sundaybulletin-07June2015 - Alta Vista Baptist Church

Pastor Jim Drennan
June 07, 2015
(Please Print)
Date ___________________
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 I’m committing my life to Christ
 I would like to talk with someone
about how to grow in my faith
 I would like to be baptized
 Please enroll me in the next class:
 Baptism Class  Membership
 I’d like to get connected/volunteer
I would like information about:
 Small Groups
 Women’s Ministry
 Young Adults
 Youth Ministry
 Children’s Ministry
 JOY (Just Older Youth 55+)
If we can help, please complete this
‘Connection Card’ and place in the
offering plate or hand to an usher.
In the Footsteps of Faith: Rahab and Hannah
Joshua 2; 1 Samuel 1
2 Short Stories:
1. Rahab: ‘Knowing’ isn’t Enough!
● Backstory
● Joshua 2:1-24; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25
b. Her faith example
● A stunning confession!
c. Her legacy
Alta Vista Baptist Church
Exalting Christ and Loving People
2. Hannah: A Faithful Mother!
● Backstory
● 1 Samuel 1
b. Her faith example
● Persevered through pain.
Alta Vista Baptist Church
● Prayer!
Exalting Christ and Loving Pe
● Her costly commitment.
c. Her legacy
● Samuel!
James Drennan
senior pastor
Greg McCallum
pastor of youth &
children’s ministries
God’s Grace!
May God’s grace flow abundantly so
that you may grow in grace and
know the fullness of God.
Alta Vista Baptist Church
887 Canterbury Avenue, Ottawa ON K1G 3A3
Welcome to AV!
June 07, 2015
If, you are a guest today we’re glad you have joined us! Our desire is that
you’ll sense the reality of God’s presence here today, that this church
building will feel like home and that you will become family. We seek to
provide a place of spiritual growth and community where lives can be
transformed by the message of Christ.
Holy and Anointed One
What the Lord has Done in Me
The Steadfast Love of the Lord Never Ceases
Step by Step
Knowing You
“Rahab and Hannah”
When I Survey
Shout to the Lord
Pastor Jim Drennan
Next Sunday
Pastor Jim continues with: "In the Footsteps of Faith." Week five:
Mary and John the Baptist; A Faithful Worshipper and the Greatest man...
Luke 1:26-38, 46-55; Matt. 1; Luke 1:6-15, 67, 76, 80; Matt. 3:5-6; Matt
11:11 (7-14). Lessons from the lives of great men and women of the Bible.
Recognition of our Grads
Canada Day Outreach volunteers
needed – sign-up sheets in the foyer.
Church Leadership in Focus
Board of Elders:
Matthew Colwell
Donald Dahms
Serge Demers – Secretary of the Board
Jim Drennan - Senior Pastor
Corey Mayville – Vice-Chairman of the Board
Greg McCallum - Pastor of Youth and Children’s Ministries
Ramon Ortiz
Andy Pridham - Chairman of the Board
Officers of the Church:
Chairman of the Board - Andy Pridham
Vice-Chairman of the Board - Corey Mayville
Clerk – Bruce Dunlop
Moderator – Peter Fraser
Treasurer – Sven Seelemann
Committee Chairs:
Christian Education - Pastor Greg McCallum
Evangelism – Elaine Trigg
Family Ministries - Pastor Jim Drennan
Missions - Lorna Colwell
Nominating - Donald Dahms
Stewardship – Corey Mayville
Trustee - Russ Trigg
Worship - Will Bryant
DMT needs your help......
Still require 5 old suitcases and old hockey or sports bags to transport sports
Do you have any old T-Shirts that you’re not using? We can use these in our
“No Sew Class” for women in the D.R.
BBQ Fundraiser Luncheon and Silent Auction June 21....$5/family.
Camp Cherith is in urgent need of lifeguards and
healthcare workers this summer! Other positions are
also available. Please apply online: or
email [email protected] if you have any questions.
Church is much more than a
building. At AV, we want to see
you growing and finding your place
within our church family.
I’m New – thank you for joining us,
please fill out a ‘Connect With Us’
(reverse side) & let us know you were
Attend a Newcomer’s Class to learn
more about AV.
Connect – Join our Adult Bible Class
or Ladies Bible Class on Sundays. We
also have a Ladies Bible Class ‘BreakAway’ on Tuesday mornings at 9:30a.
View sermons and upcoming ministry
events at
Grow – Serve – You’re needed!
Whether here at AV, in your community,
or across the world, be an essential part
of helping others meet Jesus.
If you’ve made a commitment to Jesus,
we encourage you to follow Him and be
Baptized (Matt. 28:19-20)
Give cheerfully and sacrificially as its
part of our worship.
Attend a Membership Class - this will
help you understand fully who we are as
a church, what we believe, and how we
follow Christ together.
This Week….
– Spanish class 7:30p
– Prayer Focus 7:30p
– Youth, D/Teams 7:30p
– Pastor Greg continues with
“In the Footsteps of Faith”;
Recognition of our Grads; last
Sunday for B/School classes