Page |1 "THE REVEALER" VOLUME: 36 / NUMBER: 5 May 2015 ALL SAINTS LUTHERAN CHURCH – ELCA Rev. Jas A. Mortenson, Pastor 9131 South Howell Avenue Oak Creek, Wisconsin 53154-4425 Phone (414) 762-5111 We, a diverse Christian family, faithful in word and sacrament strive to share in God’s unconditional love through prayer, worship and outreach. Weekly Worship at All Saints Saturday: Sunday: 5:00pm Liturgy I (White Book) 8:45am Sunday School 9:00am Pericope 10:00am ELW Setting 8 Wednesday: 7:00pm Liturgy II (White Book) Church Office Hours Kayla: Monday-Wednesday 8:30-1:30 Thursday 11:00-4:00 All Saints ELCA Do you have an address, phone number or status change? Please contact the church office to report any changes for the records. This helps insure our files stay current. THANK YOU Page |2 Comment Article- “Less than one year and counting…” Yeah, ok I am old…that goes without saying. I remember when the 25th Anniversary was approaching. (lol) Heck, I remember when the 12th Anniversary was approaching… The LCA at that time of our 25th Anniversary offered a crash course on “Church Celebrations.” Jim and Ellen Votaw and myself attended. I think it was in Decorah, Iowa...Jimmy drove. Jim was president, at that time. I remember the 40th Anniversary, the most recent one which we celebrated. And now, well now - we are less than a year away from our 50th Anniversary. How fast those years seem to fly. The years they are moving more quickly at this point… We have an Anniversary Committee that has met and is meeting. We have some ideas. We have a hall rented for a fancy-sit-down dinner at the Oak Creek Community Center. We have an Anniversary Quilt made by our very own Judy Salchow. And we will be sharing more and more information as the time draws closer…tick…tick…tick. I want you to know who is on this committee…that’s important. Patti Holzman is a charter member…and she is on it. Barb Schrubey our treasurer is on the committee. Also on the committee is Lori Rathmann, Sandy Montague, Dick Kahle, Lynn Friedman and myself. We have a good group. You know we are looking for any pictures that you might have from the last fifty years. I would make sure it was a copy rather than the original. We will be honored and glad to receive anything at all. C’mon, help us out! We still have two more scheduled bake sales for this year ahead of us. One, Mother’s Day weekend and the next one on Rally Day weekend… We hope you will consider doing what you can…baking…buying…pricing…selling, etc. We want it to be a fun event and a fun year. We even want our Christmas tree in 2016 to be all gold… April 10th, 2016 is Golden! Remember the date…and save the date…we are giving you notice…well in advance! See You in Worship! Pr. Mortenson Adult Bible Study AEO - Adult Educational Opportunity! Yep it’s happening again…another study…another four weeks blocked out on the calendar. Classes will meet for two hours: from noon to two p.m. Bring a snack. Bring your friends. This class is on Mark’s Gospel-the Gospel of the year for 2015. This will be an exciting study. You don’t have to know anything or read anything…just be open and come. No one is ever pressured to read or to answer questions. We will eat our way through Mark. The dates are: May 5-12-19 and 26. All classes will meet on Tuesdays. At classes end you will have a better understanding of Mark’s gospel and will probably listen more intently to the Gospel as it is proclaimed for the rest of 2015. It is always a good time. All you have to do is show up! Page |3 The Day of Pentecost Pentecost is significant in both the Hebrew Bible and in the Early Christian Writings. “Pentecost” is actually the Greek name for a festival known in the Hebrew Bible as the Feast of Weeks (Leviticus 23:15;Deuteronomy 16:9). The Greek word means “fifty” and refers to the fifty days that have elapsed since the wave offering of Passover. The Feast of Weeks celebrated the end of the grain harvest. Most interesting, however, is its use in Joel and Acts. Looking back to Joel’s prophecy (Joel 2:8–32) and forward to the promise of the Holy Spirit in Christ’s last words on earth before His ascension into heaven (Acts 1:8), Pentecost signals the beginning of the church age. The only biblical reference to the actual events of Pentecost is to be found in Acts 2:1–3. Pentecost is reminiscent of the Last Supper; in both instances the disciples are together in a house for what proves to be an important event. At the Last Supper the disciples witness the end of the Messiah’s earthly ministry as He asks them to remember Him after His death until He returns. At Pentecost, the disciples witness the birth of the early church in the coming of the Holy Spirit to indwell all believers. Thus the scene of the disciples in a room at Pentecost links the commencement of the Holy Spirit’s work in the church with the conclusion of Christ’s earthly