Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty (PAHP) “Fighting Hunger Through Partnerships” 24 March 2015 - Lawrence Cruz, PAHP National Coordinator - The PAHP Concerted effort to address key challenges Hunger Mitigation Food Security Poverty Reduction Convergence and Synergy Department of Social Welfare and Development Direct support services through health and nutrition, and education for day-care and school enrolment to improve household economic prospects Department of Agriculture Assistance to family farms and farmer organizations for increasing farm productivity and ensuring food security Department of Agrarian Reform Expansion of rural production base by facilitating access of agrarian reform communities to essential support services and markets Development Partners Food and Agriculture Organization rld Provision of technical assistance for improved agriculture and fisheries production and natural resource management World Food Programme Supporting nutritional rehabilitation of undernourished children and providing skills enhancements leading to higher income opportunities for the rural poor. Government of Brazil Providing technical assistance through the Center for Excellence Against Poverty and sharing experience gained and lessons learned from the Zero Hunger Program to other countries. Brazil’s Zero-Hunger Plan and Food Purchase Program Provision of agricultural extension services linked to the nutrition needs of the feeding program and logistics management related to production, delivery and storage of required food items The PAHP Framework Convergence and Synergy Feeding Program Pantawid Pamilya KALAHI-CIDSS Sustainable Livelihood Program Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty School Feeding Program Primordial Goals: •Eliminate Hunger • Ensure Food Security • Reduce Poverty ARCCESS ARCP II Agri-Enterprise Development, Rural Infra Agrarian Production Credit Program Farm Production Inputs Equipment and Facilities Agri Extension Services Family Farms and Communal Gardens Support to Other Government Feeding Programs Feeding Program for Severely Malnourished Government Food Requirement for Inmates Support from Development Partners Community Canteen Community Affordable Meals for Workers and Laborers PAHP Technical Assistance Mission from Brazil 9-13 December 2013 Assessment of the PAHP design and the implementation arrangements in pilot areas Consultative meetings with PAHP Convergence Team and Program Stakeholders Mission’s Interaction with PAHP Stakeholders Sharing of Brazil’s Food Purchase Program with Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs) and Farmers Organizations (FOs) Perception and views from the Pantawid Parents Leaders Organization (PPLO) in the Day Care Center in Castilla, Sorsogon Mission’s Recommendation Provision of continuing technical assistance focused on the PAHP design Support Assist to PAHP Operation and Management in the pilot areas in developing the Monitoring and Evaluation System for PAHP Assistance from the Brazilian Government shall cover the 3 years of the pilot program Technical Inputs from FAO and WFP Refinements of the PAHP Framework following the assessment and recommendation of the Technical Assistance Mission from Brazil Further complementary assistance to PAHP implementation building on their respective programs in hunger mitigation, food security and poverty reduction Philippines-Brazil Forum on PAHP Manila, 12 December 2013 The Wrap Up Meeting of the Brazil Technical Assistance Mission and the Signing of the Statement of Intent by: MILTON RONDO, Minister Counsellor RODRIGUE VINET, FAO Representative PRAVEEN AGRAWAL, WFP Representative CORAZON JULIANO SOLIMAN, Secretary, DSWD VIRGILIO DELOS REYES, Secretary, DAR Statement of Intent The 3-years of the PAHP pilot program will involve necessary support in the following: 1. Design of Rural Extension Services, Credit and Insurance to Smallholders and Farm Families 2. Feeding Program, Food Procurement Modalities and Management of Community Food Hub 3. Monitoring and Evaluation Methodologies and Framework 4. Public Policy Design and Follow-through Activities PAHP Coverage and Beneficiaries Pilot Area: Region V # of # of Region/Province LGUs # of DCC DC Children ARBOs # of ARBs Region V 3rd District CamSur 4 274 8,227 12 480 Camarines Norte 6 209 7,525 25 1000 Castilla, Sorsogon 1 59 1,669 3 120 11 542 17,421 40 Sub Total 1,600 PAHP Coverage and Beneficiaries Roll-Out Area: Region VIII Region/Province Region VIII Leyte