The Eastern Kentucky University Interpreter Outreach Program proudly presents “Ethics in Practice: Understanding Allyship Within Unjust Environments” Presented by Dr. Dave Coyne May 1, 2015 12:30 PM- 3:30 PM Registration begins at 12:00 PM Kentucky School for the Deaf Grow Hall 202 South 2nd Street, Danville, KY 40422 Professional Development Session: All sign language interpreters find themselves faced with oppressive mechanisms of some kind in their work, regardless of whether these expressions of oppression readily meet traditional definitions. Interpreters acting on the basis of social justice understand that allyship examines our individual selves as we navigate the structures of oppression. Interpreters in this position (understanding dimensions of oppression and its pervasive hold on us) can positively impact (e.g., bridge gaps and enhance lives) individuals who possess group memberships different from our own. Interpreters who understand that social justice needs both theory and praxis may become growth-‐oriented practitioners and allies. Workshop participants will carry with them new skills to achieve forward movement toward allyship within ethical boundaries. First, they will learn to identify our own often-‐invisible systems of privilege, oppression, and power to shape their own lives while working toward adopting social justice skill sets (not stages) that will leave them open to creative and courageous solutions. Second, they identify ways in which they can inspire others to collaborate. And third, learn how to work toward dismantling systems of privilege and oppression while sustaining respect and trust of those they serve. This presentation will provide much needed information regarding the impact of allyship development on interpreters’ belief systems, moral and ethical development, social justice ideals, and short and long-‐term behavioral outcomes. The Presenter: Dr. Dave J. Coyne is an Assistant Professor in the American Sign Language Interpreting Studies program for the Department of Classical and Modern Languages at the University of Louisville. His research focuses on social justice leadership and allyship behaviors in the interpreting field. More specifically, he is interested in promoting critical thinking, community-‐building, and principles of social justice; linking interpreters’ ability to reestablish connections with community members and Deaf individuals’ autonomy. Questions? Contact Jenny at 859-‐622-‐4966 ITP office or Amy at 240-‐423-‐3285 (cell) [email protected] Presentation Language: ASL; NO ENGLISH INTERPRETATION 3 ethics hours of RID professional development hours are available for session. Dave Coyne Ethics-Allyship Name: ________________________________________________________________ KSD – May 1, 2015 Workshop Fees Address;_______________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip:___________________________________________________________ Early Registration by April 24, 2015 $15.00 Home e-mail:____________________________________________________________ Late or on Site after April 25, 2015 $25.00 Work e-mail: _______________ _____________________________________________ Kentucky P-12 Interpreter? YES NO KY P-12 Teacher? Kentucky School County name?? _______________________________ Certification: RID Level? _____ NIC Level? _____ EIPA? Level _____ SCPI /SLPI level? ______ Make Checks Payable to – EKU Outreach YES NO NAD Level? ______ Other? _____ Mail to: EKU ITP Outreach Workshops 216 Wallace Building 521 Lancaster Avenue Richmond, KY 40475
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