ministry in the upper room before the crucifixion. The description of fire and wind mentioned in the Pentecost account resounds throughout the Hebrew Bible and the Early Christian Writings. The sound of the wind at Pentecost was “rushing” and “mighty.” Scriptural references to the power of wind (always understood to be under God’s control) abound. Exodus 10:13;Psalm 18:42 and Isaiah 11:15 in the Hebrew Bible and Matthew 14:23–32in the New Testament are only a few examples. More significant than wind as power is wind as life in the Hebrew Bible (Job 12:10) and as spirit in the New (John 3:8). Just as the first Adam received the breath of physical life (Genesis 2:7), so the second Adam, Jesus, brings the breath of spiritual life. The idea of spiritual life as generated by the Holy Spirit is certainly implicit in the sound of the wind at Pentecost. Fire is often associated in the Hebrew Bible with the presence of God (Exodus 3:2;13:21– 22;24:17;Isaiah 10:17) and with His holiness (Psalm 97:3;Malachi 3:2). Likewise, in the Early Christian Writings, fire is associated with the presence of God (Hebrews 12:29) and the purification He can bring about in human life (Revelation 3:18). God’s presence and holiness are implied in the Pentecostal tongues of fire. Indeed, fire is identified with Christ Himself (Revelation 1:14;19:12); this association naturally underlies the Pentecost gift of the Holy Spirit, who would teach the disciples the things of Christ (John 16:14). Another aspect of the Day of Pentecost is the miraculous speaking in foreign tongues which enabled people from various language groups to understand the message of the apostles. In addition is the bold and incisive preaching of Peter to a Jewish audience. The effect of the sermon was powerful, as listeners were “cut to the heart” (Acts 2:37) and instructed by Peter to “repent, and be baptized” (Acts 2:38). The narrative concludes with three thousand souls being added to the fellowship, the breaking of bread and prayers, apostolic signs and wonders, and a community in which everyone’s needs were met. Pentecost is the birthday of the Christian church. We, at All Saints have always celebrated First Communion on this date! We welcome a new group of “communicant members” to the altar! It is always a celebration! Page |4 Did you know?? Which book comes before the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament? Which book comes after the Gospel of Mark in the New Testament? How many chapters does the Gospel of Mark have? Which is the first verse in the Gospel of Mark? Who was Mark's cousin? Who gets baptized in the first chapter of the Gospel of Mark? How many days did Jesus spend in the wilderness? Which tree did Jesus curse? What is the important theme present in the Gospel of Mark? Who appeared during the Transfiguration of Jesus? How many mites did the widow woman give to the treasury? Where did Jesus pray before he was betrayed? Which parable is written in the Gospel of Mark? How did Jesus cast out the demons according to the scribes? (Sorry there are no answers-but there is a class on the Gospel of Mark offered at All Saints every Tuesday in May from noon to 2 p.m.) There will be a lot of answers to be learned there…and every one is welcome to attend! Financial: Improved Financials at the Holidays Our financials for March look much better than our financials for February. This is driven by increased giving during the Lenten season and having an extra Sunday in March. The challenge for the church is that our expenses are consistent from month to month. Those that donate extra during Lent your generosity is greatly appreciated, and those church members that join us for worship during the holidays and remember to donate thank you. I would encourage you to join us more often during our normal worships and to become regular givers to the church. I encourage you to take the time to reflect and pray on how you can be consistent in your giving to the church, or determine if you have it in your means to increase your giving. Sincerely, Sean P. Kingston, Finance Chair MONTH YTD - ACTUAL YTD - BUDGET % VARIANCE 2015 BUDGET Total Current Income Designated for Expenses $ 22,831.42 $ 55,152.71 $ 55,716.25 99% $222,865.00 Total Current Expenses $ 16,096.01 $ 55,385.80 $ 55,701.25 99% $222,805.00 $ $ $ CURRENT INCOME/EXPENSE SUMMARY GAIN / (LOSS) 6,735.41 (233.09) 15.00 $ St. Emma writes: The best thing about being an older dog is that you can meander forever and take your time and soak in all of the smells of the day! 60.00 Page |5 From the President “God does not call the equipped, He equips the called” Do you hear that? You’re being “called”… The National Association of Letter Carriers “Stamp Out Hunger” food drive is on Saturday, May 9th. Many hands are needed at All Saints to receive all the donations, many eyes are needed to review expiration dates and