Western Samar Northern Samar Eastern Samar Sub Total # of LGUs # of DCC DC Children # of ARBOs # of ARBs 14 7 5 10 36 112 182 117 184 595 3,195 5,782 4,287 4,328 17,592 2 21 10 25 58 80 840 400 1000 2,320 PAHP Coverage and Beneficiaries Roll-Out Area: Region IX Region/Province # of LGUs # of DCC DC Children # of ARBOs # of ARBs Region IX Zamboanga del Norte 8 326 16,640 10 400 Zamboanga Sibugay 4 137 6,489 4 160 Zamboanga del Sur 8 267 14,630 14 560 Sub Total 20 730 37,759 28 1,120 PAHP Pilot Program Coverage and Beneficiaries Region/Province Region V 3rd District CamSur Camarines Norte Castilla, Sorsogon Sub Total Region VIII Leyte Western Samar Northern Samar Eastern Samar Sub Total Region IX Zamboanga del Norte Zamboanga Sibugay Zamboanga del Sur Sub Total Total # of LGUs # of DCC DC Children # of ARBOs 4 6 1 11 274 209 59 542 8,227 7,525 1,669 17,421 12 25 3 40 480 1,000 120 1,600 14 7 5 10 36 112 182 117 184 595 3,195 5,782 4,287 4,328 17,592 2 21 10 25 58 80 840 400 1,000 2,320 8 4 8 20 67 326 137 267 730 1,867 16,640 6,489 14,630 37,759 72,772 10 4 14 28 400 160 560 1,120 5,040 126 # of ARBs Partnership Against Hunger and Poverty Implementation and Management Arrangement Program Advisory Body National Program Management Office Development Partner PAHP Consultant Regional PAHP Convergence Team Regional V Regional VIII Regional IX Provincial PAHP Convergence Team Region V - 3 Provinces Region VIII – 4 Provinces Region IX – 3 Provinces Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Organizations (ARBOs), Pantawid Parents Leaders Organizations (PPLOs) Farmers Organizations (FOs) PAHP Assessment and planning workshop PAHP Assessment and planning workshop PAHP Assessment and planning workshop Program Implementation Model PAHP Integration, Complementation, Connectivity The Ocampo Model: 3rd District, Camarines Sur DSWD Day Care Center in Ocampo 3rd District Camarines Sur Supplemental Feeding Program 53 Day Care Centers 1,444 Day Care Children - Sustainable Livelihood Program - Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program - KALAHI-CIDSS DA Food Production Program in Ocampo, 3rd District Camarines Sur Food Production Program 3 Farmers Org’ns 2 Irrigator Service Associations - Agriculture extension and training services - Provision of production inputs and facilities DAR Support Services Program in Ocampo, 3rd District Camarines Sur Support Services Program ARCCESS – Combined Harvester ARCCESS - Hand Tractor 3 ARCs 3 ARBOs Agri-Enterprise Development ARCCESS (Farm Implements, Support Services) ADB ARCP II (FMR, Agri-enterprise) JICA ARISP (Post Harvest Facility) APCP, AIP (Prod’n loan, insurance) Agri’l Prod’n Credit Program ADB ARCP II Farm to Market Road - Integrated and Complemented Support Services Rural Infrastructures (FAPs) ARCCESS Agri-insurance (risk mitigation) DAR-DA-PCIC Agri-extension Services DAR thru outsourced service providers (BU) ; DA Access to Agri-credit and Microfinance – ATI; LGU – MAO; Private Sector (Pilipinas Shell Foundation Inc.) DAR-DA-LBP; CARD; TSPI ARB Organizations CapDev for ARBs • • • DCC as Institutional Market Increase ARB household income Enhance partnership between DSWD-DAR-DA and LGU PAHP Ocampo Model: PAHP Integration, Complementation, Connectivity 3rd District, Camarines Sur Support Services Program 3 ARCs 3 ARBOs ARCCESS Equipment/Facility ARCP II Rural Infra, AED, CDD ARISP III Multipurpose Bldg. APCP Supplemental Feeding Program 53 DCCs 1,444S DCChildren Sustainbale Livelihood Program Food Production Program 2 FOs 50 Family, Farms Gulayan sa Paaralan Gulayan sa Barangay Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) Barangay Food Terminal KALAHI-CIDSS Agri Extension Services Production Loan Poverty Reduction Hunger Mitigation Food Security Initial Gains of the PAHP ARBOs and FOs are now aware that they can market their farm produce to the Day Care Centers in their respective areas. DSWD-LGU may consider buying the required food items for Day Care Centers from the ARBOs and FOs Initial arrangements on food item procurement agreed between LGU and ARBOs facilitated by DAR and DSWD Roll-out of the PAHP to Regions VIII and IX drawing lessons from pilot implementation in Region V Enhanced partnership between DSWD, DA and DAR through PAHP Convergence Team Technical inputs and advisory services from the International Consultant in PAHP design framework, procurement procedures and development of the M&E system Obrigado! Thank You!
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