DATE Tuesday 12 May 2015 Strategies to Improve the Capacity of Victorian Hospitals AGENDA 6.30pm Registration Ms Katherine Walsh 7.00pm Presentation by Ms Katherine Walsh In the lead-up to the November 2014 Victorian State Election, the ALP committed to engaging former AMA Victoria president Dr Doug Travis to “conduct a state-wide census of bed and theatre capacity and provide recommendations about how to increase the capacity of Victorian hospitals”. Phase one of the review was released on 1 April 2015 and focuses on existing capacity within the health system that is currently under-utilised. Phase two of the review will begin early April. This will look at innovative strategies to improve the capacity of Victorian hospitals. It will focus on three key areas; chronic complex patients, outpatients, and services delivered outside hospitals by hospitals. The main aim will be to find ways to keep people out of hospital. Katherine will provide an overview of the review process to date and then ask members to provide their feedback and ideas to inform AMA Victoria’s Submission. 8.30pm AMA Victoria Update & Soap Box This will be followed by an AMA update from AMA Victoria Vice President, Dr Gary Speck, who will present the priorities and wins of the AMA to date. We will then open the floor and conduct the Soap Box segment of the evening giving you the chance to have your say with all comments made communicated to the AMA Victoria Board. WHERE RSVP by Wednesday 6 May, places for this dinner meeting will be limited. Ms Katherine Walsh Senior Policy Officer, AMA Victoria Katherine has completed a Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Journalism. Katherine spent several years working as a Policy Advisor to the Victorian Minister for Health. During this time she managed a number of portfolios including ageing, community and public health, chronic disease and health workforce. She was also the key advisor to the Parliamentary Secretary for Health and managed parliamentary business for the Minister and the Upper House. Prior to joining AMA Victoria she worked with Alzheimer’s Australia coordinating the development of brain health programs in the first government funded dementia risk reduction public health program. Katherine has also spent time working in the ageing sector where she was involved in trials of advanced care planning programs and the implementation of a computerised clinical care management system across several aged care sites, offering all levels of care, in Victoria. She is currently completing a Master of Public Health and Health Management. 9.00pm CLOSE TICKETS FREE FOR MEMBERS Non members/partners $66 Mt Eliza Conference Retreat 70 Kunyung Road Mt Eliza RSVP Wednesday 6 May 2015 To register, please complete this form and send to E: [email protected] F: 03 9280 8786 Or register online today at Or Call 03 9280 8722 and speak to our Events Team REGISTRATION Member attending the dinner meeting. Dinner is free for members Non member/partner attending the dinner meeting—Please find attached a cheque for $66.00 made payable to AMA Victoria or debit $66.00 (inc GST) from my credit card details below. I will no be attending. RSVP Wednesday 6 May 2015 EMAIL [email protected] Full Name: ____________________________________________________________________________ FACSIMILE Specialty Area:_________________________________________________________________________ (03) 9280 8786 Organisation: __________________________________________________________________________ AMA Membership No if applicable: _________________________________________________________ TELEPHONE Contact No: ___________________________________________________________________________ (03) 9280 8722 Email:________________________________________________________________________________ Contact our Events Team on 0409 523 054 after hours if you wish to change your RSVP Special Dietary Requirements: ____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ TAX INVOICE PAYMENT Cheque is enclosed (made payable to AMA Victoria) MASTERCARD / VISA / AMEX Credit Card No:________________________________________________________________________ Expiry Date:___________________________________________________________________________ This document becomes a ‘Tax Invoice’ on payment. Please retain a copy for your records. ABN 43 064 447 678 COMMITTEE Cardholder Name:______________________________________________________________________ Chair Cardholder Signature:___________________________________________________________________ Dr Phil Carrillo Amount to be debit: $____________________________________________________________________ Secretary Dr Brian McMillan State Council Representative Dr Daniel Stanszus Privacy Statement: The infor mation that you provide on this for m is “personal information” as defined by the Privacy Act 1988 (the “Act”). This information is being collected for the purposes of processing your registration and keeping you informed of upcoming events. When requested, we may also give your information to sponsors of the event or seminar. The provision of the information is voluntary, but if this information is not provided, AMA Victoria may be unable to process your registration. If you do not wish for your information to be provided to the sponsors, please advise the Subdivision/Section Support Coordinator. You have a right of access to, and alteration of, personal information concerning yourself in accordance with the Act. Any enquiries you may have in relation to our privacy policy should be directed to our Privacy Officer.
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