Teaching Konnection Before Kids Arrive

Teaching Konnection
Proverbs 3:5-6 tells you to trust God and His way
instead of your own. But how do you know what His
way is? Read the Bible, especially the Book of
Proverbs so you can trust God and live life His way.
We will make a pocket-sized Proverbs Bible so you
can carry some of God’s words of wisdom with you
wherever you go!
Proverbs 3:5-6 NIV
Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on
your own understanding; in all your ways submit to
him, and he will make your paths straight.
Walk through life with God by your side… His wisdom
(not yours) will be your guide.
Before Kids Arrive
1. Fold all brown construction paper in half to
make covers. Note: Each cover, after folding,
should measure 4½” x 6”.
1. Read the Verse, Point, and Teaching
Konnection to the whole group.
2. Give each kid one Bible Pattern activity sheet,
ribbon, YouVersion sticker, and prepared cover.
3. Kids cut the sheet along the solid lines only.
4. Kids stack their pages in order. Note: Young
kids will need additional assistance.
5. Kids fold the stack in half along the dotted line.
6. Kids place the ribbon in the fold between pages
8 and 9.
7. Kids insert the assembled pages and ribbon
inside the brown cover.
8. Leaders staple twice along the spine. Note:
ensure the red ribbon is stapled in place. It is
decorative, not functional.
9. Kids attach the YouVersion Bible App sticker to
the front cover.
Pocket Proverbs // You’ll Need
Bible Pattern activity sheet (1 per child)
Brown construction paper
(1 9” x 6” sheet per child)
YouVersion Bible App sticker (1 per child)
Red ribbon (6 inches per child)
Scissors (1 set per table)
Markers (1 set per table)
Staplers (1 per table)
Staples (as needed)
1. Kids decorate their Pocket Proverbs Bible with
marker designs.
2. Read verses out of the Pocket Proverbs Bible.
3. Kids to explain what the verses mean in their
own words.
4. Ask: Why is it helpful to carry this Pocket
Proverbs Bible with you? When I read it, it will
teach me about wisdom so I can choose God’s
way instead of my own. I can also share the
verses with others when they need wisdom!
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Teaching Konnection
Did you know how much power your words have?
Every word you speak is either giving life to others and
making them stronger or killing their confidence by
hurting their feelings. Use wisdom with your words!
We’ll make a Mr. Mouth puppet to teach our mouths to
use kind, wise words that bring life to everyone around
Proverbs 18:21 NIRV
Your tongue has the power of life and death. Those
who love to talk will eat the fruit of their words.
Our words should give encouragement and life… not
cause hurt, anger, or strife.
Before Kids Arrive
1. Watch the Mr. Mouth instructional video:
2. Practice making Mr. Mouth.
1. Read the Verse, Point, and Teaching
Konnection to the whole group.
2. Hand out a Mr. Mouth activity sheet and a pair
of scissors to each kid.
3. Fold sheet in half along dotted line A.
4. Leave paper folded and cut on solid line B.
5. Leave paper folded and fold along the diagonal
dotted lines to create two triangle folds. Note:
Firmly establish these creases.
6. Return the triangles to their original position.
7. Push the triangle inside the activity sheet one at
a time.
8. Leave triangles inside the activity sheet and
reestablish the creases along the diagonal
dotted lines.
9. Open the activity sheet.
10. Alternate pushing the short edges of the paper
together slightly and gently pulling them apart to
make Mr. Mouth open and close his mouth.
Mr. Mouth // You’ll Need
Mr. Mouth activity sheet (1 per child)
Scissors (1 set per table)
Markers (1 set per table)
Kids use Mr. Mouth puppet to say the Verse.
Kids write word bubbles around Mr. Mouth.
Kids fill in the word bubbles with wise words.
Kids decorate Mr. Mouth with markers.
Ask: What are some wise, encouraging words
you will say to others? Answers will vary. Kids
can use the Mr. Mouth puppet to answer.
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Proverbs 18:21 NIRV
Your tongue has the
power of life and
death. Those who
love to talk will eat the
fruit of their words.
Mr. Mouth Activity Sheet // Wise Choices // Week 2
Proverbs 18:21 NIRV
Your tongue has the
power of life and
death. Those who
love to talk will eat the
fruit of their words.
Mr. Mouth Activity Sheet // Wise Choices // Week 2
Teaching Konnection
Proverbs 15:1 tells you that kind words keep peace in
your family, but mean words will get them all worked
up! It doesn’t stop with words, though… your actions
can keep peace or work people up, too! Do the Treat
Your Family Right activity to think about wise actions
you can do for your family.
Proverbs 15:1 NIV
A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word
stirs up anger.
Angry words can cause a big fight… so choose kind
words and treat your family right!
Treat Your Family Right // You’ll Need
Treat Your Family Right activity sheet
(1 per child)
Glue sticks (1 set per table)
Scissors (1 set per table)
Markers (1 set per table)
1. Read the Verse, Point, and Teaching
Konnection to the whole group.
