VCSC NEWSLETTER APRIL 2015 Dear reader, This newsletter brings you info about a large number of calls events and new publications in the field of Sustainability and Consumption. And not least about a new, important book, The Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption, a collaborative effort by many members of this community, and a must-have for everyone. Kind regards, John NEWS Handbook of research on sustainable consumption, published by Edward Elgar and edited by Lucia A. Reisch and John Thøgersen IN THIS ISSUE * NEWS Handbook of research on sustainable consumption, published by Edward Elgar and edited by Lucia A. Reisch and John Thøgersen * CALLS * VACANCIES * PUBLICATIONS * UPCOMING EVENTS The Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption is the result of an enormous collaborative effort by many members of our community. The Handbook of Research on Sustainable Consumption provides an interdisciplinary overview of recent research on the ecological and social obstacles we face through over consumption, drawing attention to the salience of the subject and stimulating discussion in this area. In 27 chapters, leading authorities in the field provide concise and accessible expertise, covering a wide range of approaches from psychology to economics. Although research on sustainable consumption has gained in importance and been addressed by various disciplines, this new book is one of the few to compile and summarise the important research findings. Hence, it will be a useful point of reference for researchers, students and policy makers seeking a wider understanding of the state-of-the-art of sustainable consumption research. Edward Elgar Publishing has provided the editors with this special 35% discount code for our personal contacts and society members: XXXX The offer is valid on the Edward Elgar website until the end of next month and is for purchases for personal use only (not for resale). Please contact [email protected] (UK & ROW) or [email protected] (N & S America) if you have any difficulty or need any further information. Table of Contents: Research On Sustainable Consumption: Introduction And Overview Lucia A. Reisch and John Thøgersen Part I: RESEARCH IN SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION AS AN INTERDISCIPLINARY AND TRANSDISCIPLINARY APPROACH 1. Sustainable Consumption as a Systemic Challenge: Inter- and Transdisciplinary Research and Research Questions Sylvia Lorek and Philip J. Vergragt 2. Breaking the Stalemate of Sustainable Consumption with Industrial Ecology and a Circular Economy Oksana Mont and Eva Heiskanen Part II: MAJOR APPROACHES TO THE STUDY OF SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION 3. Sustainable Consumption in History: Ideas, Resources and Practices Heather Chappells and Frank Trentmann 4. Environmental Psychology and Sustainable Consumption Linda Steg 5. Theories of Practice and Sustainable Consumption Daniel Welch and Alan Warde 6. Sustainability Marketing Ken Peattie 7. Ethics and Sustainable Consumption Lieske Voget-Kleschin, Christian Baatz and Konrad Ott Part III: DIAGNOSTIC RESEARCH—METHODS AND MEASUREMENTS 8. Life Cycle Assessment as a Means to Identify the Most Effective Action for Sustainable Consumption Kjartan Steen-Olsen and Edgar G. Hertwich 9. Priorities for Sustainable Consumption Policies Arnold Tukker Part IV: TRANSPORT, HOUSING, FOOD AND PUBLIC HEALTH 10. Unsustainable Travel Becoming (More) Sustainable Tommy Gärling and Margareta Friman 11. Housing in a Sustainable Consumption Perspective Kirsten Gram-Hanssen 12. Peak Meat: The Role of Meat in Sustainable Consumption Achim Spiller and Sina Nitzko 13. Flexitarianism: A Range of Sustainable Food Styles Muriel Vérain, Hans Dagevos and Gerrit Antonides 14. Obesity, Sustainability and Public Health Wencke Gwozdz Part V: CROSS-CUTTING ISSUES 15. Consumer Habits and Sustainable Consumption Bas Verplanken and Deborah Roy 16. Consumer Responsibility for Sustainable Consumption Michael G. Luchs and Rebecca A. Miller 17. Family Socialization and Sustainable Consumption Ellen Matthies and Hannah Wallis Part VI: POLICIES FOR SUSTAINABLE CONSUMPTION 18. Carbon Triage: A Strategy for Developing a Viable Carbon Labelling System Sharon Shewmake, Mark A. Cohen, Paul C. Stern and Michael P. Vandenbergh 19. Eco-Labelling as Sustainable Consumption Policy