A TECHNO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT OF A TIRE PYROLYSIS PLANT Mort Fels and Michael Pegg Chemical Engineering; Dalhousie University Halifax, NS; Canada Abstract: An evaluation of two tire pyrolysis plants operating in Shanghai and Taiwan were done. The tires are first shredded and heated to 425oC. The gas product used to provide heat for the process is made up of CH4 (36%), C2–C4 (32%), H2 (20%), and some CO2, N2 and CO. The oil contains multiple organic compounds and is physically similar to a heavy diesel. It is sold to an oil refiner. The char is about 90 wt% C and is recycled back to the tire manufacturer. Emissions of CO, NOX, SO2 were at least 100 times less than Canadian standards. The major metallic emissions were in ―class 1‖ at 0.16 μg/m3 (stack); Canadian standards being 50. PCDD/F stack emissions were 0.005 ng/m3—an insignificant amount (there is essentially no chlorine in tires). Economically, investment capital would be $504/t-year of tires processed; operating costs would be $250/t. A 15% rate of return would result if the oil could be sold at $575/t ($80/bbl) and 0 carbon value or $180/t and $500/t carbon. 1. INTRODUCTION Enormous quantities of scrap tires are generated worldwide (~ 5x106 t/y) and their disposal represents a significant environmental and economic challenge. Annually, about 2x106 t are produced in Europe, 2.5x106 t in North America, and 0.5x106 t in Japan [Boxiong et al., 2007]. China is by far the biggest consumer of rubber and the second largest country to produce tires. Major techniques for the use of scrap tires are tire-derived fuel, road construction and rubber crumb. Good analyses of the scrap tire markets are given by Pehlken and Essadiqi (2005) for Canada and RMA (2006) for the US. A Chinese company, Shanghai Greenman ECO, has proposed to use pyrolysis to convert the scrap tires into useful products. To this end, the authors performed a comprehensive assessment of two plants which were processing about 8,000 t/y of tires. This paper gives the results found. 2. PROCESS DESCRIPTION A simplified process flow sheet for the pyrolysis of waste tires is shown in Figure 1. Fig. 1. Tire Pyrolysis Simplified Process Diagram Scrap tires are delivered by truck, weighed and stockpiled outside. The tires are cleaned with compressed air and then conveyed into the shredder to produce chips of about 3 cm square. The shredded tires then are fed into the pyrolysis reactor which is essentially an inclined rotating cylinder about 10 m long. During this time, the tire pieces are heated to about 425 C by combustion of the pyrolysis gases outside the cylinder. The solid residue that exits the pyrolysis reactor contains both carbon black and the steel from the tires. The steel is separated magnetically, baled and shipped to recycle. The gaseous products exiting the reactor are cooled, whereby the pyrolysis oil (TPO) is separated from the gas. The gas is compressed and used to provide the energy for the pyrolysis reactions. The oil is then pumped to storage tanks. The yield (weight %) of products as measured at the plant in Shanghai was as follows: Gas = 10%; Tire Pyrolysis Oil = 45%; Carbon = 35% and Steel = 10%. 3. PRODUCTS DESCRIPTION AND COMPOSITION 3.1 Tire Composition Tires are made up of various rubber-like polymers. The most common is SBR (styrene-butadiene rubber). Other rubber compounds are natural rubber (cis-poly isoprene), and cis-polybutadiene. Additives include carbon black to strengthen the rubber, extender oil to soften and improve workability, and sulphur to cross-link the polymer chains (vulcanization). A typical formulation (by weight) is given by Teng et al. (1995) as: SBR and natural rubber: 60–65 wt%; carbon black: 29–31%; zinc oxide: 2–3 %, sulphur: 1–2 %; extender oil and additives: 2 % each. The elemental analysis of tires excluding the steel typically shows the following by weight: C = 80%; H = 8%; O = 3%; S = 0.5%; ash = 8.5%. The HHV = 35 MJ/kg (coal = 32.3 MJ/kg). 