ALLEGAN HIGH SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS November 11, 2014 At Conference Championships this past weekend, in winning the event, Brianna Price also set a new varsity record for 11 dives. Brianna and Erin Isola will move on to compete at Regional Diving Championships this Thursday in East Grand Rapids. Please wish our lady divers good luck as they seek to gain good position for State Championships next weekend. Attention all football players – The Awards Banquet is tonight, Tuesday, November 11 at 7 P.M. in the Conference Center at the high school. Girls basketball grades 9-12 will be having tryouts this week from 3-5 in the main gym. Coach Archer A reminder to all wrestlers that the Alpha Weigh-In will take place this Thursday right after school in the locker room. All wrestlers should be in the balcony today by 3:00 for conditioning. Basketball season is fast approaching. Stop in to the Orange Krate and grab one of the few “DEN” shirts we have left…and they are only $1- dollar. The Boys’ Basketball Season is fast approaching. Tryouts begin November 17th. Come and build upon the historic tradition of Allegan Basketball, serve the larger Allegan community, create a positive atmosphere, and have fun. All players will tryout at grade level until otherwise instructed. November 17th Schedule: All at HS Main Gym. Freshmen: 3-5 p.m. Sophomores: 5-7 p.m. Juniors and Seniors: 7-9 pm Bittersweet Ski/Snowboard-join the Allegan Independent Ski Club for 2014-2015 ski season. The club card is $15.00 for both student and adult. This card gets you discounted ski lift and rental rates. Please make checks payable to Bittersweet Ski Resort. You may pick up your application forms from the main office or go to web page parent links. Drop off your signed paid application to Vanessa Sagodic/Allegan Independent Sponsor at L.E. White Middle School. Timber Ridge Ski Club 2014-15 pay-as-you-go student and adult information and forms are available in the main office. Questions please call Mindy Sturman at 269-806-8501. The APS Fieldhouse, behind the middle school, is now open to the community for walkers, joggers, during the following hours: 6:00-7:30 A.M. and 5:30-7:30 P.M. (Monday-Friday). Students can purchase student tickets PRIOR to any athletic event for just $1.00. Students need to purchase these tickets before school, during lunch, or after school until 4 P.M. NO TICKETS WILL BE SOLD AFTER 4 P.M. For this week student leaders is collecting any new or gently used hats, gloves, scarfs, mittens, and coats. There is a box in the library if you would like to donate. Monday, November 10 and Tuesday, November 11 from 3-5 P.M. Allegan District Library needs help with clean-up inside the library. Carry boxes, etc. Sign-up in the Media Center Today. The Allegan Tiger Tales Committee is proud to announce its seventeenth Annual Tiger Tales Literary Competition. Students in grades 9-12 are encouraged to submit entries in the following categories: short story, poetry, formal essay, personal narrative, and cover design. The contest opens Monday, November 3, 2014; it closes Tuesday, March 3, 2015. Students should see their English teachers for additional information. Tickets are now available for advance purchase for Shrek the musical. Adults are $9 and all youth are $7. Freshmen did receive a $1 off coupon at the beginning of the year so if you can still find it, please use it. Show dates are Nov. 13-15 with all shows at 7:00 P.M. See a cast member or the main office to get yours today! Tiger Links please sign up for the Pizza Hut fundraiser outside room 629. Right now we have only two workers. Cell Phones- the media center is collecting cell phones. Please bring in your unused cell phones to the media center. Collection is on-going, so bring them in anytime. Attention students: If you have a vacation or time that you need to take off and you will be absent for 3 or more days, you need to pick up a Prearranged Absence Form in the Attendance Office. This form has to be signed by your parent/guardian and initialed by all your teachers. Once the form has been filled out you can return it to the Attendance Office. This form helps not only your teachers to know that you will be gone, but the Attendance Office. Also be aware that it is your responsibility to get your work from your teachers for your absence, it will not be requested for you. Please see Mr. Orr or Mrs. Lang if you have any questions. Community Service at the First Congregational Church in Allegan on Thursdays. Show up at 4 P.M. to help prepare and serve dinners. Questions, call Fran Brown at 269-673-3307. Get Ready for College-College Representative Visits to AHS-sign-up in the Guidance Office Tues., 11/11, Central Michigan University @ 10:15 Wed., 11/12, Lake Superior State University @10:15 Fri., 11/14, Spring Arbor University @1:30 Mon., 11/17, Kalamazoo Valley Community College @9:15 Tues., 11/18 Ohio Tech for a lunchroom visit. College Information Sessions/Open Houses Visit GVSU, Laker Prospectives Day, Sat., 11/15, Lawrence Technological University “Blue Devil Days,” Sat., 12/6, register at Saginaw Valley State University Open Houses, Saturdays, 1/24, 3/21, register at Summer 2015 Programs Oxbridge academic summer programs in England, France, Spain, New York, Sophomores: interested in an academic 6-week FREE summer program, seeking highly motivated students, Washington University in St. Louis, high school summer experiences, The American Academy of Dramatic Art, a serious summer acting experience, Apprenticeship Opportunity Interested in being an electrical apprentice? Complete high school and apply to be an apprentice and learn a trade while getting paid. Go to Community Service- It must be for a non-profit organizations…check with your counselor for approval. The documentation form is in the guidance office. Wings of Hope Hospice, needs help with yard work, contact Courtney Deater at 6868659. Scholarships Due Soon: Elks Michigan Gold Key Scholarship, (due 12/1) Elks Most Valuable Student Scholarship, (due 12/5) Michigan Student Broadcast Awards, (due 12/16) NFIB Young Entrepreneur Award, (due 12/18) Scholarships National Co-op Scholarship Program, (2/15/15) Ronald McDonald House Charities US Scholar Program,, (due 1/20/15) Elks Legacy Scholarship, (due 1/13/15) University Club of Grand Rapids Scholarship (due 2/20/15) Elks Technical/Certificate Scholarship, applications in Guidance Office (due 3/27/15) Aspiring Fashion professional Scholarship, (due 6/1/15) Aspiring Animation Professional Scholarship, (6/1/15) The American Academy of Dramatic Arts, Auditions & Scholarships,
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