29 March - St. John`s Anglican Church Hervey Bay

Hervey Bay
Anglican Parish
Weekly News
29 March, 2015
Mission Statement—Through Christ: change lives, transform communities
Vision Statement—Inspired lives and inclusive communities rejoicing in and through Christ.
This was the week that Jesus would be crucified,
and the great Passover festival was about to
begin. Jews came to Jerusalem from all over the
Roman world during this weeklong celebration to
remember the great exodus from slavery in Egypt
to the freedom of being God’s chosen people.
For the first time Jesus did not refuse the honour
shown to Him. It was necessary for him to ride
into Jerusalem to fulfil the Scripture (Zech. 9:9).
The pilgrims were extravagant in their praise, waving palm branches and sacrificing their
clothing to smooth the way before Him.
If only they knew who was among them! If only they would recognise their King of peace.
But they didn't, and they wouldn't. So even as the shouts of praise and adulation were
ringing in Jesus' ears, he wept over Jerusalem. He weeps for people today who do not, or will
not, recognise Him for who He is — Saviour, Lord and coming King.
Jesus accomplished two purposes: (1) He declared Himself to be Israel's King and Messiah;
and (2) He deliberately challenged the religious leaders. This set in motion the official plot
that led to his arrest, trial, and crucifixion. The Jewish leaders had decided not to arrest him
during the feast, but God had determined otherwise. The Lamb of God must die at Passover.
Like those who witnessed Jesus' victory parade into Jerusalem, we have expectations for what
we think God should do to make life better, safer, and more enjoyable. Like the people on the
road to Jerusalem that day, we have much to learn about Jesus' death and resurrection. Holy
Week for us is the celebration and commemoration of these events. We must not let our
personal desires catch us up in the celebration and shouting lest we miss the meaning of true
discipleship. The palm cross symbol you receive today is a reminder that we cannot
understand Christ until we understand his Cross. Use it as a book mark or place it where it
will remind you of this important fact.
Parish Office: Ministry Centre, 5 Peters Lane, Pialba Tuesday—Friday: 9.00am -3.00pm Ph: 41241499
Postal Address: PO Box 35, Hervey Bay, Qld, 4655 Email: [email protected]
Parish Priest: Archdeacon Allan Paulsen Mobile: 0400 943 105 Email: [email protected]
Associate Priest: Fr Greg Loumeau Mobile: 0431 065 118 Email: [email protected]
Hon Associate Priest: Fr Vic Burgess Mobile 0477 736 244 Email: [email protected]
Our Worship Times
St John’s Church
(Doolong Road, Wondunna)
7.00am Sung Eucharist
9.00am Family Eucharist
6.00pm Sunset Service
8:00am Eucharist 5th Sunday of the month
St Matthew's Church
(William Street, Howard)
9.30am Eucharist - 2nd & 4th Sundays
Weekday Eucharists
10.00am All Souls’ Chapel in St John’s Church
9.30am Kirami Aged Care Facility
10.00am All Saint’s Chapel in Ministry Centre, Pialba
1st Tuesday
2.00pm Torbay Chapel & 3.15pm Masters Lodge
2nd Tuesday
Burrum Heads Community
10.30am Fairhaven
3rd Monday
10.45am Baycrest
7.30am Eucharist - 2nd & 4th Sundays
All Saint’s Chapel in the Ministry Centre, Peters Lane, Pialba, is open for private prayer 9.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday
TODAY—Palm Sunday
Isaiah 50: 4-9a; Psalm 31:9-16; Phil 2:5-11; Mark 15:1-39
Parish Family
Barbara Bell, Maureen & Andy Biri, Fiona & Martin
Driscoll, Warren Mitchell, Deirdre & Andrew Robertson,
Henry Woodmore, Megan Alderston, Sharon Barrera
Sick and in Need
Warren Renaud, Dee deNiet, Jean Evans, Anne Baulch,
Malcolm Johnson, Evelyn Robinson, Paula & Ron Rofe,
Kev & Joyce Lister, Betty Shaw
Faithful Departed
Gillian Albrecht, Dulcie James, Peter Dresser, Hazel
Renaud, John deNiet
Ps21; Lamentations 1:1-12; Mark 11:27-12:12
Ps 27: Lamentations 3:1-18; Mark 12:13-34
Ps 88: Jeremiah 11:18-20; Mark 12:35-13:13
Ps 55; Exodus 24:1-11; Mark 14:1-11
Ps 40: Genesis 22:1-18; Mark 15:21-41
Ps 30; Genesis 2:1-3; Mark 15:42-47
NEXT SUNDAY— Easter Sunday
Acts 10:34-43; Hymn to the Risen Christ (APBA Pg 6);
1 Corinthians 15:1-11; Mark 16:1-8
Men’s Breakfast
Come along for some great Food,
Bible Study & Prayer
In the Parish Hall at 7am
11 & 25 April, 2015
‘Names and contact details of individuals contained in this bulletin are
regarded as “personal information” under the Privacy Act 1998. This
information is provided for the use of the Parish and is not to be disclosed
to any other person or organisation without the written consent of the
person(s) named.’