3.2 Pyrolysis Gas Elemental composition of the gas was mostly C (86%) and H (14%) by weight and consisted of the following compounds (% by volume): CH4 = 24.3%; H2 = 17.6%; C4 = 14.2%; C2H6 = 13.3%; C2H4 = 9.4%; CO2 = 11.0%; N2 = 6.2% and CO = 4%. The higher heating value was determined to be 32 MJ/kg. 3.3 Tire Pyrolysis Oil (TPO) The elemental analysis of the oil gave the following (by weight): C = 87.0%; H = 8.4%; S = 1.3%; and N = 0.5%. The higher heating value was 39.6 MJ/kg. As expected, there is a multitude of chemical compounds to be found in the oil—alkanes, alkenes, aromatics and various cyclic compounds. A good appreciation of the large variety of compounds in the oil can be seen in a study by Rofiqul et al. (2007) and Qu et al. (2006). Physically, the oil is somewhat like a heavy distillate (about 70 wt%) with the remainder having light fractions similar to gasoline (10%), kerosene (7%) and gas-oil (11%) (Mastral et al., 2000). Table 1 shows a comparison of the major physical characteristics of TPO with #2 diesel. Table 1 Comparison of Tire Pyrolysis Oil with Diesel Property Density, kg/m3 Viscosity, cs @ 40 C Flash point, C 90% distillation point, C TPO 968 3.88 15 555 Diesel 850 1.9–4.1 52 282–338 Therefore, this oil would, of necessity, be used as a feedstock for an oil refinery. Currently, an oil refiner in China is purchasing the product from Shanghai Greenman. 3.4 Carbon Black Solid The solid carbon product of tire pyrolysis is an important and valuable entity. Two main uses are to recycle it back to the tire manufacturer (about 30 wt% of a tire is carbon black) and to process it further for use as activated carbon. The solid from the plant was found to be (weight basis) 87% C, 1% H and 12% ash. Analysis of the carbon black solid and its ash gave the results shown in Table 2. As can be seen, the major components were ZnO (used in the vulcanizing process), and SiO2. Table 2 Analysis of Carbon Black Solid (Major Components) Carbon Black Element Conc (g/kg) Zn 294 S 57 Ca 51 Fe 10 Al 8 K 8 Na 7 Pb 3 Ash Oxide ZnO SiO2 CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 K 2O Na2O Content (wt %) 42.5 26.5 6.9 1.6 1.5 1.0 1.0 4. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS There are three sources of emissions to the environment of a pyrolysis plant: (1) wastewater from the cleaning of tires prior to shredding; (2) air emissions from the combustion of the pyrolysis gas; and (3) fugitive emissions, that is, volatiles given off from the oil collection, storage facilities and the plant itself. 4.1 Wastewater Emissions Wastewater from the cleaning of tires would, of course, only occur if the tires were washed as a cleaning method. In Shanghai, the tires are cleaned only with compressed air which is sufficient to remove any solid material which adheres to the tires. On the other hand, for tires which have been exposed to road salt, it would be essential to use a water wash to remove the salt. It is important to ensure that there is essentially no chloride content in the tires; this element is necessary for the formation of dioxins and furans (PCDD/F) and could adversely affect the air emissions. The amount of wastewater produced per month from general plant housekeeping was measured to be about 150 tonnes in the plant at Shanghai. The water is collected in a pond and is reused after any oil is removed by a standard centrifugal separator. The amount of oil averages 0.26% (about 390 liters/month). This oil is sent to the main burner for combustion. There are several companies who make equipment designed for the purpose of removal of oil and solids from wastewater resulting from petroleum operations. Either gravity or centrifugal separators can be used depending on the particle size. 4.2 Emissions from Pyrolysis Gas Combustion The pyrolysis of 1 tonne of tires (including the steel) produces approximately 0.1 tonne of gas. The composition of the gas is mostly hydrocarbons and hydrogen. About 40% of