many strong arms and backs are needed to carry the bins of food to the Food Pantry or storage areas. Mother’s Day is May 10th. Bring Mom, Grandmother, Great Grandmother and Great Great Grandmother to liturgy and fellowship. There will also be a 50th Anniversary bake sale that day. The Spring Cleanup is on Saturday, May 16th. Please stop by the church and help us get the building and grounds ready for summer. There will be a spring flower sale on Sunday, May 17th. Come get the flowers for your garden. There will be a special liturgy for Memorial Day on Sunday, May 24th. First communion will also be held on this day. Be sure to come and participate in the experience. I’m sure we will also need volunteers for lawn mowing this month. A big thank you to Ken and Patricia Horswill for the tractor donation!! We once again have a second tractor, which will be a huge time saver in mowing.. Even though there are a bunch of things going on in May, please don’t forget about Committee Night, May 11th at 6:30 p.m. Several committees need more members. Please consider joining a committee, sharing your gifts and talents to benefit All Saints and others in our community. Consider yourself called. God’s blessings to you, Jeff Don’t know what to buy mom for Mother’s Day? Why not surprise her with freshly baked goodies from the 50th Anniversary Bake Sale being held Saturday May 9th and Sunday May 10th (before and after service) Also, we will have beautiful gift wrapped cookbooks for only $5! Any bakers willing to bake need to have their baked goods at church by 6 pm Saturday night. Huge thanks to all of you who continue to support our bake sales by baking, buying, and helping out with the sale and clean up. We could not do it without your help! Committee Night- Monday May 11th at 6:30 Christian Education, Evangelism, Finance, Stewardship, Property, Youth, World Concerns, Worship & Music Page |6 Youth Ministry Parents Night Out: We enjoyed pizza, crafts and a movie together. Thank you to all who participated and helped! Easter Breakfast: Happy times! With good food and great company, our Easter breakfast brought smiles and warmth to many faces and hearts. Thank you to all who helped with donating food, cooking, cleaning, and serving. It couldn't happen without all of your help! College Care Packages: Each All Saints college-going member has received a care package to help them get through finals week and remind them their All Saints family is rooting for them. Your time and donations made a difference! Thank you!" Brewer Game: Let's get out and have some fun together cheering for the Crew. Mark your calendars for Sunday, May 31st. Plans are in the works to carpool to Miller Park for the 1:10 game against the Diamondbacks. We will eat lunch in the stands as we watch. Please respond if you are interested in helping us plan, chaperoning, or joining us. As more firm plans are made there will be a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. If you would like to help plan, please e-mail Leslie at the address below :) Hunger Task Force: Attention High School and college students! Would you like to volunteer in the Oak Creek community? We are looking to gather 10 people (16 years and older) to attend a 2-3 hour planting/prepping opportunity at The Farm in Franklin in June. If you are interested, please e-mail Leslie at the address below or sign up on the bulletin board. Please include the day of the week and if morning, afternoon or evening is best for you Calling all 2015 high school and college graduates. Please contact the office to let us know if you or your child will be graduating this spring. We are looking forward to Celebrating Graduates at liturgy on Sunday, June 7th and would like to include them in our prayers, announcements, bulletin, and, of course, have them present." Service: 1. May 9th - Postal Food Drive 2. May 16th - Spring Clean up Leslie Derks Youth Ministry Committee chair [email protected] 414-217-3919 First Communion Classes First Communion Classes are scheduled for May 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd at 11:00 until noon. The First Communion liturgy will be held on Pentecost Sunday, May 24th at 10:00 A.M. A parent (or legal guardian) must be present for all four classes with their student. For your knowledge: First Communion Classes are taught twice each year, once in Spring of the year and once in Fall of the year. Our classes are scheduled around the liturgical celebrations of Pentecost and All Saint’s Day. The classes are four weeks in length. We ask that children be 7 years of age or older to be in the class. We further ask that parents contact the Church Office to hold a place in the class. Remember for this Spring Class, First Communion will be celebrated on May 24th at 10:00 A.M. Page |7 Jr Youth May Outing May 9th is the Postal Service Food Drive. All Saints is fortunate