International Pathfinder Camporee VOLUNTEER

International Pathfinder Camporee Estavayer-­‐le-­‐Lac / Suisse July 27 – August 02 – August 09 – August 14, 2015 VOLUNTEER -­‐ APPLICATION FORM First Name: Family Name: Address: Area Code and Town: Country: Nationality: Date of Birth: Language: Other languages: French: yes __ no ___ German: yes __ no ___ _________________ Mobil phone: T-­‐Shirt Size: S ___ M___ Conference/Mission: Union: Pathfinder Grade (if any): Driver’s licence : Arrival date: With my delegation _________________ Departure date: With my delegation : __________________ By myself : _____________ By myself : ______________ L___ XL ____ XXL ____ Email: TRAVEL INSURANCE: This section MUST be completed*: * Each volunteer has to take care of his
insurance. See local health insurance for trips I have a travel insurance abroad. I will arrange my travel insurance
Health-Info : additional health information Your inscription will be validated once you have sent us the complete inscription form als well as
the HEALTH INFO sheet. Personal Commitment : As volunteer of the International EUD Camporee I pledge to respect the terms of the rule of the Camporee and the working conditions that I will be assigned to. Date: Signature: Personal skills and/or Profession/field of study: ◻ I will serve as a volunteer from July 27 to August 09 (week before the Camporee and during) ◻︎ I will serve as a volunteer from August 02 to August 14 (during Camporee and the week after) ◻︎ I will serve as a volunteer from July to August 14 (before, during and after the Camporee) FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Application approved by the Conference/Union Youth leader Union / Conference _______________________________________________________ Date: __________________ Signature Union/Conference leader: __________________________________ Registration deadline: 30 April 2015 Send application form, Healthf Info and the engagements/short motivation to the EUD Youth Dep. For more information, email: [email protected]