Reception Class Topic Web – Term 5, Summer 2015

Communication and Language
 Following lengthy instructions
 Using language to negotiate and plan group activities
 Use language to create roles and narratives within play ( Farm Shop )
 Extend vocabulary linked to topic –use how and why questions and extend explanations
linked to minibeasts and habitats.
 Verbal recount of trip to farm.
 Respond to stories : What the Ladybird Heard ,Rosie’s Walk ,Superworm
 Consolidate Phase Three sounds recognising them within words
 Reading Non-Fiction texts recognising features: title heading index contents
 Reading for meaning
 Writing – Independent writing activities ,use of tricky words and segmenting to write
unknown words, writing two syllable words
 Writing for a purpose-instructions and explanations and Minibeast fact books.
Physical Development
 Using malleable materials and tools to make
own minibeast from clay
 Using a correct pencil grip and improving control
with letter formation, letters on a line and uniform
in size
 Explore health and self care- talking about
changes their bodies when exercising-thinking
about safety in the sun
 Sports coach – teams games and skills
Understanding of the World
 The World-investigate and learn about a range of habitats
in the farm and in school and in the wider environment.
 Exploring with our senses
 Look at similarities and differences between minibeasts
 RE –Caring for the world around us-Wonderful World
 ICT- use a simple program to support Phonics learningrecord data and record important events
Reception-Term 5
Underground and Overground
Personal, Social & Emotional
 Continue to use vocabulary and teach
strategies for problem solving in the
classroom and wider school
 Reflecting on the year –sharing
learning journals together to review
activities they have enjoyed and
progress made, sharing success.
 Circle time – transition activities to
prepare children for their move to
Class Two – Year One
Mathematical Development
 Counting in 2s 5s 10s
 Days of the week /Months of the
 Comparing amounts using more
less most least
 Recognising coins and using every
day language linked to money
 Adding two amounts using money
 Exploring doubles and halves in
practical play
Expressive Arts and Design
 Recording in observational drawing- the
natural world, minibeasts and habitats.
 Creating collage linked to Senses display
 Learning a range of songs linked to
Minibeasts topic for Class Assembly
 Design and make their own minibeast
/butterfly from clay using a range of
Important Dates
Please come and join us for
a class assembly on Friday
22nd May at 2.30pm
We will also be visiting Dry
Arch to look for minibeasts
– date to be announced