MAY 2015 VOYAGEUR VOYAGEUR MAY 2015 From the Pastor’s Desk One of the unique treasures of the Bemidji United Methodist Church is an unsurpassed collection of John Wesley memorabilia in the gathering area, thanks to the generosity of John Herath. If you follow “” John Wesley was a founder of the United Methodist Church. A famous quote from John Wesley is: “Do all the good you can, By all the means you can. In all the ways you can, In all the places you can, At all the times you can, To all the people you can, As long as ever you can.” Those words are another form of Jesus’ answer to the question “which is the greatest commandment?” He answered , “There are two: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength; and the second is like it: love your neighbor as yourself. How are we doing? Is the display just a nice collection – or is it a reminder of the call to discipleship? You are the answer. page 1 MAY 2015 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 26 9:00 Adult Forum 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 11:30 Youth Caramel Rolls 27 28 Noon and 5:30 Yoga 5:30 AA 6:00 Voyageurs Harmony Chorus Practice 6:30 Finance Meeting 7:00 Square Dance Lessons 29 10:00 ROMEOs at Sanford Health 6:30 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 30 10:00 Staff Mtg 5:00 Soup Kitchen 5:00 Lotus Zen Meditation 5:00 Stamping Group 1 7:30 Square Dance 2 9:30 Yoga 3 COMMUNION SUNDAY FOOD SHELF SUNDAY 9:00 Adult Forum 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 11:30 Youth Caramel Rolls 4 5 Noon and 5:30 Yoga 5:30 AA 6:00 Voyageurs Harmony Chorus Practice 7:00 Square Dance Lessons 6 10:00 ROMEOs at Sanford Health 6:30 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 7 10:00 Staff Mtg 3:30 Week of Action Book Give Away 5:00 Soup Kitchen 5:00 Lotus Zen Meditation 8 9:00 Faith and Fellowship 9 9:30 Yoga 10:00 Prayer Shawl Meeting 5:30 Adult Game Night 10 CRADLE ROCKING 9:00 Adult Forum 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 11 12 9:00 NLFX Noon and 5:30 Yoga 1:30 Prayer Chain Mtg 5:30 AA 6:00 Voyageurs Harmony Chorus Practice 7:00 Square Dance Lessons 13 10:00 ROMEOs at Sanford Health 6:30 Youth Group 6:30 Finance Meeting 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 14 10:00 Staff Mtg 5:00 Soup Kitchen 5:00 Lotus Zen Meditation 15 2:30 Girl Scouts 16 9:30 Yoga 17 18 TEACHER RECOGNITION SUNDAY 9:00 Adult Forum 9:15 Sunday School 10:30 Worship Service 11:30 All Church Picnic 2:00 Square Dance 19 Noon and 5:30 Yoga 5:30 AA 6:00 Voyageurs Harmony Chorus Practice 7:00 Square Dance Lessons 20 9:15 BMW 10:00 ROMEOs at Sanford Health 6:30 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 21 10:00 Staff Mtg Noon PEO Mtg 5:00 Soup Kitchen 5:00 Lotus Zen Meditation 5:00 Stamping Group 22 Charity’s last day 23 9:30 Yoga 27 10:00 ROMEOs at Sanford Health 6:30 Youth Group 7:00 Choir Rehearsal 28 10:00 Staff Mtg 5:00 BMW doing Soup Kitchen 5:00 Lotus Zen Meditation 29 30 9:30 Yoga NEWSLETTER DEADLINE 24 GRADUATION RECOGNITION SUNDAY 9:00 Adult Forum 10:30 Worship Service ___________________ 31 9:00 Adult Forum 10:30 Worship Service 3-5 Farewell Party for Charity 25 MEMORIAL DAY OFFICE CLOSED 26 Noon and 5:30 Yoga 5:30 AA 6:00 Voyageurs Harmony Chorus Practice 7:00 Square Dance Lessons page 2 MAY 2015 VOYAGEUR ANNOUNCEMENTS, REMINDERS, COMMUNITY EVENTS, DATES, ETC. JUST A REMINDER…. Church Office hours 9:00am—2:00pm Mon—Fri Articles for the June 2015 newsletter are due in the office no later than 9:00am on Tuesday, May 19, 2015. Any announcements you wish to have in the Sunday bulletin must be called in, emailed, or delivered to the office by 9:00am on Thursdays. Beginning May 4, 2015 the church office will be open until 2:00pm all year round! Phone: 218-751-3503 If you wish for a pastoral home visit or hospital visit, or know someone who needs or desires a visit, please call the church office. THANK YOU! Michelle (Shelly) Brogren began training with Charity in