L. Clifford Davis Eagles SPRING 2015 Issue #7 – May 2015 E n d o f th e Y e a r Celebration Student Voice In student voice meeting, we planned our end of the year celebration by choosing activities and games that we wanted to do, and also by choosing the food we wanted. We also talked about summer. We really want to take field trips, especially to a water park. We also talked about classes we’d like to have for it. Student Voice President- Mary Ling Student Voice V. President- Jessica Alcantar Student Voice Secretary- Poe Reh W Wee hhaadd aa lloott ooff ffuunn ffoorr oouurr eenndd ooff tthhee yyeeaarr By: Mary Ling 5th and Jessica Alcantar, 4 cceelleebbrraattiioonn.. W Wee hhaadd ffaaccee ppaaiinnttiinngg,, aa sscciieennccee eexxppeerriim meenntt w wiitthh ppooppssiicclleess,, iiccee,, aanndd ssaalltt.. W Wee aattee nnaacchhooss aanndd ggrriilllleedd hhoott ddooggss,, aanndd hhaadd aa w waatteerr bbaalllloooonn ffiigghhtt.. BY: Sui Cer, 5th Table of Contents End of the year Celebration Student Voice Awards Day Science Project Leadership Conference June Calendar Summer Programming Pg.1 Pg.1 Pg.2 Pg.2 Pg.2 Pg.3 Pg.3 Science Experiment End of the year awards day With Mr. Peter’s class, we made homemade bubble wands. We took two straws and connected a string between the two of them. We made the bubble liquid using water, dish soap, corn starch, and baking soda. We dipped the wand into the liquid and blew Giant bubbles. For the end of the year awards day, the theater class performed 2 songs they’d been working on in class. One of these songs was their song from Star Idol. Everybody got a certificate and trophy for coming to afterschool. There were also special certificates for perfect attendance, boat regatta, math bee, boys and girl’s scouts, and girls in motion. BY: Manuel Orsoto, 5th BY: Jose Flores, 4th Leadership Conference The leadership conference was a lot of fun. We had 3 speakers. One of the speakers talked to us about the steps to be successful. Then we went to classes and played games. One of the games we played was a balloon game where we had to figure out different ways to move the balloon from one end of the gym to the other using only certain parts of our body. By: Afterschool Staff BY: Htoo Lay, 5th June 2015 Mon 1 Tue 2 Wed 3 Thu 4 Fri 5 Sat 6 Last day of School 5th grade graduation 9:00 a.m. 8 9 10 11 First day of Clayton Summer Programming 12 13 Field TripFritz Park Petting Zoo 9:00am – 1:00 pm 15 16 17 18 19 20 Field TripFort Worth Stockyards 22 23 29 30 24 25 26 27 Summer programming Join us for summer programming. We will have lots of fun classes such as cooking, arts, computer classes, games, as well as field trips. The dates for summer program are June 10-July 8th. It will be from 9:00 a.m-1:00 p.m. Registration packets are available in Ms. Magaly’s office.
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