Offerings received last week :- $$$$$
Budgeted Weekly Income:- $3,269
100 Club Winners :- 1st Spare; 2nd Spare; 3rd Spare
PARISH PRAYER: Almighty Father you have called us
together as a community here at the Hervey Bay Parish.
We thank you for all the gifts you have given us: our
lives, our loved ones, all that we have and all that we are.
May your Spirit give us the grace to recognize our gifts
and the faith to use them in service to you. Make us good
stewards of all we have received, generously sharing our
time talent and money to build your kingdom in this
place. Amen.
By statistics, there will be a lot more "Spares" to win in the
near future. The payout so far this year is considerably
higher than the 50-55% of takings that normally the system
averages each year.
There are plenty of numbers not taken perhaps
waiting for you?
See Helen at 7am; Hans & Andrew at 9am and Chris M at 6pm
for YOUR “lucky number".
What’s on at St. John’s
THE 100 CLUB will have its last draw on TODAY due to
lack of numbers. If you are in arrears, could you please see
Helen, Hans or Andrew to enable them to balance the books.
For those who would like to continue to donate, you can put
your $2 towards the food basket or any of our other causes.
Do you have any other suggestions for a fundraiser??
MOTHERS’UNION— Do you have any used
greeting cards (without writing on the back) you
would like to give to the Mothers’ Union? They
will be recycled as Blessing Cards and Roz
Fallon will have a basket at the back of the
church for their collection.
Maundy Thursday
Good Friday
Holy Saturday Vigil
Easter Sunday
6pm Devotions
9am ONLY at
St. John’s
Please note that the time for the Good Friday Service on the
Calendar is incorrect. It should read 8.30am.
Also the calendar reads the Guild Stall being on Friday 23rd
April and it should be the third Friday the 17th April.
CURSILLO—There won’t be a Cursillo
gathering in April.
“Life is a Journey—Enjoy it”
Wednesday 15th April at Bayside Christian Church—
10am—11.45am (Lunch to follow)
Bayside Christian Church, 18 Neils Street, Pialba
Please place your name on the list on Dee’s table if you
would like to attend for Catering purposes.
If you do not have a BCA Box and would like one,
please see Grace Haynes at 7am or phone the office.
Lent 1—$98.50
Lent 5—$347.45
Lent 2—$116.40
Lent 6—
Lent 3—$117.25
Good Friday—
Lent 4—$162.30
Easter Sunday—
Thank you to everyone who attended the Palm
Cross making yesterday to enable everyone to
receive a palm cross at the service this morning.
Operation Christmas Child or Love in a
Shoebox from Australia and NZ delivered
321,526 boxes to children in Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand, Vanuatu, Samoa, Fiji, Papua New Guinea. Thank you for your generosity in putting a smile on the face of a child.
Please note that due to Good Friday being the
first Friday of the month, there won’t be a
gathering at the Waterfront Restaurant for
afternoon tea in April.
ROSTER—If you happen to swap your reading/prayers
please notify the LA on duty as the LA will check the roster
in the vestry prior to the service and if the person rostered is
not in attendance the LA will automatically do the reading or
find someone who can.
Koroipita House Total:
Love in a Shoebox — $105.85
Freight for Tanzania — $
Target —$4,500
Fraser Coast Anglican College
est. January 1995
Koala Kindy – Year 12
co-educational campus
For enrolments or information contact:
Ms Tracey Wigmore
Fraser Coast Anglican College
Doolong South Road
PO Box 1150
Hervey Bay Qld 4655
Phone (07) 4124 5411
Max’s Lawn &
Garden Service
Max McClelland
ABN 67 963 645 441
4124 1164
mobile 0402 159 862
Peacheys Investment
Services Pty. Ltd.
“Adding Value to the Community”
Scott Bickerton
Authorised Representative of Peacheys
Investment Services Pty. Ltd.
Licenced Dealer in Securities No. 181337
Ph/Fax 4124 2722 Mob: 0427 131 945
Leslie G Ross
Fraser Coast Crematorium &
Bayside Memorial Gardens
Hervey Bay Office
Focal Point
Cnr Torquay & Taylor Street, Pialba
4124 4883
Fraser Coast Crematorium
on the Highway, Nikenbah
4124 7511
Personal Service with Professional People
Hervey Bay
4128 1155
46 Boat Harbour
Maryborough 4123 4599 344 Queen Street
Premixed concrete (Normal, Decorative & Special Mixes)
Quarry Products – Road bases, CBR, crusher dust, scalps, fill etc
Crushed & Natural aggregates (7mm to 75mm)
Sands (river, packing, filling, bedding, top dressing and filter sands)
Steel and reinforcing products & bricklayers supplies
Bagged cement products (GP, Ivory, Drymix and Mortamix)
Landscape supplies (decorative gravel, soils, bark and treated timber)
Home Builders
Maurice & Nicole Ellis
Licensed Real Estate Agents
Commissioner for Declarations
Tony Port
0427 246 261
[email protected]
MU meets on the
3rd Wednesday
of the month
in the Parish Hall
followed by the
10am service.
Please come along
and join in.
20 Years in Hervey Bay
All Electrical, TV, Telephone
& Solar Needs
Ph: Colin 0427 027 472 or
4124 4600
Lic No. 10574
0497 625 899