PRAYER NEEDS AT HOME ONGOING ILLNESS: Muriel Yeaple Don Cleverly Ruth Bright Wendy Bohlinger Geraldine Daughton Richard Pitts Helen Galvin Marty MacIsaac TO BE FOUND ON OUR WELCOME TABLE: The Arlington Reformed Church List of April birthdays and anniversaries List of who uses the ARC building Church brochure Fliers and information about many of our programs has been serving the Arlington area ADAM’S GIFT CARDS: DID YOU KNOW? You can listen to sermons online? of Poughkeepsie since 1910. We are See Bruce or Linda Barnes You can find us on Facebook? a congregation transformed and gathered by the grace of our loving Lord. We are so pleased that you are worshiping with us today. ARLINGTON REFORMED CHURCH Pastor Randall Prentiss 22 RAYMOND AVENUE POUGHKEEPSIE, NEW YORK 12603 Phone: 845-454-2704 Fax: 845-454-2704 Pastor Randy’s e-mail: [email protected] 4 . 2 6 .15 10 AM SUNDAY SERVICE If you are visiting with us PRAYER today, we would to get acquainted WELCOME & OPENING Pastorlike Randy Prentiss with and minister to you more effectively. Please fill out the GREETING Welcome Card located in the pew in front of you and drop it CALL SCRIPTURE Chris Lueck into TO the WORSHIP offering plate later in the service. We welcome you! Psalm 146:1-10 CONGREGATIONAL SINGING Grace Like Rain Give Us Clean Hands Came to My Rescue Led by: Changed by Grace: Chris Lueck & Lauren Beale ANNOUNCEMENTS MISSION MOMENT End of DR Dental Supply Drive Mission Team OFFERING Sweetly Broken Doxology Pastor Randy Prentiss WEEKLY EVENTS OPPORTUNITIES TO CONNECT AND GROW SUNDAY 10:00AM Worship Service w/Nursery Sunday School and Youth Ministry Pot Luck or Coffee Hour WEDNESDAY 6:30PM Adult Small Group Youth Group FRIDAY 9:30AM Women’s Small Group PLEASE STAY FOR COFFEE FELLOWSHIP FOLLOWING SERVICE DID YOU KNOW? Psalm 118 verse 8 is in the center of the Bible: "It is better to trust in the Lord than put confidence in man." Upcoming dates to remember PRAYERS Lord’s Prayer CHECK ON THE WELCOME TABLE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION YOUTH & CHILDREN DISMISSED SERMON SCRIPTURE Romans 8:1-17 SERMON CROSSWALK: You Belong With Me Pastor Randy Prentiss CONGREGATIONAL SINGING How Deep the Father’s Love Led by: Changed by Grace BLESSING Pastor Randy Prentiss “The Christian life in so many ways is about a series of jumps that can take us higher and further into a life of intimacy with an identity in Christ. The Christian life is about the love relationship that God desires to have with us, so that we become His beloved, advancing the kingdom of God on earth. And on many days this involves taking leaps of faith into the unknown.” Efrem Smith MAY 10th MOTHER’S DAY WORSHIP SERVICE-Come out and be honored as a mom or bring your mom to be honored. JUNE 14th -ALL CHURCH PICNIC AT HAFFORDS-Mark your calendar for this fun family event following church service...more to come on this. JUNE 21st –FATHER’S DAY WORSHIP SERVICE...Dads’ are honored JUNE 29th– JULY 3rdVACATION BIBLE SCHOOL. We will join with Poughkeepsie Reformed Church for a morning Vacation Bible School. To lend a hand or to enroll a child, see Randy Prentiss or Dianne Zanin. Flyer is on Welcome Table TALENT SHOW FOLLOWING SERVICE. BUY PIZZA BY THE SLICE TO BENEFIT THE YOUTH GROUP!
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