Caroline L. Noblet and Mario F. Teisl 20. Behavioural Economics, Consumption and Environmental Protection Cass R. Sunstein 21. Promoting Sustainable Consumption: The Risks of Using Financial Incentives Jan Willem Bolderdijk and Linda Steg 22. Voluntary Standards as Enablers and Impediments to Sustainable Consumption Andreas Rasche 23. Step Across The Border–Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Consumption Gerd Scholl Part VII: FUTURE DIRECTIONS 24. Decoupling Resource Consumption and Economic Growth: Insights Into an Unsolved Global Challenge Peter Hennicke and Dorothea Hauptstock 25. The Role of Consumer Sovereignty in Sustaining the Market Economy Wolfgang J. Fellner and Clive L. Spash 26. Collaborating and Connecting: The Emergence of the Sharing Economy Juliet B. Schor and Connor J. Fitzmaurice 27. Toward a Post-Consumerist Future? Social Innovation in an Era of Fading Economic Growth Maurie J. Cohen Index ISBN (Hardback): 9781783471263 ISBN (E-book): 9781783471270 CALLS Special Issue of International Journal of Production Economics on Sustainable Production and Consumption in Emerging Economies Sustainable development aims to meet the economic, social and environmental needs of contemporary society without sacrificing future generations’ needs and development. One of the key questions is how this can be achieved through more sustainable production and consumption patterns. Sustainable production and consumption is a particular challenge for emerging economies, especially fast-growing regions, such as those in the so-called BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). This special issue aims to provide a platform for high-quality original papers, discussing how emerging economies could contribute to sustainable production and consumption. Papers are invited from researchers and practitioners in engineering, natural and social sciences as well as humanities. Articles at the interface of these disciplines are particularly encouraged. Deadline: 1 May 2015 Read more Board of the Virtual Community John Thøgersen Aarhus University Chairman of the board Anders Biel University of Gothenburg Mario Teisl University of Maine Linda Steg University of Groningen Lucia Reisch Copenhagen Business School Ulf Schrader Technical University of Berlin Paul Stern NAS. Washington DC Tim Jackson University of Surrey Bas Verplanken University of Bath Ellen Matthies Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg Satoshi Fujii Kyoto University Call for contributions: CAPS 2015 conference on Networked Social Responsibility Brussels, Belgium An entire ecosystem of initiatives innovates the European and worldwide societies through a plurality of voices and approaches (social entrepreneurship, crowdfunding, sharing economy, P2P, sustainable consumption, just to mention a few). What they all have in common is the use of Internet and the Internet of Things as a lever to scale, engage, ideate, debate, impact and overall tackle societal challenges. A first batch of CAPS (Collective Awareness Platforms for Sustainability and Social Innovation) projects has been launched with the support of the European Commission in 2013 (FP7 Call 10). A second Call is open within the Horizon 2020 EU research programme. Contributions for the conference are invited and will be evaluated by the committee of CAPS. Deadline: 30 April 2015 Read more Call for Papers: Sustainable Innovation: ‘State of the Art’ Sustainable Innovation & Design Conference Surrey, UK Sustainable Innovation 2015 will provide a platform to discuss the opportunities and challenges related to the “state of the art” in sustainable innovation and design related to products, services, technologies and new business models. Sustainable Innovation 2015 will include invited and refereed papers from academics, consultants, entrepreneurs, technology providers, designers and innovation and sustainability directors as well as other business functions. Sustainable Innovation 2015 welcomes conceptual and research-based papers focused on the “state of the art” of sustainable innovation and design. Papers should cover sustainability, innovation, product, service or technology design, and development and commercialisation issues Deadline: 1 May 2015 Read more Call for abstracts: Conference on global food security Ithaca, NY, US Achieving global food