Ayurveda Simple ~ Teri Adolfo, LAc. [email protected] Client Information Patient Name: ______________________________________________________ Today’s Date: _______________ Address: ____________________________________ City: ________________ State: _______ Zip: _____________ Gender: О Female O Male Check appropriate box: O Partner Date of Birth: _______________________ O Single O Married O Divorced Age:____________ O Widowed O Separated Primary phone: _____________________Secondary: ______________________Email address: __________________ Can we leave detailed messages? Yes No What number is best to use? ________________________________ Spouse/Partner or parent’s name: ___________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Patient’s Primary Care Physician? ___________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Business Address: ____________________________________ City: ________________ State: ____ Zip: _________ Whom may we thank for referring you? ________________________________________________________________ Person to contact in case of an emergency: _____________________________ Phone: ________________________ Responsible Party Name of person responsible for this account: _______________________________ Relationship: __________________ Address: _______________________________________________________ Home Phone: ______________________ Birthdate: _______________ Employer: ___________________________ Business Phone: ________________________ Business address: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Insurance Information Subscriber name: _____________________________________ Relationship to patient: _________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Insurance company: _________________________ Phone: ______________________ What is your deductible? ____________ How much have you used? ___________ Copay: _______ Coinsurance ______ Subscriber ID# ___________________________ Group #___________________ Visits per year: ______ Used? ______ Secondary Insurance: Subscriber name: _____________________________________ Relationship to patient: _________________________ Date of Birth: _____________ Insurance company: _________________________ Phone: ______________________ What is your deductible? ____________ How much have you used? ___________ Copay: _______ Coinsurance ______ Subscriber ID# ___________________________ Group #___________________ Visits per year: ______ Used? ______ I authorize release of any information concerning my (or my child’s) health/mental health care, advice and treatment provided for the purpose of evaluating and administering claims for insurance benefits. X__________________________________________ Signature of patient (or parent if minor) _____________________ Today’s Date Active Wellness (Teri Adolfo, L.Ac.) What are the concerns for which you are seeking care? (Primary concern first) 1. _____________________________________________________________ Date of onset: _____________ 2. _____________________________________________________________ Date of onset: _____________ 3. _____________________________________________________________ Date of onset: _____________ 4. _____________________________________________________________ Date of onset: _____________ What factors may make it difficult for you to achieve your personal health goals?: _____________________________________________________________________________________________ Who is your primary care physician? _______________________________________________________________ (Name) (Phone if known) For what concern did you last receive health or medical care? ___________________________________________ Medications and Supplements List all Prescription and over the counter medicines (Brand and dosage) ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Do you, or have you ever, taken any form of Birth Control? (Brand & dosage) ________________________________ Which herbal, homeopathic, and/or natural supplements do you use? Please, include brand and dosage: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Habits Habit Alcohol Tobacco Street Drugs Caffeine Salt Intake Sugar Intake Exercise Other _______ Heavy Moderate Light None Comments Family History Indicate if there have been any of the following diseases in your family including; parents, aunt/uncle, grandparents, siblings and children. Indicate the number of relatives who have the disease. Cancer______________________ Diabetes_____________________ Epilepsy______________________ Heart Disease________________ High BP_____________________ Stroke _______________________ Anemia _____________________ Kidney Dz ___________________ Glaucoma ____________________ Allergies ____________________ Asthma _____________________ Mental Illness _________________ Arthritis _____________________ TB _________________________ Alzheimer’s___________________ Father Mother Brothers Sisters Children Maternal Grandparents Paternal Grandparents Ages (if living) Current health Age at Death Cause of Death Have you had any of the following Childhood Illnesses (check if yes) Scarlet fever ____ Diphtheria ____ Rheumatic fever ____ Mumps ____ Measles ____ German Measles __ Have you had any immunizations? Yes No Negative Reactions? _____________________________ Hospitalizations, Surgery, X-Ray and Special Studies What hospitalizations, surgeries, X-rays, or special studies have you had? Year: ___ What: ______ Year: ____ What: Year: ____ What: ______ Year: ____ What: ______ Have you experienced significant traumas? If so, please explain: ____________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Allergies Are you hypersensitive or allergic to foods, drugs, or environmental substances? Please list: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Weight Max Weight lbs. lbs. Height When General Weight 1 year ago lbs. Blood Type _____________ Review of Symptoms Pain/Stress Please circle and/or shade in areas where you are experiencing pain or distress (if applicable). Include date of onset and level of pain (using scale 1-10, 10= worse). Stress and Pain Relief What activities do you participate in that bring you stress and/or pain relief (Include hobbies, passions) ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ How often you make time for yourself? ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ Review of Symptoms Check any of the following you have or have had in the past 6 months. SKIN ___Rashes ___Eczema, Hives ___Acne, Boils ___Itching ___Fungal Infections ___Color change ___Hair Loss ___Dry skin / scalp ___Lumps ___Night Sweats ___Slow healing ulcerations HEAD / NECK ___Headache/migraine ___Faintness ___Dizziness ___Jaw Pain ___Swollen Glands ___Goiter ___Pain or stiffness ___TMJ ___Flushing or hot flashes ___Wheezing ___Asthma ___Bronchitis/Pneumonia ___Emphysema ___Difficulty/Pain breathing ___Shortness of breath ___Tuberculosis ___Cough ___Wet or ___Dry ___Coughing blood NOSE AND SINUSES ___Frequent colds ___Nose Bleeds ___Stuffiness ___Hay fever ___Sinus problems ___Loss of smell EYES AND EARS ___Itchy eyes ___Watery eyes ___Dry eyes ___Swollen/painful eyes ___Red Eyes ___Impaired vision/Blurriness ___Floaters in vision ___Cataracts ___Color blindness ___Double Vision ___Glaucoma ___Hearing difficulty ___Ringing ___Earaches/Infection MOUTH AND THROAT ___Sore throat ___Excessive saliva ___Teeth grinding ___Sore tongue/lips ___Gum problems ___Hoarseness ___Gagging/choking ___Difficulty swallowing RESPIRATORY ___Chest congestion CARDIOVASCULAR ___Heart disease ___Angina/Chest pain ___High/Low Blood Pressure ___Murmurs ___Blood clots ___Irregular heart beat ___Palpitations/Fluttering ___Swelling in ankles CIRCULATION ___Easy bleeding or bruising ___Anemia ___Deep leg pain ___Varicose veins ___Cold hands/feet ENDOCRINE ___Hypothyroid ___Heat or cold intolerance ___Hypoglycemia ___Diabetes ___Excessive thirst ___Excessive hunger ___Fatigue ___Seasonal depression IMMUNE ___Chronic infections ___Chronically swollen glands ___Slow wound healing MUSCLES / JOINTS/ BONES ___Joint pain ___Muscle pain ___Muscle spasms / cramps ___Restless leg Syndrome ___Sciatica ___Osteoporosis/Osteopenia ___Fibromyalgia NEUROLOGIC ___Seizures ___Paralysis ___Muscle weakness ___Numbness or tingling ___Easily stressed ___Vertigo or dizziness ___Loss of balance ___Tics DIGESTION ___Trouble swallowing ___Heartburn / Acid Reflux ___Change in thirst/appetite ___Ulcer ___Nausea/Vomiting ___Gas/Bloating ___Belching or passing gas ___Diarrhea ___Constipation ___Pain or cramps ___Mucous in stools ___Black / Bloody stool ___Hemorrhoids ___Itchy / Burning Anus ___Rectal Pain ___Liver/Gall Bladder trouble ___Jaundice (yellow skin) Bowel Movements: How often?