the office on April 29th in anticipation of taking over the secretary/bookkeeper position when Charity leaves. A more formal introduction will be coming in the June newsletter. Charity will continue to train Shelly through her last day, May 22nd. We will be having a farewell party for Charity on Sunday, May 31st from 3:00—5:00pm in the Lounge at the church . Please mark the date on your calendar. She will be leaving on June 1st to join her husband in Texas. We will have a money tree set up so that people can make a donation to Charity to show our appreciation for her many years of service . We will miss her as she has done a wonderful job for the past 12 years for our church .! Email Addresses: Church Office, Charity/Shelly: [email protected] Krista Coyle: [email protected] Mailing Address: PO Box 607, Bemidji, MN 56619 Street Address: 924 Beltrami Avenue NW, Bemidji MN 56601 page 3 MAY 2015 VOYAGEUR MAY BIRTHDAYS Please celebrate and pray for these people on their birthday. 3 Barbara Walters 25 Margaret Skinner 4 Lorna Sullivan Larry Young 26 Doris Pierce 28 Stacie Parkos 29 Darren Kimble Sherry Noska 31 Riley Howe 9 Alec Hess 10 Hope Sander 12 Thomas D’Albani Terry Nelson 14 Richard Parkos 16 Glenn Seibel 17 Emeree Conner 18 Stephanie Jones Del Lyren 19 Keston Lee 21 William Knudson Joel Roberts 22 Kendall Dahlberg Ervin Jacobson Jean Leaf 24 Verona Haluptzok Charlie Jessen MAY WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES May 5 Bill and Ruth Weis May 19 Terry and Patricia DeChaine May 26 Mike and Tricia Jessen If your birthday or anniversary or the birthday or anniversary of a parishioner is missed here, please call Shelly at the office so it will be included in the Sunday bulletin and future Voyagers. page 4 MAY 2015 Youth & Family News May 2015 We Want Your STUFF for Holy Heaps! Youth Group is hosting Holy Heaps again this year in the BUMC parking lot on Saturday, June 20. With your help, it will be our best fundraiser of the year! If you have ANY extra “stuff,” please consider donating it to Youth Group! We will sell it during the Holy Heaps sale—profits go toward YG programming and missions. Another way to participate is to rent a space and sell your own goods at the sale - booth rental is $20. We do all the advertising and provide tables and water to all booth-renting BUMC participants. Also, come and shop at the sale, and pick up a delicious home-made Youth Group caramel roll to snack on while you browse through all the potential treasures. You may donate items for Youth Group to sell ANY TIME between May 1 and the sale. Contact Krista with any questions. Thanks for supporting our Youth! Women’s Book Study Our annual Women's Book Study begins soon! We will meet each Thursday evening in June at BUMC from 5:30 - 7:30pm to discuss the book "A Walk With Jane Austen" by Lori Smith. This is an informal “study” with a goal of fun, fellowship, and conversation about faith and life. Each meeting we share a light potluck supper, so please bring a dish to share. Please RSVP to Krista by May 15 if you want to participate and if you need a book—book cost will be under $8.00 (depending on the final number needed) and books are available now! Sunday School Celebration & Summer Plans The Sunday School year is coming to an end! The last day of SS will be May 17. On that day, we will celebrate our year together during SS, honor our SS teachers during worship, and have a day of congregational fellowship with our Sunday School Picnic (see more info on the next page). We will not be having a Summer SS - but we have a nursery/play area in the Lounge for families who want to bring kids of any age out for a break from worship. Parents using the Lounge space are still be able to hear the worship service via speakers. SS resumes on Rally Day, which is set for Sunday, September 13. Happy Summer! page 5 MAY 2015 VOYAGEUR Youth & Family News May 2015 Mother’s Day Cradle-Rocking & Baptism We will be holding our Annual