart Rhonda Griffin Barb Simpson 30 – Nancy Armintrout JUNE ANNIVERSARIES 10 - Rick and Linda Flynn 13 - Bob and Kim Leslie 20 - Mike and Virginia Conklin 22 - John and Pat Cantwell 23 - Norm and Margaret Pierson 24 - Paul and Rhonda Griffin 26 - Vern and Bonnie Olcott 29 - Willard and Judy Jennings David and Nancy Armintrout Please come and help us celebrate Mackenzie Sturman’s graduation from Allegan High School! We will be enjoying a pig roast on Saturday, June 27th from 4-7pm at her home, 2825 116th Avenue, Allegan. We would love to see you there! KIDS HOPE REMINDERS June 1, 600 p.m. – KH End-of-Year/Grad party in Fellowship Hall. All KH families and KH volunteers are invited. We are planning a carnival theme. June 4 – Last day of school/family picnic, awards assembly, K-2 field day event. A special “thank you” note was received from the NW staff, thanking KH for the Lunch and mini breakfast provided during Teacher Appreciation Week. POM Communion and Project of the month is the “Wesley Foundation.” A church family has offered to match the total amount up to $250. Offering change and Penny Jar will continue to go towards Ministry Shares. There is a sign-up sheet for summer special music in the Music Room. You can also contact Ellen Bierlein or Jacque James. You are invited to help us celebration John Barber’s graduation from Allegan High School. Sunday, June 7 1 – 4 p.m. th 2624 16 Avenue (M222) Ranee Rambadt will receive the “Educational Hero Award” on June 9 at the Van Buren County Association of School Board Recognition Banquet. This honor is in recognition of making a positive input on the educational system. I would like to take this opportunity to thank our church family for their prayers and continued prayers that I have a full recovery. I would also like to thank everyone for the prayer shawl, all the cards I have received, the visits, and the food. Lee 2015 Allegan UMC Family Camp Update Family camp will be here before you know it ( June 28-July 4 ) - look for the sign-up sheet in Fellowship Hall. The camp wants to know how many sites we need, so please sign up as early as possible. We would like to have a full camp…..invite family and friends to join us for a fun week. This year we are celebrating Footprints in the Sand. We hope to have some special activities on Tuesday and Wednesday. Our tentative activities are as follows: Monday-Friday – DEVOTIONS each morning. Sign up in Fellowship Hall or let Jon Brink know if you can help. Sunday – POTLUCK (need someone to set up), followed by VESPER SERVICE (Denton). Tuesday – Footprints in the Sand -themed POTLUCK PICNIC DINNER (bring your favorite picnic foods) and a fun activity or two (Terri Maule & Kristen Brink). Following dinner, we will have our ever-popular TALENT SHOW with some of the best talent in the area!!! Wednesday – Footprints in the Sand continues with fun GAMES (Mary & Amy Brink). Friday – CAMP PIE NIGHT NEEDED: Someone to set up for the Sunday potluck. Talented (or not) people for the Talent Show. People to lead devotions each day. See Hanford and Eilene Brink if you have other ideas or can help with any of the above activities. A big Thank You to our amazing church family during the passing of our mother, Beverly Harnden. Many compliments to Pastor Bob Lynch for a wonderful service. Our “luncheon ladies,” for our delicious luncheon and to all who prepared for it. Thank you for all your prayers and expressions of sympathy. Your thoughtfulness is greatly appreciated. May God bless our church family. Much love, “The Harnden Girls” Connie Dangremond The Men’s Fellowship Group will be having a Rummage Sale on August 15. Start collecting your items for the sale. VBS Mark your calendars! June 14-18 6:15-8:00 p.m. Scholarships Available - 3-day summer ‘camp’ for women July 16-18 Stay at Central Michigan University, enjoy good food (no cooking or cleaning up), sleep in your personal bedroom, and network with West Michigan women. Now get this---kids (or grandkids) go free! Yes, kids K-12 go free. Mission U is an opportunity to study mission topics with worship and singing, audiovisual presentations, and fellowship events. The topics for this year’s session are: Created for Happiness: Understanding Your