___ Is this a change? _____________ Stools ___Hard ___Firm ___Soft ___ Loose Review of Symptoms Check any of the following you have or have had in the past 6 months. URINARY ___Pain on urination ___Increased frequency ___Frequency at night ___Frequent infections ___Inability to hold urine ___Kidney stones ___Blood in urine MENTAL/ EMOTIONAL ___Mood Swings ___Anxiety or nervousness ___Considered/Attempted suicide ___Depression ___Poor concentration ___Poor Memory ___Panic ___Other__________________ GENERAL ___Poor Sleep / Insomnia ___Disturbed Sleep ___Fatigue / Low Energy ___Do you generally feel Hot? ___Do you generally feel Cold? ___Chills ___Fevers ___Poor Appetite ___Constant Hunger ___Cravings ___________ ___Peculiar taste in mouth ___Low Libido ___Experience High Stress ___Chronic Fatigue Syndrome MALE ONLY ___Hernias ___Testicular masses ___Testicular pain ___Prostate disease ___Sexually transmitted disease ___Discharge or sores ___Sexual dysfunction Are you sexually active? Yes No Sexual orientation? ____________ Birth control? Type? __________ FEMALE ONLY ___Irregular cycles ___Bleeding between cycles ___Pain during intercourse ___Clotting ___Heavy or excessive flow ___PMS ___Endometriosis ___Difficulty conceiving ___Painful menses ___Vaginal discharge? Color? ______ ___Vaginal Odor ___Ovarian cysts ___Menopausal symptoms ___Abnormal PAP ___Sexually transmitted disease ___Breast pain/tenderness ___Nipple discharge ___Breast Lumps Age at which menses began _______________ Age of last menses (if menopausal) _______________ Length of Cycle (Day 1 to Day 1) _______________ Duration of Flow _______________ Date of last period _______________ Are you sexually active? Yes No Sexual orientation? _______________ Birth control? Type? _______________ Number of pregnancies _______________ Number of live births _______________ Number of miscarriages ________________ Number of abortions _______________ Difficult or premature births? _______________ Could you be pregnant now? ______________ Do you do breast self-exams? Yes No Date of last Pap smear _______________ Date of last mammogram ______________ Any other feminine difficulties? ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Ayurvedic Constitution Quiz Determining Your Dominant Ayurvedic Psychophysiological (Mind-Body) Constitutional Type: Vata, Pitta or Kapha The following simple test will give you a fairly good idea of the levels of your doshas. We have to remember that everyone has all three doshas, but in varying degrees. After reading each description, mark 0 to 7 in front of the question. Note that values 2 and 5 are not assigned at all (don't use them). 0, 1 = Does not apply 3, 4 = Applies sometimes 6, 7 = Applies most of the time Evaluating My Vata Physical Attributes: 1. My physique is thin - I don't gain weight easily. 2. I am quick and active. 3. My skin is usually dry, more so in winter. 4. My hands and feet are usually cold. 5. My energy fluctuates and comes in bursts. 6. I usually develop gas or constipation. 7. I usually have difficulty falling asleep or having a sound night's sleep. 8. I am uncomfortable in cold weather. Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes: 9. My nature is lively and enthusiastic. 10. I have difficulty memorizing things and remembering them later. 11. It is easy for me to learn new things quickly, but I also forget quickly. 12. I am not good at making decisions. 13. I am anxious or worrisome by nature. 14. People think I'm talkative and that I talk quickly. 15. I am usually emotional by nature and my moods fluctuate. 16. My mind is restless, but also imaginative. 17.I have irregular eating and sleeping habits. Total Vata: Evaluating My Pitta Physical Attributes: . 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. My hair is fine, straight, light, blonde, red, graying early, or balding. I don't tolerate hot weather. I sweat easily. I can't tolerate delaying or skipping a meal. My appetite is very good and I can eat big meals. My bowel movements are regular. I might have occasional loose stool but not much constipation. I like cold drinks and such foods as ice cream. I often feel hot: Spicy, hot foods upset my stomach Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes: 10. I consider myself efficient. 11. I try to be organized and accurate. 12. I have a strong will and my friends think I am stubborn. 13. I am impatient by nature. 14. I tend to become irritable or angry quite easily. 15. I try to be meticulous and am a perfectionist by nature. 16. I get angry easily, but I don't hold a grudge. 17.I am usually critical of myself and others. Total Pitta: Evaluating My Kapha Physical Attributes: 1. It is easy for me to gain weight but difficult to lose. 2. Skipping meals is easy for me and does not cause any problems. 3. I tend to have congestion, mucus, or sinus problems. 4. I'm a sound sleeper. 