because we will receive much needed food for our food pantry. We need your help! May 9th from 2pm – 5pm we will help unload trucks, check expiration dates, & sort food. Any assistance that you can provide is appreciated and welcome. Snacks & Drinks will be provided. Any parents that would like to stay and help would be AWESOME as well. Any questions please contact: Lori Rathmann ([email protected]) or Leslie Derks ([email protected]) Christian Education This April the Sunday School Children are being asked to help replenish the All Saints Food Pantry. Our hope is to collect 1000 canned food items. With the help of all the Saints at All Saints we can do as Jesus taught us. Feed the less fortunate. If you forget to bring a canned food item, you can contribute by purchasing a paper brick, with your name on it, to be displayed in the church this month. On May 3rd the Sunday School Kids will be sponsoring fellowship. Please join us. Attention seven year olds and or second graders; First Communion classes will be held on Saturdays starting May 2nd thru the 23rd. First Communion on Sunday the 24th of May. Please sign up! Page |8 You’ve been flocked – Trees for Home All Saints Lutheran Church We will be selling “Flock a Family” tickets that you can pay $20.00 to have a family flocked anonymously. This will require a team to collect and drop off the flamingos, if you would like to join this team please contact Kayla at 262-689-8728. Once they are planted in the yard the family simply calls said number and says “remove flock” and it moves onto the next family. They do not need to be church members to get flocked. But it will get All Saints name out there and we will leave a note with our information and liturgy times and explain that by them being flocked is raising money to help support Trees for Home. Sunday School Children will be able to buy for $1.00 a cut out flamingo to put their name on and hang on the office door and surrounding areas. For every 20 flamingos purchased they get to Flock a council member, PJ, teacher or helpers home of their choice. This will run Sunday May 3rd to the last Sunday May 31st A piece of home when home is far away. That is our mission: We send a piece of the holidays to service men and women who are far from home. While it may not seem like much, these tiny decorated trees are a reminder that our troops are appreciated and not overlooked. We fulfill our mission with the help of many individuals and companies who donate funds for the purchase of supplies and volunteer their time to decorate, individually pack, and deliver each and every tree for shipment. These volunteers brighten the holidays for our heroes. We have no paid staff and are a 501(c)3 charitable organization. Each $20 donation provides a member of our military a fully decorated 12-inch artificial Christmas tree and handmade tree skirt. Also included is a Christmas card with the name of the Trees From Home donor and tree decorator, Christmas candy, toothbrush and paste and other goodies including Christmas cards for sending home. All this is boxed and shipped to our troops serving overseas in time for Christmas for only $20. Page |9 Let’s Can Hunger THANK YOU Thank you to everyone who helped fill up our cart each week, every item helps. Thank you to everyone who purchased bricks these will be on display on the food pantry door for the month of May and gift cards to woodman’s will be purchased and saved for a need for the food pantry. Bless your giving hearts Joy House Easter Baskets THANK YOU 69 Easter Baskets were delivered to the Joy House part of the Milwaukee Rescue Mission. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped assemble. Hey gang, Dave from Stewardship here! So Easter has come and gone, and we start our march towards summer. Easter for us was different this year. For the first time in oh about 5 years we weren’t here working the Easter breakfast. Jodi, Bethany, and I were down in Florida celebrating Easter with Jodi’s parents in The Villages. We went with them Easter morning to the Church they go to when down in Florida. Think mega church, so big that the Sheriff’s Department provides traffic control for the three services they have each Sunday! This church is huge, with two Pastor’s, several video screens, a large choir, bell ringers and the like. As I was sitting there I was thinking about good old little All Saint’s. I like the, oh I guess intimacy that we have here. I’m really terrible with names, but I remember faces a lot better. We here at All Saint’s “know” when someone is missing. We share with each other the moments that make up our lives like a family does. It sometimes feels like a warm and soft blanket you wrap around yourself on a bitter cold winters night, it comforts you. It is comforting to know that there are people who notice when you aren’t there. I guess maybe that is why we chose