2015 DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES BILLS OF INTEREST Bill # Title Description Sponsor SHB 1105 2015 Supplemental Supplemental budget by request of Governor Inslee Rep Hunter HB 1106 2015-2017 Budget Biennial Operating Budget - House Rep Hunter Passed House Conference SB 5077 2015-2017 Budget Biennial Operating Budget - Senate Sen Hill Passed Senate Conference SB 5944 SMART act State Money Accountability, Review or Termination ("SMART") act reviews new spending programs Sen Hill NTIB? HB 1223 Workforce housing Creates workforce housing in King County near transit, would benefit people with developmental disabilities Rep Springer HB 1240 Restraints in schools Prohibit the planned use of aversive interventions, no restraints & isolation unless serious harm is likely Rep Pollet HB 1307 Supported living Enforcement standards for residential services and support providers (DSHS request) Rep Harris 2SHB 1472 Chemical action plans Using chemical action plans to require safer chemicals in Washington State, bans 5 flame retardants but not substitutes Rep Fitzgibbon NTIB? SHB 1491 Early care and education system Early Start - integration of child care and preschool (preference given to programs for special needs) Rep Kagi President & Speaker signed HB 1531 Respite providers Removes expiration date on 300 hours a year for respite providers (DSHS request) Rep Tharinger HB 1636 Employment of people w/disabilities State Employment Disability Parity Act, agencies will report on people employed with disabilities Rep MacEwan 2SHB 2063 Achieving a Better Life Experience Create 529A savings accounts for people with disabilities per the federal ABLE Act Rep Kilduff HB 2221 High priority violations in facilities Creates a Priority Response Unit in the Long Term Care Ombuds office to respond to high priority complaints of abuse Rep Hunter SB 5302 Washington state trusts Regarding rules, delegation of trustee duties, and standards for Washington state trusts Sen Benton 2SSB 5311 Crisis intervention training Create crisis intervention training for all law enforcement, includes interaction with people with DD, standards for outside trainers Sen Rolfes SB 5317 Autism screening Requiring screening and payment for autism and developmental delays for children in medicaid programs Sen Frockt NTIB SB 5436 JLEC A&D Continuing the work of the joint legislative executive committee on aging and disability until Dec 2020 Sen Bailey NTIB 2SB 5486 Parents for parents program Parent mentors for children with developmental disabilities in the foster care system Sen Frockt SB 5488 ABA licensure Establishing licensure for the practice of applied behavior analysis (ABA) Sen Keiser The Arc of Washington State: Bills of Interest 4-23 Status Sched Position Governor signed Delivered to Governor Senate receded, adds new amendment Governor signed Delivered to Governor President & Speaker signed Delivered to Governor NTIB Delivered to Governor Governor signs (4/24) Delivered to Governor Delivered to Governor Page 1 SB 5600 Abuse definitions Refine definitions of mental abuse and restraints used in DSHS facilities (DSHS request) Sen Dammeier President & Speaker signed SSB 5607 Guardianship complaints Create a standard form for guardianship complaints, clarify the complaint process, cost for families Sen Conway Senate concurred SB 5647 Courthouse facilitators Allows counties to create guardianship courthouse facilitator programs Sen Conway SB 5679 Transition services Clarifies transition services to be included in transition plans at age 16, but as young as 14 Sen McAuliffe 2SSB 5688 Social-emotional learning Convene a work group on social emotional learning that builds upon what is being done in early learning Sen Litzow NTIB SSB 5740 Extended foster care Provide extended foster care for non-minors not able to do certain activities, have DDA at meetings Sen Fain President & Speaker signed SB 5889 Extend competency eval deadlines Extend deadline to complete evals while in jail from 7 days to 14 days for people incompetent to stand trial Sen O'Ban SB 5999 ECEAP Adds Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) to the Caseload Forecast Council Sen Darneille SR 8656 Autism SR 8657 Down Syndrome President & Speaker signed Senate refuses to concur Governor signed Delivered to Governor Honor & support individuals with autism and acknowledge the Sen Roach tremendous courage that they & their families put forth every day Recognize and honor exemplary individuals with Down syndrome and Sen Padden the dedicated communities that support them Support Oppose Have Concerns Adopted Adopted NTIB Bill Died S = Senate, H = House of Representatives, WS = Work Session, PH = Public Hearing, Exec = Executive Session, NTIB = Necessary To Implement the Budget The Arc of Washington State 4/23/2015 Page 2
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