5. I have thick, oily, dark, wavy hair. 6. My skin is smooth and soft with an almost pale complexion. 7.My body frame is large and solid with a heavy bone structure. S. My digestion is slow, so I feel full after eating. 9. I have a steady energy level with good endurance and strong stamina. 10. I'm sensitive to cool and damp weather. Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Attributes: 11. I tend to be slow, methodical, and relaxed. . . 12. I need to sleep a minimum of eight hours to feel well the next morning. 13.By nature I am calm and composed. I don't get angry easily. . 14. I am not a quick learner but I am good at memorizing things and remembering them later. 15. Many people consider me affectionate, forgiving, and peaceful. 16. I usually oversleep and have difficulty waking up the next morning. 17.I am very reluctant to take on new responsibilities. Total Kapha: My total scores are: Vata Pitta Kapha I am ________ first, ________ second, and ________ third Active Wellness (Teri Adolfo, L.Ac.) 4206 Stone Way North, Seattle, WA 98103 Tel: (425) 672-7559 Email: [email protected] Patient Financial Agreement Cancellation Charge: • We request and appreciate a minimum of 24 hour notice. • A fee of $50 will be charged if 24 hour notice is not given. Payment: • Payment for visit co-pays and/or medication and supplements is to be rendered at time of service and can be made by cash, check, debit or credit. • There is a minimum billing fee of 12% APR for account balances due beyond 30 days. • There is a $35 NSF fee on all returned checks. • Patients will be held responsible for non-payment by their insurance company. Accounts unpaid by the insurance company greater than 90 days will be billed to the patient. • Outstanding balances greater than 120 days will be turned over to a collection agency unless prior arrangements have been made with the Emerald Center in writing. Active Wellness is committed to providing quality care for your acupuncture needs. Our office appreciates your patronage. IF I HAVE INSURANCE, I UNDERSTAND THAT I AM RESPONSIBLE TO READ MY MEDICAL BENEFIT BOOK AND UNDERSTAND IT. WHEN APPLICABLE, I AM RESPONSIBLE TO PAY A PERCENTAGE OF THE COST OF MY VISIT AT THE TIME OF TREATMENT. I AGREE THAT I AM FULLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE TOTAL PAYMENT OF ALL PROCEDURES PERFORMED IN THIS OFFICE. THIS INCLUDES ANY TREATMENT THAT IS NOT A BENEFIT OF ANY MEDICAL INSURANCE THAT I MAY HAVE I, ________________________________________________ agree to the above defined financial policies of Active Wellness. In the case of default of payment, I am responsible for full payment of the balance, interest accrued, and any collection costs and legal fees incurred to collect on this account. I, the undersigned, have read, understand, and accept the information and conditions specified in this document. ____________________________ Patient’s Signature __________________________________ Printed Name _____________________ Today’s Date Active Wellness (Teri Adolfo, L.Ac.) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF RECEIPT OF PRIVACY PRACTICES Dear Patient: We are required to provide you with a copy of our Notice of Privacy Practices, which states how we may use and/or disclose your health information. Please sign this form to acknowledge receipt of the Notice. You may refuse to sign this acknowledgement, if you wish. I acknowledge that I have received a copy of this office’s Notice of Privacy Practices. _________________________________________ _________________________ Please print your name here Date _________________________________________ Signature Can we put you on our monthly email list for specials and newsletters? Please provide the best email here: ______________________________ If you would not like to be put on our email list please check here: Is there anyone you would like to be able to request medical information on your behalf? Yes__ Please, print first and last name of the person _______________________________________ No__ FOR OFFICE USE ONLY We have made every effort to obtain written acknowledgment of receipt of our Notice of Privacy from this patient but it could not be obtained because: The patient refused to sign. Due to an emergency situation it was not possible to obtain an acknowledgement. We weren’t able to communicate with the patient. Other (Please provide specific details) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________ Employee/Practitioner signature ___________________ Date
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