BLAISE INSTITUTE STUDENTS RULES AND REGULATIONS BLAISE INSTITUTE “EVERY ONE GOT POTENTIAL” is a not-for-profit professional membership-based, management development organization whose aim to enhance excellence and integrity in management practice in Kenya and beyond. The Institutes Vision is to be a distinguished continental hub of excellence in organizational and business management practices. The Mission is to steer and champion excellence, integrity and competitiveness in individuals and organizations throughout Africa and beyond. The Institute will do its utmost to ensure that high standards of professional training and discipline are maintained. The management of the institute therefore, reserves the right of admission and will admit only those students who pledge to adhere to the rules and regulations of the Institute. 1. REPORTING TIME AND LECTURE ATTENDANCE Students are expected to be in their respective classes ready for lecturers according to the specified commencement times. Venues of all the classes shall be displayed on the notice board at all times. Any changes in the timetables shall be communicated to the students through their lecturers and shall also appear on the board. Those who will be late for 5 minutes will not be allowed into the lecture rooms. Attending classes is COMPULSORY. Any student who will fail to attend lectures as scheduled without a valid reason or express permission from the institute will be punished and will be made to pay a monetary penalty before attending the next lesson. All students will be required to sign the verification sheets in every lesson they attend. Failure to do so will be assumed to be absent and hence the penalty. Students MUST attend at least 90% of their lecturers in order for them to be allowed to book their final examinations. Permission for absence should be sought in advance from the HOD in writing. In case of absenteeism without prior permission the students are expected to give a satisfactory explanation to the HOD in writing. Please note that leaving lecture room while lectures are in progress disrupts the smooth learning. This should be done only it is extremely necessary with permission. 2. FORMS OF DRESS: Blaise Institute has no formal dress but students are expected to turn up for lectures in neat and tidy clothing which is generally decent. Anybody who will be found dressed indecently, shaggily or clothes which can cause embarrassment will not be allowed to attend lectures. Persistence to this will lead to suspension and subsequent expulsion. 3. PAYMENT OF FEES Fees are payable in advance and students should pay fees to the institutes account and obtain official receipt. Details of fees are available in the institute’s course prospectus which can be obtained from the office reception. Fees ones paid are neither refundable nor transferable under any circumstances. Payments MUST be made by 3rd day of every month or each term by depositing money to the institute’s bank: Equity Bank A/C No. 0170291799925, Account Name: Lydia Wangui, Community Branch. Personal cheques, and cash are strictly prohibited. Fees must tally with the course duration specified in the prospectus. Extension of the duration will attract extra fees payments. 4. INSTITUTE IDENTITY CARD On payment of fees, students will be provided with an institute Identity Card. Please note that you will not be allowed into lecture rooms without the card. Loss of the card should be reported to the office and a new card will be issued at a cost prevailing at the time of loss. 5. LIBRARY BOOKS AND HANDOUTS: Silence in the library must be observed at all times. Cell phones, radios and any electrical devices that are likely to cause disturbances must be switched off within the library. Eating, drinking or any other misconduct which is a nuisance to other clients in the library is prohibited. Handbags, briefcases, folders, among others will be left at the pigeon holes or any other designated place in the library at the owners risk and clients’ are advised NOT to leave their valuables. Clients shall remove only two books at a time from the shelves to the reading tables. They are advised not to shelve them after use. Liquids such as Ink, water, among others, which may accidentally damage library property through spillage, will not be allowed into the library. Library clients are hereby informed that copyright law applies to library materials an infringement of this through unauthorized photocopying or plagiarism is a criminal offence. They are advised to observe permissible photocopying limits for purposes of study and research only. The Institute shall not be held liable for loss or damage of personal items such as laptops left by clients in the library. Entry to BLAISE INSTITUTE libraries will be allowed on production of BLAISE INSTITUTE Student ID or current BLAISE INSTITUTE membership card. The library rules and regulations may be modified without notice. Such modifications shall be posted to the Library’s and Institute’s notice boards, website and any other form of mass communication. The Management reserves the right to withdraw library facilities from any client who disregards library rules and regulations. In any situation not covered by these rules, the management shall use best judgement based on the circumstances to resolve the matter and the decision shall be final. Any loss of these books will be replaced by the concerned without prejudice. NB: The full version of the library rules and regulations are available on the Library notice boards. 