not to find a mega church for ourselves? To me they feel artificial, plastic like? I suppose those types of Congregations appeal to a lot of people, or they wouldn’t exist. At any rate, on Easter Sunday on a warm Florida morning, we three sat on the soft cushions in our pew, and we missed our little family at All Saint’s. David Heine, Chair Stewardship As always, come sway with us for the sending hymn, Cooper likes the company! P a g e | 10 Property- Nice and Clean Hopefully you have noticed how nice the floors in the fellowship hall look and how clean the carpets look. Thanks very much to Dick Kahle’s brother, Jim, for his hard work stripping and waxing the floors and shampooing the carpets. He did a great job and charged us a very fair price. Also thanks to all that helped in moving tables, chairs and other furniture so the work could get done. Just a reminder the ‘Spring Clean-Up’ for the Church grounds is scheduled on May 16th from 9:00 AM till 1:00 PM with lunch being served. I will be looking for help with trimming shrubs, pruning trees, spreading mulch, cutting grass, picking up garbage and planting flowers. It is a great time to be outside with others from the congregation and make All Saints shine. I will be posting sign-up sheets in the coming week. Hope to see you there. Feel free to call me directly at 262-391-1436 or e-mail me at [email protected] if you think you can help. I look forward to working with you in keeping the church building and property in top notch condition. Sincerely, Donald A. Olsen, Property Chair Evangelism Committee I copied this and thought there is a great message. Often the smaller church exists in areas where there is a strong emphasis upon community. Rural communities pride themselves in their demonstration of mutual concern and care for one another. Farmers assist other farmers in harvest; people give generously to those going through a crisis; businesses are supported faithfully because they are "locals" even though the prices are not competitive. That which strengthens this sense of community is welcomed; that which threatens it is fiercely opposed. For the church to be effective in outreach, it needs to become part of the community, and be a center for fostering a spirit of community within the region. Being a good neighbor is the springboard for evangelistic efforts (John 13:35). Having a bake sale for a family going through a medical or financial crisis not only is a testimony to that family, but to the whole community. We need to do the same. I am trying to get groups together to play baseball or volleyball with other churches or organizations. We are also trying to get a group together for a Brewers Game on May 31, 2015 right after Liturgy. See the bulletin board for sign up. Also going to try and get a float or something in the 4 th of July Parade. If you have any ideas or a creative side, come join us on committee night and get involved. This is your church too. See you there. We have several new members and their pictures will be posted shortly. Revealer Articles are due on Wednesday May 13th by Noon. Thank you P a g e | 11 Worship and Music First of all, thank you to all who supported our Holy Week worship. I appreciate everyone who helped with changing paraments, decorating, helping with processionals, handling the donkey, signed up and helped with liturgies, ordered flowers, had your feet washed, stripped the altar, helped carry things back in and attended worship. It takes many hands to make our liturgies happen and it could not have happened without the help of each person. Always remember, any contribution makes the final product greater. Special thanks to Carolyn, Mary, Margaret, Rita, Diane, Dale, Carol and Betty for their help with all the changes and the flowers, to those who helped with altar guild, especially committee members, Dawn, Patty, Jody, Judy and Samm, to the choir and special music performers Marie, Brooke, Ben and Julia, to Brian for helping with the donkey, to Derk and Scott for helping with carrying and decorations, to Brandon for trumpeting, to the whole Kawczynski family for helping with decorations and to Kayla and P.J. for taking my calls and pulling worship together. Things went better than expected due to your help. Please continue to ponder the sacrifice of Christ and the miracle of his resurrection as we go through the remaining weeks of Easter. Our committee will be having a Spring Plant Sale on Sunday May 17th from 9 a.m. to noon. Plants will again be coming from C.J.’s in Caledonia and all proceeds will go to the general fund of the church. This is the week prior to Memorial Day so a perfect opportunity to do your plant shopping! In years past, we have celebrated the Day of Pentecost and Memorial Day in separate liturgies. This year, they fall on the same weekend. We will be having our Pentecost liturgies the week of May 