security whilst reconciling demands on the environment is the greatest challenge faced by mankind. By 2050 at least 9 billion people will need food, and increasing incomes and urbanization will inevitably lead to dietary change. The food security challenge will increasingly encompass the triple burden of malnutrition – undernutrition, obesity and micronutrient deficiencies. The urgency of the issues has led to huge scientific strides forwards, making it difficult to keep up with the rapidly expanding volume of scientific research. Abstracts and proposals are encouraged and it’s possible to contribute to 11 different themes. Deadline: 8 May 2015 Read more Call for contributions: MIT Climate CoLab: seeking high impact ideas to tackle climate change The Climate CoLab recently announced twenty-two contests, each seeking highimpact actions that will make a significant difference in addressing climate change. Run by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Center for Collective Intelligence, the Climate CoLab is a completely open, online platform where experts and the public work together to develop high impact ideas and plans for what we can do about climate change, right now. Authors of most promising proposals are invited to present before government officials, business executives, NGO leaders and scientists at an MIT event this fall, where a $10,000 Grand Prize will be awarded! Deadline: 16 May 2015 Read more Call for papers: Conference on child and teen consumption 2016 Aalborg, Denmark Children and teens’ experiences of consumption come in many forms and shapes. Traditions for childrearing, cultural ideals for good childhood and family patterns, traditions for inviting to child participation, habits and routines coupled with impulses from markets, media and consumers, locally and globally, all set the frames for child and teen consumption. During the Child and Teen Consumption Conference in 2016 focus will be on how we can understand the contexts, relations and practices in which child and teen consumption is embedded. Among the tracks are sustainability, food waste and environmental concerns suggested. Deadline: 1 September 2015 Read more VACANCIES Four PhD fellows at the Environmental Humanities Research Group at the University of Leeds The PhD fellow will be expected to do research in one or other of two predesignated areas. One of these areas will examine the connections between the representation and preservation of wild spaces and species in the pan-European context; will analyse specific instances of these connections in the work of contemporary European nature writers and/or natural history filmmakers; and will gauge the applicability of this work to EU environmental, wildlife, and conservation policy (including rewilding) in the context of Natura 2000. The other area will examine current and historical water-related crises in Europe and globally within the larger historical framework of natural disaster; will analyse their cultural components; and will look at the communities created through such disasters and at the paradoxical capacity of flood, drought, and other natural disasters to produce more sustainable models for collective living, in Europe and elsewhere. Deadline: 1 May 2015 Read more The Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management of Delft University of Technology has an opening for a PhD candidate The position is part of a NWO-Responsible Innovation project on controversial energy technologies. The candidate is expected to conduct case study research on national and international energy projects that give rise to public contestation, and organise workshops with partners and stakeholders. Deadline: 07 May 2015 Read more Four doctoral fellows at the Rachel Carson Center at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich and Deutsches Museum The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society, LMU Munich and the Deutsches Museum invite applications for four funded doctoral student positions (ESRs) in the environmental humanities, two positions each under the themes of “Climates of Risk” and “Climates of Memory.” A wide-ranging curiosity in the other projects of this ENHANCE group is important, as the four “climates” ESRs will work with colleagues based at the Leeds’ School of English and School of Earth and Environment and the