2. Hand out a Treat Your Family Right activity
sheet to each kid.
3. Read through the images on the sheet.
4. As a group, decide which images show ways to
treat family members wisely.
5. Kids draw a star on images that show wisdom.
6. Kids cut out the images.
7. Kids glue the wise images into the dotted
squares inside of the thought bubble.
1. Kids decorate the character on the activity
sheet to look like them.
2. Kids color the rest of the activity sheet.
3. Ask: The person on the activity sheet is just
thinking about wise choices. What do they need
to do to actually be wise with their family? Do
the actions they are thinking about!
4. Ask: Which of these things will you ask God to
help you do for your family this week? Answers
will vary.
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Teaching Konnection
Is it a good idea to hang out with someone who is
popular, cool, tough, or fun? Well… maybe. You have
to look at their character to find out. What choices do
they make? Do they show that they respect God and
love wisdom? It matters, because you will act like the
people you hang around! Play “Wise Guys” so you
know what good character looks like.
Proverbs 13:20 NLT
Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with
fools and get in trouble.
1. Read the Verse, Point, and Teaching
Konnection to the whole group.
2. Trace a kid onto the butcher paper strip.
3. Lay the strip on the floor.
4. Hand out a label sticker to each kid.
5. Ask: How will you know if a person is a good
friend to spend a lot of time with? Look at the
actions and choices they make to see what kind
of character they have.
6. Discuss traits that are good and bad. Note: Use
the Wise Guy Character Traits activity
supplement for positive ideas.
7. Kids write one positive trait on their label. Note:
Young kids can draw pictures of good choices
their friends make.
8. Kids stick their labels inside the kid outline.
Choosing wrong friends will drag you down… so
choose the right friends to hang around.
Wise Guys // You’ll Need
5 ft. of butcher paper (1 strip per rotation)
Label sticker (1 per child)
Markers (1 set per table)
Wise Guy Character Traits activity supplement
(on back)
1. Review the good character traits kids wrote.
2. Ask: Why would it be a good idea to spend time
with this kid? This kid has good character and
will help me to be wiser and make good choices
when I hang out with him.
3. Ask: Why is it a bad idea to hang out a lot with
kids that show foolish character traits? Foolish
character will rub off on me and I will start to
make unwise decisions and get in trouble.
4. Pray: God, please teach us how to be examples
of good character so we can honor You and
help our friends get wisdom to make better
choices. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Character Traits of a Good Friend:
Says kind words
Thinks about my feelings
Plays games with me
Does what I want sometimes
Laughs with me
Shows self control
Likes spending time with me
Obeys and respects teachers and other adults
Tells me what they like about me
Is kind and respectful to their parents
Helps me do homework
Tells the truth
Helps me do housework and chores
Likes me for who I am
Sits by me when I’m lonely
Doesn’t call me names
Shares with me
Doesn’t tell lies about me
Takes turns when we play games
Asks me how I feel about things
Is a good sport
Prays for me when I’m sick
Doesn’t yell at me
Makes things for me
Is patient
Doesn’t bully others
Forgives me when I make mistakes
Considers others’ feelings
Doesn’t boss me around
Has good manners
Shows love to everyone
Shows joy
Has peace all the time
Is there for me no matter what
Teaching Konnection
When you get money, it’s so exciting! There are so
many different fun things to spend it on! God wants
you to have fun things, but He wants you to think
about others first. Then people will know that God
gave you money to bless and help others, instead of
being selfish and spending it all up. So before you
spend, put others first by giving and saving. Then you
can spend the rest on what you need and want.
1. Read the Verse, Point, and Teaching
Konnection to the whole group.
2. Hand out three envelopes to each kid.
3. Ask: What do you think these envelopes are
for? Answers will vary.
4. Explain: We are making envelopes to sort your
real money at home. One for GIVE, one for
SAVE, and one for SPEND! If you don’t have
any real money at home, practice with pretend
money so you know how to be wise with your
money when you grow up and have a job.
5. Kids write GIVE on one envelope, SAVE on the
next envelope, and SPEND on the last
envelope. Note: Spell the words for young kids.
6. Kids decorate their envelopes with the markers,
stickers, and jewels.
Proverbs 11:24 NLT
Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and
lose everything.
I’ll be wise with my money so others can see… the
money I have is not all about me.
Master Your Money // You’ll Need
Envelopes (3 per child)
Markers (1 set per table)
Adhesive jewels (10 per child)
Stickers (5 per child)
1. Ask: What things can you save up for? Answers
will vary.
2. Ask: What will you give your money to?
Answers will vary.
3. Ask: What things will you spend your money
on? Answers will vary.
4. Ask: Why is it wise to organize your money?
Using envelopes to organize your money
reminds you to obey God with your money
instead of spending it all up.
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