23rd through Wednesday, May 27th. We celebrate the Holy Spirit coming down and the breaking of all language barriers. When I look at the news, I constantly see people I cannot understand. I do not know what would motivate someone to do so much harm. At Pentecost, let us pray for understanding, not to understand evil, but for the willingness to share God’s love with those who do it so that their hearts might turn from it. During the week, we will also have flags outside the church and on Sunday, May 24th, we will have flags in the Narthex and Taps played at the end of liturgy to honor those who have died for our freedom. Worship and Music will provide special flowers for the week rather than selling flowers for Memorial Day. The Holy Trinity is celebrated the week following Pentecost. God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, three in one, make it possible for God to be in heaven yet to have taken human form to be our atonement for sin and still to remain with us. This should be the great comfort to all Christians and understanding is key to our faith. We are planning to have outdoor liturgies again this year on Saturday, July 18th and Sunday, July 19th. Worship and Music will be providing fellowship after worship. If you would like to help, please come to our next meeting. Also, if you can help set up, please be at church an hour prior to worship. Thank you again to all who have and continue to help! You make our worship happen! Shiela Schwarz Please call the church office to enroll your son or daughter in First Communion Classes…they must be seven years of age or older…to attend. P a g e | 12 St. Emma writes… There is something about Easter Breakfast and all those sausages that makes it all worthwhile! You gotta love my church family for taking care of me all of these years! You guys are the best! World Concerns Saturday, May 9th is the date of our postal food drive. It is a major source of food for our food pantry. We need your help in sorting the food as it arrives on the postal trucks. If you have even an hour between 2pm and 5pm on Saturday, May 9th, please help us sort food at church. We will have sandwiches and snacks, as well as good conversation, as we work. This is, also, a great opportunity for our youth to cover some of those service hours for confirmation. Hope to see you there. Helen Haworth, World Concerns Chair Swap & Helping Hands Board Are you looking for a used item of some kind or have something that is too good to toss and would like to pass on to someone else? Or, do you have a need for some helping hands or would like to offer your services if needed??? Give me your “Needs” and/or “Give aways” and it will be listed in the “Revealer” every month. Do not call the church office. I, Margaret Coonan, will be organizing these services. No monies will be exchanged. I can be reached at 414-764-3197. Give Away: Computer desk Needed: Highchair, vacuum cleaner Sweet Sunday Quilters We have had a good beginning. The ladies have 5 quilts finished already. We also have about 9 ready to turn and tie. About 10 waiting to layer with batting. Our dates for May are as follows : May 6th at 1:30 , and May 20th at 1:30. Both times at my house. There are about six or seven ladies who have been working together to make the world a more comfortable and warmer place. Please join us in this effort even if you have no sewing skills. We have jobs anyone can do. Thank you for your support in our efforts. At this time we are not accepting any more fabric donations, my basement is exploding!! See you inMay. Sincerely, Judy Salchow 8366 S. Howell Ave. Oak Creek 414-762-4952 [email protected] St Emma Comments: At the condo where I reside, they now call me “Grandma” – and I don’t mind it at all. There are worse things to be called…and I kind of see it as a badge of honor…does this mean I can now say, whatever I want? P a g e | 13 Mother’s Day We are trying not to make this too hard on anyone…and yet we are trying to keep the date before you! Yep, another bake sale is scheduled for Mother’s Day weekend – May 9-10th. All the proceeds will go to 50th Anniversary Fund. The good news is that the hall is paid for. But there will be a lot more expenses involved with this year long event. So any and all bakers will be appreciated! All buyers will be appreciated, too! And don’t forget the cook books have been wrapped and readied to be given away as presents at a cost of $5.00 each. We appreciate all that you do! Thank you so much! Envelopes: Just a remiinder to please not us Memorial, Endowment, or any other “special” envelopes for your weekly general giving. The money counters are not mind readers and if people continue to use the MEMORIAL or ENDOWMENT fund envelopes for their general giving, these envelopes will be recorded on your giving statements as such. There are GENERAL giving envelopes located in various