6. EATNG AND DRINKING Eating, drinking and chewing, of any type of foodstuff shall not be allowed in the class / lecture rooms, corridor & stairs etc. anybody found going against this will be punished accordingly. 7. MOBILE PHONES The use of mobile phones is strictly prohibited in the lecture rooms and corridors of the Institute. Students are therefore required to switch off their phones while they are in the mentioned areas. Receiving of visitors while the lectures are in progress is strictly prohibited for it causes unnecessary inconveniences. Students are expected to pick their messages at the reception on completing their lessons. Students are therefore asked to inform the reception officers the time they shall be free (without classes) to be seen by their visitors on emergency reasons only. In case of emergency the HOD on duty will be consulted to make decision. 8. REPORTS Progress reports, which will reflect overall performance of students, shall be dispatched at the end of each term, to persons responsible for payment of fees, i.e. Parents, sponsors or guardians. 9. DISCIPLINE 1.1 Smoking is prohibited in all public places. This implies to the institute’s premises including, classrooms, corridors and staircases. Students will not be allowed in the institute while they are under the influence of alcohol, bhang, chewing miraa, chewing gum or any other intoxicated drugs. 1.2 Fighting on the premises will not be tolerated and it may lead to instant expulsion from the institute. 1.3 Students have a duty to respect lecturers and any other member of staff. Insubordination will not be tolerated. Students who will not abide by these rules, will be firmly dealt with and such behaviors may lead to expulsion of which fees paid shall not be refunded. 10. USE OF INSTITUTE’S FACILITIES There are other facilities which the institute shares with neighbors in the building and other surrounding areas. These are like: ablutions, cloakrooms, etc, and students are expected to show courtesy and respect to other users to maintain the good name of the institute. Cases of misbehavior and misconduct when using these facilities will be dealt with severely. This applies to corridors where total silence must be observed at all times to avoid unnecessary disturbances to the surrounding. Maximum silence must be observed in the lecture rooms whether the lecturer is in or not. The library and study rooms shall be available for private studies only. Idle talks and chats are strictly prohibited in these rooms and the culprit will be rooted out. Use of mobile phones is not allowed in these areas. 11. ACADEMIC ASSIGNMENTS Students shall be expected to complete assignments and tests on time which are given by their lecturers. Failure to do so without a satisfactory excuse, the concerned shall be disciplined accordingly and will be reflected in the report at the end of the term and further persistence of the practice shall lead to expulsion. 12. EXAMINATION Final examination shall be booked under the following conditions: i. That the student must complete the specified duration of the course registered. ii. That the student must complete the prescribed syllabus. iii. That the student must pay all outstanding fees arrears if any. iv. That the student must pass all assessment and mock examinations. v. That extended duration over the above the course period shall be paid for the months extended. 13. GRIEVANCES PROCEDURES If a student has a grievance, the following procedures shall be followed: i. Raise it with the lecturer, if not satisfied raise it with the HOD or the management immediately. ii. Students are encouraged to make us of the SUGGESTION BOX provided to air complaints and complements. iii. Any student who may wish to change or terminate the course (s) in which registration was made, shall be required to notify the administrator in writing within a period of not less than 30 (thirty) days before the action is taken of which payment must be paid for the said period. 14. The rules and regulation take effect as soon as one is admitted as a student of the Institute, and remain to be a student of the institute. You are required to study this rules and regulations so that they may guide you for the benefit of the whole Blaise Institute Community and our GOOD NEIGHBOURS. May almighty God bless you with teachable spirit that you may seek His rules and Guidance AMEN. For questions or interpretation, please contact the Administrator HQ: Dune Plaza, 2nd Floor P. O. Box 1353-00618 , Tel No. 0774304141, 0707304141, Nairobi- Kenya, Email [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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