Guides for Authors

The 2nd International Conference on Buildings, Construction and
Environmental Engineering- BCEE2
17-18 October 2015
Beirut, Lebanon
Guidelines for Authors
Manuscripts should be submitted online to the Conference website: The
manuscript should be in English with single line spacing and 25 mm margin for all sides.
The first page should include the full title of the paper and the full name(s) of the
author(s), followed by their position held and the institution(s) where the work was done.
The contact address, telephone number, and e-mail address of the corresponding author
with a photograph, clearly identified, and a biography should also be supplied. Author
names and information should be typed in size (10) bold
The preferred length is about 8 pages, including notation, tables and figures. Papers
should be accompanied by an abstract of about 150 words, followed by 5 keywords
(maximum). Spelling should follow the first spelling in the latest edition of the Oxford
English Dictionary and SI units should be used. Trade and place names should have
initial capital letters.
Mathematical expressions should be presented in clear form in size (12). Each equation
should be typed on a separate line and be numbered consecutively. A notation should be
provided. Greek characters should be identified in the margin when they first occur.
Matrix and vector quantities should be identified in the notation.
Font type is Times New Roman and should be typed in size (11). The title font should be
in size (14) bold. It should be placed above the abstract. The subtitles should be without
numbering and underlining. The font should be size (11) bold. The title should be typed,
on the upper right corner for all sheets except the front page.
The figures and tables titles are typed by the same manner as for the text letters size, but
in bold. Figures and tables are to be inserted within the text, with their indicators clearly.
Only those drawings and photographs essential to the understanding of the text should be
included. It is essential that the original artwork files are supplied. Figures should be
referred to in the text in the order in which they appear.
Photographs must be of good quality with sharp focus and clear definition. Photographs
must be supplied as tif, jpg or eps format. The width of the image should be at least 1500
pixels or ‘dots’, using a digital camera setting of 1500 x 1000 pixels or scanning a 150 x
100 mm print or drawing at a resolution of at least 300 dpi.
Tables should be numbered consecutively and referred to in the text. They should not
duplicate information already given in the text nor contain material which would be
better presented graphically. Tabular matter should be as simple as possible, with brief
column headings and a minimum number of columns.
References should be indicated in the text by consecutive superior numerals. They should
be listed on a separate sheet in numerical order, giving full details in the following style
1. Taylor, H. F. W. (ed.): Cement Chemistry, 2nd edn. Academic press, London, 1990.
2. Taylor, H. F. W., Smelter H. W. and Cowper: T. Properties of slurries. In Cement
Chemistry (ed. D. W. Smith), Wiley, London, 1990, vol. 2, pp. 390^394.
3. Collins, F. G. and Kirk, G. A: Electrochemical removal of chlorides from concrete. In
Proceedings of a Conference on the Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures (eds D. W.
Smith and F. Lewis), Thomas Telford, London, 1994, pp. 2^30.
4. Diamond, S. E.: New uses for PFA. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on
Concrete, London, 1973, p. 69.
5. British Standards Institution. Steel Fabric for Reinforcement. BSI, Milton Keynes,
1995, BS 4486: part 2.
6. Barker, J.: A Study of Breakdown in Concrete. PhD Thesis, University of Sussex,
Falmer, 1995.
7. Jordet, E. A. and Jakobsen, S. E.: The Svinesund Bridge. Structural Concrete, 2007, 8,
No. 4, 201^209.
Authors are responsible for obtaining permission from the owners of the copyright when
reproducing material in their paper which has been published elsewhere. Papers with
more than one author should be submitted with a letter signed by all authors or a
declaration by the lead author that the paper has been approved by all the other authors.
The copyright transfer agreement must be also uploaded, filled, signed and then emailed
with the full manuscript.
Further Information
For more information, please refer to the Conference website and emails:, [email protected], and [email protected].