spots at the back of the church. All the “Special” (Memorial, Endowment, Etc.) envelopes are located on the bulletin board of the fellowship hall. Thanks….. Gift Card Update: Through March we’ve made almost $1,900.00 in gift card profit for our church. Please use gift cards when you can (for groceries, gas in your car, going out to eat, etc.) We have cards for pretty much ALL the shops/restaurants located near the church. Also, Mother’s Day is right around the corner. Why not give your mom a gift card to Bath & Body works, Macy’s, or take her out to eat using a gift card for Carrabba’s, cheesecake factory, or Buca Di Beppo. We have a wide variety of all these gift cards (and more) available in our inventory. Each time you use a gift card, All Saints receives a percentage of the card, And, as you can see, it all adds up. Thanks If you are interested in ordering gift cards using your computer, go to and set up your account. It’s really easy and it’s a very secure site, (because you do have to enroll using your credit card or banking information). And – you can even start re-loading your gift cards- SO CHECK IT OUT. P a g e | 14 Fifth Sunday in Easter 5-3 Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:25-31 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 Sixth Sunday in Easter 5-10 Acts 10:44-48 Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 Day of Pentecost 5-24 Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:22-27 John 15:26-27, 16:4b-15 Holy Trinity 5-31 Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 6-14 Ezekiel 17:22-24 Psalm 92:1-4, 12-15 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 [11-13] 14-17 Mark 4:26-34 4th Sunday after Pentecost 6-21 Job 38:1-11 Psalm 107:1-3, 23-32 2 Corinthians 6:1-13 Mark 4:35-41 Seventh Sunday in Easter 5-17 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Psalm 1 1 John 5:9-13 John 17:6-19 Second Sunday after Pentecost 6-7 Genesis3:8-15 Psalm 130 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1 Mark 3:20-35 5th Sunday after Pentecost 6-28 Lamentations 3:22-33 Psalm 30 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 Mark 5:21-43 Serve the Lord with gladness! Come into his presence with singing! ~ Psalm 100:2 The donation’s folder is posted in the blue folder on the Bulletin Board. Select your dates for those special occasions or people in your lives and follow the instructions on the inside front cover. Remember, by donating Altar Flowers, Sanctuary Candles and Bulletins you help the church budget and it is a great way to remember those special people and dates in your life. I kindly ask when you sign up you please PRINT. Thank you Donations: Date Candle Flowers Flowers Bulletins Memorial Candle Honor May 2 to 6 Frechette Open Open Open St.Germaine May 9 to 13 Lang Open Buttke Open Heine May 16 to 20 Hughes Open Open Open Hochevar May 23 to 27 Woship and Music Bauman Meyer St.Germaine May 30 to June 3 St.Louis Open Open Open Wood June 6 to 10 Open Open Open Open Open P a g e | 15 Senior Get-Together Date: Thursday, May 28th Time: 1:00 P.M. What to bring: All things red, white & Blue. The Plan: The plan is to grill out so please pray for good weather on this day! We will provide the meats… YOU: Provide the “go-withs” … remember our theme is Red, White, Blue and Bingo… so keep that in mind… All seniors are welcome and we want you to join us, it is fun and a very good time!” You can never tell what is going to go on!!! Remember – what happens at All Saints – stays at All Saints! (Just like Vegas, baby!!!) We will provide the stuff for grilling, the Senior’s will be bringing in all “the go with stuff.” You want chips…bring ‘em in. You want dessert…bring it in. You want potato salad or pickles … bring it in. Then, after we eat, laugh, joke around and have good table conversation it will be time to get serious and to get down to the serious work of playing BINGO. Barb is going to be making up the games…so…don’t expect anything easy! Barb will come with at least four creative games of BINGO, and of course, there will be prizes. This is “that opportunity” to try out “that new recipe.” Be creative. Have fun. There will be a sign up sheet so that you can put on there what you will be bringing…so that “others” can see it…or get an idea! What can you do with red, white Blue and bingo? It should be fun…come and join us! As always, it will be fun and a hoot…plan on joining us…we want you with us, It will be fun…come and join us! Sr. Scavenger/Treasure Hunt! You should have seen them going? Team number one was flying from point A to point B. Team two, took their time. You should have heard the conversation: “Where’s the biggest table?” “Who knows where the wine is kept?” “What do you mean they lock it?” “Who’s got the key?” “Narthex what’s a narthex?” “The original sacristy – you’ve got to be kidding me!” “How would I know where they