Life in God, Latin America: People and Faith, The Church & People with Disabilities. For more info contact Cindy Thiele at 673-4514. Funeral Luncheons Note Sue Thiel and Grace Switzer, co-chairs for funeral luncheons, will be resigning their long-standing volunteer position as of July 1, 2015. There is a great need for a new team to fill this vital area of mission within the church. Please contact Cindy or the church office if you can help. If you need more information contact Sue or Grace. UMYF May 31 – 12-2 p.m. We will be having a scavenger hunt. June 7 – 12-7 p.m. Beach Day All middle and high school students are welcome. You are also encouraged to bring friends. It's graduation time and Memorial Day which means happy and sad times. Graduation brings an ending and a beginning as students end one part of their education and, for some, move on to higher education. It is a melancholy time for parents as it is hard to believe they have reached this point and are ready to move on to their next phase in life. Our church honored three graduates this past Sunday as we have watched them grow up among us. We wish them well in whatever path they choose to follow and know who holds the future in the palm of His hand. To John, Kristen, and Mackenzie: as the song says, “friends are friends forever,” and we await hearing of this new chapter in your lives. Memorial Day is a day of remembrance, not just of those who have died in the service of our country but also in our lives. Visiting the cemetery, decorating graves, and remembering those who have gone before us is a sad time that calls to memory those we have loved and lost. Our church has had many losses over the last couple of years and, sadly, there will be more. Two of our church families have suffered the loss of a mom and a son just recently and their grief is very fresh and raw. I hope they feel the love of our caring congregation and know we hurt for them. I lost my special friend June and feel her loss daily. Our camping group has lost 3 members in the past year and my favorite brother-in-law was one of them. My niece lost her grandson, dad, and husband. Our friends lost their son. So you see, many will be remembering and missing loved ones and I pray that memories will keep them close. We just never know when death will come. Thank God that our church is always open to reaching out, even to those who have no connection whatsoever. The pastor, organist, bereavement committee, custodians, and just everyone opens their hearts and are eager to help in any way. I am so proud to be part of such a caring church and I know God smiles each time we reach out in His name to His people. Judy Sun Mon 1 6-7:30 pm KH Grad/End of Year Party (FH/KT) Tue 2 Wed 3 8 -10 am TOPS (DS) 5-7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) Thu 4 5 12:30 pm Bible Study (Heckman) 8 am - 4 pm Food Pantry Pastor out of office West Michigan Annual Conference 7 8 10:30 am Vision Imp (FH) 9 5-7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) 10 8 -10 am TOPS (DS) 11 9:30 a.m. Worship 11 am Sunday School (picnic) 15 16 17 8 -10 am TOPS (DS) 6:15-8 pm VBS 18 Pastor out of office West Michigan Annual Conference 14 9:30 a.m. Worship 6:15-8 pm VBS 4:30 pm Scouts (DS) 6:15-8 pm VBS 6:15-8 pm VBS Fri Sat 6 Delivery (FH/KT) Pastor out of office West Mich Annual Conferenace Pastor out of office West Michigan Annual Conference 12 8 am -12 pm Food Pantry Delivery (FH/KT) 13 19 8 am -12 pm Food Pantry Delivery (FH/KT) 20 25 26 12:30 pm Bible Study (Heckman) 8 am -12 pm Food Pantry 27 2-4 p.m. Giles FH/KT 12:30 pm Bible Study (Heckman) Evening -Weaver/Allison Wedding 12:30 pm Bible Study (Heckman) 6:15-8 pm VBS Sarah Circle-Dinner Out 21 22 9:30 a.m. Worship 23 5-7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) First day of Summer! 24 8 -10 am TOPS (DS) Delivery (FH/KT) 9 am Men’s Fellowship (FH) 12 pm NEWLETTER DEADLINE 28 9:30 a.m. Worship After Worship-Bake Sale for Cancer Relay for Life (FH) 29 30 5 -7 pm Weight Watchers (FH) Location Key DS - Downstairs FH - Fellowship Hall HS - High School Classroom KT - Kitchen LB - Library M - Music Room MS -Middle School SA - Sanctuary YR - Youth
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