the gas is burned to provide the energy for the pyrolysis process, about 30% for drying and the remainder is burned in a flare stack. Specific to the tire pyrolysis plant, one can divide the emissions into three classes: Gaseous Emissions It is noted that there is a paucity of data on emissions from the gas combustion, because, considering the very small quantity of molecules which would form pollutants (sulphur, chlorine, metals), these precursors tend to remain either in the oil or in the solid carbon product. Table 3 gives some values measured in the Shanghai facility (Tongji & ECU, 2008 ) compared with two others. The data are expressed in emission factors (kg/t), stack concentrations (mg/m3) and ground-level concentrations (μg/m3). Table 3: Emission Data from Gas Combustion Ref 1 2 3 1 kg/t 4.9 0.64 0.75 SOX mg/m3 2,030 265 311 CalRecovery (1995); μg/m3 3.6 0.47 0.55 kg/t 5.6 0.16 0.51 2 NOX mg/m3 2,330 67.7 210 Tongji & ECU (2008); μg/m3 4.1 0.12 0.37 Kg/t 0.25 0.02 0.01 PM mg/m3 105 8.4 2.5 μg/m3 0.19 0.02 0.005 kg/t — 0.01 .003 THC mg/m3 — 3.7 0.11 μg/m3 — 0.007 0.00 3 EPA (1993) Metallic Emissions: Metal content of the 8.4 mg/m3 particulate sample reported for the test at Shanghai gave a total amount of metal of only 26.8 × 10–4 mg/m3. This would indicate that the metal content of the ash is only 0.032%. It is uncertain what other elements would be present; certainly oxygen from the metal, some sulphur (as sulfates) and probably silicon dioxide. Dioxins and Furans (PCDD/F): Three tests for dioxins were done on the combustion gas by the Environmental Monitoring Group in Shanghai. The results are shown in Table 4. It should be noted that the emission levels reported are a factor of 6 below the proposed Canadian standard of 32 pg/m3 (0.032 ng/m3) stack gas. Table 4: Dioxin/Furan (PCDD/F) Emission Data from Shanghai [From Tongji & ECU, 2008] Sample Number 1 2 3 Average Emission Factor μg/t 0.005 0.018 0.018 0.013 Stack Gas Emission ng/m3 0.002 0.007 0.007 0.005 4.3 Fugitive Emissions Estimated fugitive emissions from a ―generic‖ pyrolysis plant have been reported as 51.27 kg/day of VOC (see Table 5 reproduced below from EPA, 1993). Using the dispersion formula, it can be determined that this quantity would result in approximately 1.2 μg/m3 in the air. Table 5: Estimated fugitive VOC emissions from a "generic" pyrolysis plan [After Table 8-6 in EPA, 1993] Emissions source Pipe flanges Compressors Open drains kg/day 2.7 5.0 4.54 Emissions source Pump seals PRVs Valves kg/day 5.9 2.27 30.84 5. ECONOMIC RESULTS An economic analysis was performed on the tire pyrolysis plant, base case of 10,000 tonnes per year, approximately equivalent to one million tires annually (roughly the amount generated in Nova Scotia). Operating costs consist essentially of labour and electricity to run the plant; revenue would be derived from the sale of the pyrolysis oil, the carbon black, the steel, and payment for the tire disposal (tipping cost). 5.1 Capital Costs For capital cost estimation, the equipment costs obtained from the Shanghai plant ($2.5 million) and that from the Taiwan plant ($3.5 million) were used. Other direst costs such as installation, piping, electrical, etc. were obtained from data from the actual plants ((Yeung-Chen, 2008). Working capital and contingency were calculated using standard estimation practice (Peters et al., 2003) Table 6 shows a summary of the capital costs. There are very few references to costs in the literature. The report by the University of California [UofC, 2006] quotes a value of $628–828 per tonne/year for a plant capacity of 5 million tires/year. Table 6 Capital Costs ($ million) for Tire Pyrolysis Plant; 10,000 t/year tires ITEM Equipment (E) Other Direct costs Working Capital Contingency Total Capital BASIS given given 0.1 (capital) 0.08 (capital) — REFERENCE Yeung-Chen (2008) Yeung-Chen (2008) Peters et al. (2003) Peters et al. (2003) VALUE, $106 3.00 1.13 0.50 0.40 5.04 (504/t/year) 5.2 