Cradle-Rocking ceremony for our very young children to bless and welcome them into our congregation. We will also have the day set aside for Baptisms. If you would like your child to participate in either of these things on Mother’s Day, please contact Pastor Marva Jean or Krista. PLEASE NOTE: May 10 Cradle-Rocking Please Mark Your Calendars... ...for our Sunday School Picnic! Our last day of Sunday School is May 17. After worship that day, we will have a church-wide picnic to celebrate our year of learning and to thank our teachers for their love and dedication working with our youth and children. ...for VBS! It will be held June 14 - 16 at FPC. We will kick it off with a pot-luck for EVERYONE in both congregations. Please come have fellowship with us at the pot-luck on Sunday, June 14 at FPC at 11:30am and support our youngest! If you’d like to be part of VBS planning, cooking, teaching, etc., please contact Krista. We want your help! This year our focus is on sustainability: God’s amazing creation of this Earth, and how we care for it. page 6 Baptism Sunday May 17 Last Day of SS Teacher Recognition SS Celebration May 24 Graduate Sunday May 31 Farewell Party for Charity MAY 2015 VOYAGEUR Worship Service Volunteers May 2015 If you cannot fulfill your Sunday of volunteering please find a replacement and let the church office (751-3503) know who your replacement is. USHERS Coordinator: Michelle Crow GREETERS May 3: Mike and Rita Albrecht May 3: Glenn Seibel and Pat Baird May 10: Merril Thiel and Ruth Howe May 10: Bev Bryant and Mike & Judy Magness May 17: Tracy Goodwin and Michelle Crow May 17: George and Pam Stowe May 24: Jason and Kathy Douglas May 24: James Banks and Kristy Whitson May 31: LeRoy and Diane Morris May 31: Tom and Judy Dvorak READERS: Coordinator Becky Lueben COFFEE SERVERS: Coordinator Skippy Larson May 3: Melanie Hough May 3: coffee servers will be from the choir May 10: Dave Dahlberg May 10: May 17: Wag Collins May 17: May 24: Nancy Manley May 24: May 31: Merlyn Wesloh May 31: REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE. . . … recovering at home from surgery: Doug Miron, Bert Clark, John Herath Jr. … at Neilson Place: Henrietta Britton … at Trillium: Nelle May, Marjory Beck … at Windsong: Bill Britton, Jean Leaf, Verona Haluptzok, Wag Collins, Eunice Flynn, Marian Blehm, Lucille Kinnard, Dick and Jean Slinkman, Marion Janikowski … at Birch Haven: Doris Pierce … at Tamarack: Betty Howard … at Havenwood Care Center: Patty Boyer, Mary Conner, Grace Daniels, Joyce Daniel, Lois Statton … at Cedar Cottage: Dorothea Metzer … at Goldpine: Laura Hays, Dorothy Sathre, Harold Fruetel, Ruby Hausauer … at Tanbark in Lexington, KY recovering from a broken ankle: Margaret Skinner, 1121 Tanbark Rd #122, Lexington KY 40515 … at Eagle’s View: Robert Ray … in nursing care in Staples: Betty Roline (Marcia’s mother in law) … recovering at home: Kathleen Magsam, Jim Howard, Danny Stowe …anticipating surgery: Lorna Sullivan … undergoing cancer treatment: Chris Shomenta, Anita Sundstrom (sister of Jennifer Jorstad), Sharon Vick, Homer Hough, Nancy Larson (Jeremy’s wife) … in need of special prayers: Gracie Albrecht, Gail Sorenson’s family, Will Whitson, Nancy Swenson, Chris Kreiner, and SanDee Danes. page 7 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid Permit Number 8 Bemidji MN 56601 BEMIDJI UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 924 Beltrami Ave PO Box 607 Bemidji, MN 56619-0607 Office number: (218) 751-3503 Email: [email protected] Web Site: Return Service Requested MAY 2015 VOYAGEUR Published Monthly Church Staff Rev. Marva Jean Hutchens Interim Pastor Krista Coyle Ministries Coordinator open hearts open minds open doors Charity Yoder-Smith, Michelle Brogren Secretary/Bookkeeper Dave Vick Custodian Patty Smith Housekeeper Cynthia White Organist Linda Wagner Chancel Choir Director The people of the United Methodist Church
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