Environmental Humanities Lab at KTH Stockholm. Successful candidates will propose research projects that analyze cultures and perceptions of climate risk and cultural memories of climate through historical and cross-cultural comparison. Deadline: 15 May 2015 Read more Vacancy announcements at TIK - SusValueWaste project TIK is announcing two new temporary positions funded by the project: “Sustainable path creation for innovative value chains for organic waste products (SusValueWaste)”. The links to the two vacancy announcements are as follows: Two-year Postdoc Deadline: 17 May 2015 Read more Three-year Ph.D position: Deadline: 17 May 2015 Read more PUBLICATIONS Carrico, A. R., Vandenbergh, M. P., Stern, P. C., & Dietz, T. (2015). US climate policy needs behavioural science. Nature Climate Change, 5(3), 177-179. Grolleau, G., Ibanez, L., Mzoughi, N., & Teisl, M. (2015). Helping eco-labels to fulfil their promises. Climate Policy. Jackson, T., & Victor, P. A. Does slow growth lead to rising inequality? Some theoretical reflections and numerical simulations. Ecological Economics. Lauper, E., Moser, S., Fischer, M., & Matthies, E. (2015). Explaining Car Drivers’ Intention to Prevent Road-Traffic Noise: An Application of the Norm Activation Model. Environment and Behavior. Noblet, C. L., Anderson, M. W., & Teisl, M. F. (2015). Thinking past, thinking future: An empirical test of the effects of retrospective assessment on future preferences. Ecological Economics, 114, 180-187. Thøgersen, J., Barcellos, M. D. d., Perinc, M. G., & Zhou, Y. (2015). Consumer buying motives and attitudes towards organic food in two emerging markets: China and Brazil. International Marketing Review, 32(3/4). van der Werff, E., & Steg, L. (2015). One model to predict them all: Predicting energy behaviours with the norm activation model. Energy Research & Social Science, 6, 8-14. UPCOMING EVENTS 2015 21 - 22 May CONSENSUS#2 International Conference on ‘Sustainable Consumption Transform- ations: Implementation and impacts’ Galway, Ireland 21 - 24 May UNMAKINGWASTE2015: Transforming Production and Consumption in Time and Place Adelaide, South Australia 27 - 29 May Food in the Bio-based Ecnomy: Sustainable Procision and Access Wagening, The Netherlands 28 May - 5 June ESAC Conference 2015 Ottawa, Canada 9 - 11 June Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference 2015 Trondheim, Norway 11 - 12 June World Conference of Futures Research 2015 Turku, Finland 11 - 14 June ACSEE 2015 Kobe, Japan 14 - 17 June Healthy People, Healthy Environment: “Behavior Keene, NH, U.S Change, Connections, Communication Strategies” 17 - 19 June Product Lifetime and the Environment (PLATE) 23 - 26 June XIII Enviromental Psycology Conference - PSICAMB Granada, Spain 7 - 8 July CAPS2015: Networked Social Responsbility Conference 9 - 12 July The European Conference on Sustainability, Energy Brighton, U.K. & the Environment 2015 29 - 30 July ICSS 2015 : XIII International Conference on Sustainable Society Zurich, Switzerland 24 - 26 August BCEP 2015: 11th Bienniel Conference on Environmental Psychology Groningen, The Netherlands 1- 4 September CFP RGS-IBG Annual Conference 2015 Exeter, U.K. 2 - 3 September BX2015: International Behavioural Insights Conference London, U.K. 7 – 9 September The 5th World Sustainability Forum Basel, Switzerland 16 - 18 September Corporate Responsibility Research Conference CRRC 2015 Nottingham, U.K. Brussels, Belgium Marseille, France 17 - 19 September 3rd International CSR Communication Conference Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 October Conference on global sustainability and local food Rome, Italy 11 - 14 October 2nd International Conference on Global Food Security Ithaca, NY, U.S 18 - 21 October BECC15: Behavior, Energy and Climate Change Sacramento, CA, U.S 1 - 4 November Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference Sitges, Spain 9 - 10 November Sustainable innovation 2015: ‘State of the Art’ Sustainable Innovation & Design Surrey, U.K, SBE 16 - International Conference on Sustainable Built Environment Hamburg, Germany Child and Teen Consumption Conference Aalborg, Denmark 2016 8 - 11 March 27 - 29 April Read more about the events here *VISIT OUR WEBPAGE* *BECOME A MEMBER* *CONTACT US* *LINKEDIN* *VC LIST FORUM* *VC FORUM*
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