Literacy: Poetry Using free form to write descriptive poems on a bird and dragon theme. Incorporating poetic techniques such as simile, metaphor, alliteration and personification. Children will be invited to take part in a poetry competition in conjunction with Brighton Festival. Non-fiction writing; letter writing and nonchronological reports. Compiling a class book of dragon reports! Then using these skills to produce individual information books on the subject of local wildlife and minibeasts. These will include typical features of non-fiction texts such as a contents page, glossary and index. Grammar and punctuation Organising ideas logically into paragraphs, use of conjunctions to extend and join sentences. Sentences using fronted adverbials and commas. PSHE: To explore feelings in relation to loss To know how and why the body changes at puberty. To begin to understand the human reproductive system. SUMMER TERM YEAR 4: Mini and Mighty Beasts! PE: Cricket and Athletics Geometry - Looking at 2D shapes and their key properties including parallel lines and symmetry. - Exploring 3D shapes and their key properties and comparing them. - Translation of 2D shapes on a grid in 2 directions. Measures - Converting money from pounds to pence. - Applying formal addition and subtraction methods when working with money. Statistics - Collecting and analyzing data. Art – Model Making - We will continue to provide a set of spelling words to be practices each week at home. Geography: - land use How land is used in different ways across the local area Mapping skills and drawing keys Effects of erosion and flooding How people affect the use of land around them Numeracy: - Science: Minibeasts - Understand habitats and explore local habitats around our school. - Identifying food sources - Classifying minibeasts into common groups. - Recognize the importance of conservation areas. Trip To Devils Dyke Exploring textures using mark making. Using charcoal to add detail in sketching. Preparing a model by generating ideas. Creating a model using wire frames. RE: Learning about key individuals who put their faith into action, eg setting up a charity to support others. ICT: Using scratch we are going to create an interactive game which has progression based on minibeasts or numeracy
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