1 2 NH-INBRE Insider December 2014, Issue 3 Got some news to share from your school? Send an update to the NHINBRE office to be included in the next issue. Email: Jennifer.J.Smith@Dart mouth.edu Inside this Issue: v v v v Deadline Change for Grant Submission Student Science Photo Contest “How One Student went from GBCC to UNH” INBRE Student Updates NH-INBRE Updates, news, and interesting Ideas Deadline Change for Grant Submission for NHINBRE Funding The deadline for grant submissions under the NHINBRE Funding Opportunity Announcement has changed! The new deadline for grant submissions is January 19, 2015. This will give faculty members an extra weekend to finalize proposals. Student Science Photo Contest NH-INBRE is announcing the new Student Science Photo Contest. Students can submit scientific photos with captions that communicate the essence of the photo to the NH-INBRE program. For an example please refer to the journal, “Science”. We will be selecting a new winner monthly and will be featuring their photo and caption on the NH-INBRE website. Monthly winners will receive a $25 Amazon gift card. We will then pick an overall winner to be announced at the annual meeting. Grand Prize will be an iPad. Submissions should be sent to [email protected] “How One Student went from GBCC to UNH” The Community College System of New Hampshire shared an exciting story on their website about Great Bay Community College student Jackie LeMaire and her experience with science and the NH-INBRE Program. You can find the story at the following link: http://www.collegeinthe603.c om/jackie-lemaire-profile/ NH-INBRE Insider Student Updates: • Two Saint Anselm College and former ISURF-Nursing students John Sullivan and Aimee LaLancette will begin their Preceptorships at DHMC during the Spring semester. • Deaetta Grinnage, former NH-INBRE ISURF student from Delaware State University presented her summer research at the ABRCMS in Texas during November. • Padmina Shrestha, former NH-INBRE ISURF student from ColbySawyer College presented her NH-INBRE research at the ASCB conference in Philadelphia in early December Congrats to these students! Upcoming Important Dates and Events: NH-INBRE Ø December, 2014: Information regarding 2015 ISURF Program will be posted on the NH-INBRE website Lead Institutions Ø January 19, 2015: Deadline for Grant submission for NH-INBRE funding • Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth Ø June 8, 2015: Start date for INBRE Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship • University of New Hampshire Ø August 6-7, 2015: 2015 NH-INBRE Annual Meeting at Wentworth by the Sea in Newcastle, NH Partner Institutions Ø September 24-26, 2015: 2015 Northeast Regional IDeA Conference at the Bar Harbor Club, Bar Harbor, Maine NH-INBRE Contests • Institutions of the NH-INBRE T-Shirt Contest: Submit your ideas/design for the new NH-INBRE T-shirt to be unveiled at the 2015 Annual Meeting! Winning design receives a $50 Amazon gift card. • Colby-Sawyer College • Community College System of New Hampshire • Franklin Pierce University • Keene State College • New England College • Plymouth State University • St. Anselm College
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