JUMPSTART REWARDS first 60 days! STYLE YOUR DISPLAY IN YOUR EARN £|€ 1,000’S IN DISCOUNTED PRODUCT FAST! Dive into our Jumpstart Program to set goals and establish a path to long term success, all while you earn serious style swag. The more you show, the more you sell. Your new lavish display will result in more sales and earnings, not to mention more personal style! SELL QUICK START BONUS EARN PRODUCT CREDIT* 10-20% £70|€80 OF PRV IN PRODUCT CREDIT PRODUCT CREDIT OF TOTAL JUMPSTART SALES SELL 1,000 QV IN YOUR FIRST 30 DAYS LEVEL 1: 10% OF PRV @ 1,000 - 4,999 QV FIRST 30 DAYS! LEVEL 2: 15% OF PRV @ 5,000 - 9,999 QV LEVEL 3: 20% OF PRV @ 10,000 QV SHARE THE OPPORTUNITY SPONSOR PROMOTE TO ASSOCIATE STYLIST £210|€240 £350|€400 PRODUCT CREDIT PRODUCT CREDIT FOR EVERY STYLIST YOU SPONSOR WHEN YOU PROMOTE AND JUMPSTART QUALIFY** (MATCHED FOR YOUR SPONSOR!) *Product Credits can only be applied to the net retail value of an item (the value excluding VAT), and VAT on the item is payable by the Stylist. For example: a Stylist wishes to use her product credits to purchase a necklace priced £100. The net retail value. of the necklace is £83.33 and the VAT due is £16.66. The Stylist can use £83.33 of product credits but must pay £16.66 in cash (assumes 20% VAT rate). Product Credits apply to the retail value of accessories only (display items excluded). Rewards are issued as earned and are displayed and redeemed during checkout for a Stylist order in the Lounge. **To earn the sponsoring bonus, your new Stylist must become Jumpstart Qualified with 1,000 QV during her Jumpstart. For the promotion to Associate Stylist, you have until the last day of the month in which your Jumpstart ends. For example, if your Jumpstart ends Sept 20th, you have until September 30th to promote and earn your £350|€400 Product Credit bonus. what are your JUMPSTART GOALS? Share your goals with your upline leadership team for coaching & kudos! 1 . PAY B AC K YO U R I NVE STM E NT FAST • I will sell £|€ by to make it happen! 2 . E AR N C AS H • I want to earn £|€ within days. 3 . AD D TO NS O F P RO D UCT TO YO UR D ISP LAY • Add a new tray to my display! £|€300 - £|€500 FREE! • Get gorgeous with the Optimal Display & add £|€1,000+ FREE! • Max it! Get the entire line — £|€4,000 FREE! 4 . CO N N ECT A FR I E N D & D O BE T TE R TO G E TH E R • I think would love the rewards of being a Stylist and I love the idea of sharing our mission of flexible opportunity for women. TRACK YOUR REWARDS & GET STEP-BY-STEP TRAINING IN YOUR ONLINE JUMPSTART PLANNER FI N D IT I N YO U R S T YLI S T LO U N G E! Follow the Success Plan, which includes training videos, easy cut-and-paste suggested social media postings, and more.
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