count money?” “How many safe’s does this place have?” “Can we sit back down, now?” “I want to sit.” “Who made up this game?” “Which bathroom are we supposed to look into?” “I’m not going into the men’s room!” “It’s not in here, I tell you!” They came, they saw, they conquered and a good time was had by all. As usual the food was phenomenal. Barb had cute decorations planned. Conversation as always was fun and enlightening. It is such a good time, just being together. As usual the number one question of the day was “When do we meet again” and “What are we going to do?” And, “What can we bring.” If you missed it, you missed it, please consider joining us for the next Sr. Get-Together! P a g e | 16 P a g e | 17 Dear All Saints Lutheran Church, Thank you for your recent gift of $683.13 to Ebola Outbreak Response. Gifts like yours make it possible for our church to continue its effective and efficient response to disasters. Your support helps families and communities get back on their feet again after they have been harmed. Your gifts also provide resources for preparedness and risk reduction programs. In Christ’s service, The Rev, Daniel Rift Evangelical Lutheran Church in America Thank you for your generous donation. It will go to good use and helps out in so many ways. Congregation of the Great Spirit Cook Books All Saints Cook Books are for sale at the church, Please check out the display next to the cards. The Cook Books are $5.00 and as a bonus they come wrapped in assorted options. Please help us sell our inventory and help raise funds for the 50th Anniversary Celebration next year. Numbers you should have at hand: Rev. Jas A. Mortenson (PJ) Private Line 762-6101 Cell: 414-276-2788 Email: [email protected] Administrative Assistant, Kayla Lang 414-762-5111 Email: [email protected] Church Officers: Council President Vice President Church Treasurer Church Historian Jeff Sageser 414-702-0198 Email: [email protected] Don Olsen 262-391-1436 Council Secretary Jennifer St.Germaine 414-345-7877 Barb Schrubey 414-421-4134 Church Statistician Kayla Lang 414-762-5111 Muriel Mulligan 414-764-6709 Committee Structure: Education Rosario Rickey Finance Sean Kingston Stewardship David Heine Worship/Music Shiela Schwarz Jr.Youth Jennifer St.Germaine Church Pianist Kinga Vnuk Choir Director Kinga Vnuk 414-304-1934 262-385-2383 414-852-2133 414-764-5073 414-345-7877 414-483-3144 414-483-3411 All Saints ELCA Evangelism Property World Concerns Youth SCS Superintendent Church Pianist Church Custodian Brian Rathmann Don Olsen Helen Haworth Leslie Derks Dena Olsen Peggy Rudolph Lisle Paul Salewski Web Page: 414-764-9771 262-391-1436 414-762-3733 414-217-3919 414-762-5421 414-769-9125 P a g e | 18 5-1 Addyson Borchardt, Austin Paisar, Judy Wolter 5-3 Abigail Beran, Nathaniel Coffman, John Montague, Ellen Votaw 5-5 Seth Derks, Andrew Larson 5-6 Sam Haworth, Samuel Heine, Jim Kubusek, Travis Paisar 5-7 Tom Grudzielanek 5-8 Mary Jo Meier, Annie Polster, Hannah Weigel 5-9 Sara Jolitz 5-10 Sydney Kingston 5-13 Maia Scurry 5-15 Karen Bishop, Bob Desmarais, Matthew Gilbertson, Amanda Salewski 5-16 Bradly Greish, Ryan Serfort 5-17 Pat Bruss Horswill, Riley Grudzielanek 5-18 Evan Dittmar, Ronald Rickey 5-19 Marge Hewitt, Jeff Serfort 5-20 Josh Oettiker, Don Olsen 5-21 Alek Belmas, John Hochevar, Matt Larson, Jen Seagren 5-22 Richard Gorecki 5-26 Carson Beran 5-27 Phil Haerle, Brent Mason, Keith Saylor 5-28 Angelina Hidri, Emily Ruka 5-29 Karen Martindale 5-30 Debbie Krajnak, Clare Thein 5-31 Miranda Krasinski 4-10-2016 Save the Date 50th Anniversary Celebration 5-1 Nichole & Jeremie Bohn 5-4 Evan & Cassidy Berns 5-4 Bill & Phyllis Runningen 5-5 Cody and Shawna Beran 5-13 Bruce & Marie Venne 5-18 Rick & Gina Wettengel 5-19 Karen & Warren Bishop 5-19 Tim & Tracey Halvorson 5-19 Jeff & Marcia Serfort 5-20 Debbie & Mark Maley 5-20 Gary & Kim Meddaugh 5-24 Kenneth & Flo Dittmar 5-25 Kevin & Kayla Lang 5-25 Ryan & Samira Serfort 5-25 James & Jennifer St.Germaine 5-28 Glen & Janet Mittelstadt 5-28 David & Cheryl Thrune 5-29 Mr & Mrs. Karen Salewski 5-30 Sean & Stacey Kingston 5-31 Mike & Diane Seegert Changes in Service Schedule, Please contact the church office at 414-762-5111 or [email protected] & Dena at 414-520-4141 Call/Text or [email protected] This helps ensure we have coverage for Liturgies. Thank you P a g e | 19 Paula Allmann Paula is doing well and making progress after getting her new lungs. We would like to thank everyone for their prayers. We definitely believe in the power of prayer as God has blessed us with this miracle for Paula. Some of Paula's friends have put together a fundraiser taking place at Culvers north of the church on Howell on May 16th. Attached a voucher needed to be presented when someone wants to help Paula's recovery. Thank you for your support. P a g e | 20
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