Operating Costs Direct operating costs essentially consist of labour and electricity to run the plant; revenue would be derived from the sale of the pyrolysis oil, the carbon black, the steel, and payment for the tire disposal (tipping cost). All operating costs were based on estimates by MedNova (Yeung-Chen, 2008) based on experience at the two operating plants in Shanghai and Taiwan, and the labour rates in Nova Scotia and are shown in Table 7. The total number of hours per year was estimated by plant personnel as 7680. Table 7: Operating Revenue and Costs for 10,000 t/year Tire Pyrolysis Plant OPERATING REVENUE ITEM VALUE UNIT $ Oil sales 4500 t/year $ 400/t Carbon sales 3500 t/year $ 300/t Steel sales 1000 t/year $ 150/t Tipping fee 10,000 t/year $ 80/t Total Revenue 6 $10 /y 1.80 1.05 0.15 0.80 3.80 ITEM Power Labour Maintenan ce Other OPERATING EXPENSES VALUE UNIT $ 2000 MWh/y $0.05/kWh 45 people $45,000/y – – – – Total Expenses $106/y 0.10 2.03 0.05 0.35 2.53 5.3 Return on Investment The effect of the selling price of the pyrolysis oil and carbon on the rate of return is shown graphically in Fig. 2. At a reasonable rate of return of 15%, it can be seen that the price one gets for the oil depends on the value of the carbon, ranging from $450/t when the carbon has 0 value, down to $180/t if one can sell the carbon for $500/t. 6. CONCLUSIONS It is concluded that the pyrolysis plant using the Shanghai Greenman technology is able to pyrolyse tires satisfactorily and produce a product of tire pyrolysis oil, carbon black and recover high quality steel. The plant operates in a safe and environmentally non-polluting manner. Emissions are well below Canadian standards. The return on investment is dependent on the price obtainable for the oil and carbon products; conservatively with the oil selling at the same price as crude, one should be able to realise at least a 15% return. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors wish to thank the group in Shanghai and Taiwan, especially Mr. Xu Junshi, Ms. Delphine Yu, Ms Regine Hsu, Mr. Tom Wu and Dr. Yeh for their hospitality and help and guidance in explaining the details of the process. The help and guidance of Ms. Wendy Yeung-Chen and Mr. Robert Spence of MedNova, Halifax is greatly appreciated. 35 $500/t 30 $400/ t $300/t 25 Rate of Return, % $200/t $100/t 20 $0/t 15 SELLING PRICE OF CARBON 10 5 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 Oil Selling Price, $/t Fig. 2 Effect of Oil and Carbon Selling Price on Rate of Return 6.0 REFERENCES Boxiong, S. Chunfei, W., Cai, L., Binbin, G. and Rui, W. (2007) Pyrolysis of waste tyres: The influence of USY catalyst/tyre ratio on products J. Anal. Appl. Pyrolysis 78: 243–249. CalRecovery, Inc. (1995) Environmental Factors of Waste Tire Pyrolysis, Gasification, and Liquefaction, Final Report to California Integrated Waste Management Board, Sacramento, CA. EPA (1993) (United States Environmental Protection Agency) Scrap Tire Technology and Markets - Chapter 8: Scrap Tire Pyrolysis, Pacific Environmental Services, Noyes Data Corp/, Park Ridge, NJ. Mastral, A.M., Murillo, R., Callen, M.S., Garcia, T., and Snape, E.C. 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(1995) Reprocessing of Used Tires into Activated Carbon and Other Products Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 34: (9) 3102–3111. Tongji & ECU (2008) {Tongji University & East China University of Science and Technology} Assessment Report for the Pyrolytic Process of Waste Tyres in Shanghai Greenman Ecological Economic and Technological Co. Ltd. 29 pp (Feb 20). UofC (2006) {University of California, Riverside} Technology, Evaluation and Economic Analysis of Waste Tire Pyrolysis, Gasification, and Liquefaction, Report to California Environmental Protection Agency, Integrated Waste Management Board, (March). Yeung-Chen Wendy, (2008), President, MedNova Tech, Halifax, NS, private communication
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