WORSHIP AND ACTIVITIES THIS WEEK 9 - 15 March 2015 Monday 9 10.00am 7.30pm Tuesday 10 9.00am Morning Prayer 10.00am - 12.00pm Parish Office 7.45pm START Course 7.45pm PCC meeting in the Parish Room Wednesday 9.00am 11 Thursday 12 Morning Prayer Lent Lecture - please see notice overleaf Ecumenical Morning Prayer NB at SS Fisher More Roman Catholic Church, Bradford Rd 10.00am – 12.00pm Parish Office 9.30am Holy Communion Readings: Jeremiah 7: 23 - 28; Luke 16: 19 - end 10.00am – 12.00pm Parish Office 10.30am Lent Group in the Parish Room 7.45 pm Lent Group at the Vicarage Friday 13 9.00am Morning Prayer Saturday 14 9.30am Parish Prayers ~ ~ ~ ~ Welcome to NOTES The Parish Church of St John the Divine Menston with Woodhead The Third Sunday of LENT 8.00am 8 March 2015 Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer 1662) Collect and Readings Page 89 9.15am Let’s Worship ~ Worship; a special time set aside to honour God 10.30am Parish Eucharist Hymn Kyrie ~ ~ ~ NEXT SUNDAY ~ MOTHERING SUNDAY 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) Lent 4 8.40am Parish Breakfast 10.00am All Together Eucharist 3.00pm Baptism Service at Menston Methodist Church ~ 10.30am Vicar: Revd Ruth Yeoman, 12 Fairfax Gardens, Menston LS29 6ET Tel: 877739 [email protected] www.stjohnmenston.org.uk PARISH Registered charity no. 1129823 161 Kyrie eleison Kyrie eleison Christe eleison Christe eleison Kyrie eleison Kyrie eleison Reading 1 Corinthians 1: 18 - 25 Page 162 Reader: Jenny Steele Gospel Reading John 2: 13 - 22 Page 89 Offertory Hymn 166 Post-Communion 128 Final Hymn 336 omit v.2 Please stay & share in refreshments after this service. Please take the Parish Notes home with you as a reminder of the week's prayer concerns and events. The most recent copy of the notes can be found on the home page of the church website www.stjohnmenston.org.uk We pray for Communion at home: Colin Jacobs, Stella Wilson, Doris Marcham The sick: Ken Parker, Ethel Buswell, June Barnes,Colin Robinson, Peter Gilbert, Alec Willoughby, Pauline Blake From the Memorial Book: Albert Turton, Philip Tattersall, William Tomlinson, Joan Rabagliati, Lawrence Harland (Priest), Doris Sheffield, John Wood,Ellen Hicks, Elizabeth Wright, Malcolm Barker, Ethel Pybus ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fairtrade Fortnight May the God who breathes life into the broken, who exposes our divisions and our pride, whose tenderness is the strength of the poor, bless us and charge us with power to live as community in our world, TODAY Hope for the Future Campaign There will be a further opportunity today to sign letters to your MP to make sure that Climate Change reaches the manifestos of the parties before the May General Election. Sample letters provided or you may prefer to sign a general letter. Fairtade Fortnight The 10.30am service will have a Fairtrade focus. There will also be a Fairtrade stall in the Parish Room with samples of chocolate and some of the new food items from the spring catalogue. Last chance to order real Easter eggs Please sign the form at the back of church or by the hatch in the Parish Room if interested. REVD LINDA TOMKINSON AND PETE TOMKINSON will lead the Churches Together Lent Lecture tomorrow evening at 7.30pm at SS Fisher More RC Church. This year‟s theme is War and Peace: Christian Perspectives. Linda and Pete will be speaking on the subject of CHRISTIAN SOLDIERS AND ARMY WIVES followed by a discussion. Refreshments will be served and there will be a retiring collection for a nominated charity. All welcome. FAIRTRADE SPRING FAIR AND COFFEE MORNING Saturday 14 March 10 - 12 noon, St John‟s, BenRhydding. Please see poster in porch for details. MAGAZINE COPY is due on 15 March. PARISH BREAKFAST will take place on Sunday 15 March at 8.40am. All welcome. ECUMENICAL MORNING PRAYER for the remainder of March will take place on each Wednesday at SS Fisher More RC Church at 9.00am. LENT GROUPS - The Gospel in Action All members of the congregation are encouraged to participate in our Thursday Lent Group even if you have missed the few meetings. These take place at 1) 10.30 - 11.15am in the Parish Room 2) 7.45 - 9.30pm at the Vicarage We shall benefit from resources provided by United Society (Us.), one of the mission agencies we support. The Gospel in Action is a five week study course exploring the power of the Gospel within the world church. Please also encourage friends to attend. FLOWER MATTERS Easter Lilies Donations towards the lilies are most welcome. Please use one of the special Altar Flower donation envelopes, from the back of church or Ann Hill, so that Gift Aid can be claimed. New flower rota is now in the porch. Please choose a date to suit you. Money need not be paid until nearer the time. THANK YOU to all who have kindly brought in stamps for the Leprosy Mission. I appreciate the half inch margin around the stamps. Every ONE stamp counts so please „keep on stamping‟! Iris Nerurkar WHO IS MY NEIGHBOUR? Taking up the House of Bishops‟ challenge in their WYAD NEWSLETTER for March is at Pastoral Letter on the 2015 General the back of the church. Election, for Christians to engage with those involved in politics for our common MOTHERING SUNDAY POSIES - MU good, there will be a meeting on members and any other church ladies Tuesday 24 March at 7pm at All Saints , who would like to make up the posies for Ilkley. Speakers will include: The Rt the Mother‟s Day Service on 15 March Revd Nick Baines, Prof Arthur Francis are invited to meet in the Parish Room at and other contributors. The letter can be 9.30am on Saturday 14 March. This is found via the following link an enjoyable task which only takes an https://churchofengland.org/ hour or so. Various types of greenery media/2170230/whoismyneighbourwould be welcome, but not baskets as pages.pdf Ruth we can use those stored in the church cellar. IMAGES OF 2014 If you have some digital images of church activities and events from last year, it would be lovely to be able to use some of them as part of the slideshow backdrop for the Annual FED UP WITH GIVING FLOWERS AND Parochial Church Meeting on 19 April. Charles Jenkins is willing to put the CHOCOLATES Why not treat your images together. Please send them to Mum, or her memory, to an ethical gift him directly in electronic form or via the this year by donating to the Mothers‟ Union fundraiser “Make a Mother‟s Day”. Parish Office. “Actual Size” images would be good to use. Ruth For more information on the projects supported please see the booklet on the table at back of the church. AGM MOTHERS’ UNION meeting will take place on Tuesday 17 March at 7.30pm in the Parish Room. PARISH OFFICE Please note revised hours of opening for the time being. The office will close each day at 12.00 noon instead of 12.30pm
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