BLESSED SACRAMENT H BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH /624 Miccosukee Road / Tallahassee, FL 32308/ MASS SCHEDULE Daily Mass .......................................................... 8:30am & 5:30pm Monday, Novena ...... ............................. ........ ...... ........... .... . 8:30am Sunday Masses Saturday Vigil Mass ......................................................... 5:00pm Sunday ... .... .......... .. .... 8:00am, 1O:30am, 12: 15pm and 7:00 pm SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday ....... .......... ..... 12:00noon - 1:OOpm and 3:00pm - 4:00pm Fr. Peter Zalewski, Pastor ............................................................. 222·1321 Fr. Timothy Holeda, Parochial Vicar ................. ,........................... 222·1321 Fr. Matthew Busch, Parochial Vicar .............................................. 222·1321 Deacon Louis Fete, Adult Education ............................................ 386-8715 Deacon Michael Nixon, R.C.I.A ..................................................... 294-3092 Deacon Patrick Oallet ................................................................... 386-5084 Dasha Nixon, St.John Neumann Center ....................................... 224-2971 Carol Sunderhaus. Sick & Shut-In Ministry ................................... 877-8775 Mr. Tommy Bridges. School Principal .......................................... 222-0444 Mal}' Staney, D.R.E ........................................................................ 422-0372 Diane Whitney. Choir Director ..................................................... 878-2465 Maria Spicer. Bell Choir Director .................................................. 644-1784 Daniel Stewart, High School Youth Director ................................ 524-1466 Natalie Hand. Middle School Youth Director ............................... 894-6316 Rita Fete, Sacristan ... .................................................................... 386-8715 Fax Number ................................................................................... 222-9772 Email ................................. [email protected] Palm Sunday March 29, 2015 PERPETUAL ADORA nON "Let us deepen, through adoration, drawing upon aids to prayer inspired by the word of God and the experience of so many mystics, old and new. The rosary itself, when it is profoundly understood in the biblical and chrislocentric form, will prove a particularly fining introduction to Eucharistic contemplation, a contemplation carried out with Mary as our companion and guide." St. Pope John Paul n. Needed hours: Fri., 11-12 noon; and Sat., IIA.M . - 12 Noon. Call Jean Nixon at 445-3793 for more information. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY & NOVENA Divine Mercy Novena begins after the 3 P.M. Stations of the Cross on Good Friday, April 3". It continues everyday (can be said at 3:00 P.M. in chapel) until Saturday, April II ". Divine Mercy Sunday is April 121h , and our annual Divine Mercy celebration will be at 3:00 P.M. in th e church. Please join us! EASTER EGG HUNT Our Easter Egg Hunt will be during the Parish Picnic on Sunday, April 12'" at 1:45 P.M. Please donate a dozen filled eggs per chlld participating. Choose candy that does not contain peanuts or chocolate. You can leave the eggs in the baskets that will be located in the parish hall beginning this weekend. Contact Natalie Hand at 510-1772 for more information On Easter, every family will receive of Matthew Kelly's "Rediscover Catholicism" book as a from the parish. The groups in the parish. parish has chosen this book to start Easter, April 11112, and Sign ups will be in the parish hall 18119. Leaders have opened their to host these groups, and yo u can choose a group at sign up. groups start the week of April 26" . Leaders will host six meeting. Groups will be in neighborhoods, Blessed Saloraotnt meeting rooms or the Ne umann Center. Day and evening are available. OPEN DOOR WOMEN ' S C "Gol f for Life" Monday, April 13" - So'llh'wo,}d Country Club. support! Or enter to golf Be a sponsor for Fr. Tim - he needs Women's Clinic,656yourself with Bishop Parkes. Call 9177,for more info. POLISH HERITAGE EGG Polish Heritage of Tallahassee yo u and your family to celebrate an Old World Tradition Pisanki, wax resist egg coloring, at the free Easter egg decoration lessons today, March 29" at 2:30 P.M. in the church Hall. Bring no more than three hard boiled eggs to decorate. An adult must accompany children as hot wax is used. Make your reservati n now so needed supplies will be available. For more info and reservations, call Martha Saconchik-Pytel at 878-4263. STA TIONS OF THE CROSS WITH THE BISHOP Join Bishop Parkes on Good Friday at 8 A.M. at the Open Door Women's Clinic as we process to the abortion clinic down the street. Meet in the parking lot at 8 A.¥. This is also the closing ceremony for 40 Days for Life Campa gn. MASS INTENTIONS TEXAS H OLD 'EM T O UR N MENT March 30 - April 5 The Knights ofColurnhus Fr. Hugon ouncil will be hosting a Texas Hold 'em Tournament on Friday, A~il 10" , in the Parish Center (Hall), starting at 7 P.M. Proceed to benefit the John Paul II Catholic High School Scholarship d. Last year' s Tournament raised over $1 ,100. Register online a .• under the Support JPIIHS tab. Pay at the door ( 20 buy in). Players are limited to the first 100 registrants. Snacks pr vided with additional food and beverages available for purchase. Monday, March 30 8:30 A.M. - Lena Deeb t 5:30 P.M. - Julian Alamo t Requested by Margarita Grant Tuesday, March 31 8:30 A.M. - Sally Ann Smith t 5:30 P.M. - In Thanksgiving for Priests of Blessed Sacrament Wednesday, April I Blessed is he 8:30 A.M. - Leo & Lorraine Nordman t who comes Requested by Mari lyn Tillander in the name 5:30 P.M. - Jesse, Belle & Farley Warren t of the LORD Thursday, April 2 7:00 P.M.- Sterling & Rosemarie Bryant t Saturday, April 4 8:00 P.M. - Sydney Grant t Sunday, April 5 8:00 A.M. - Marion & Stephanie Dross t Requested by the Dross Family 10:30 A.M. - Bernice Keller t __~ Requested by the Stafford Family 12:15 P.M. - Blessed Sacrament & St. Stephen Parishes 7:00 P.M. - Sally Ann Smith t WOMEN'S CHR IST R ENEWS HIS PARISH You deserve to be treated like royalty! The next women's CRHP retreat weekend will be held April II" and 12'0. Join us for a weekend of peace and tranquility, fabulous meals, and reflection on your relationship with God. The weekend is free of charge and open to all women of the parish, ages 18 and over. For more information, contact Meagan Ford (5916878) or Theresa Croteau (668-1518). ANNUAL DCCW CONVENTION All women ofthe diocese are invited to attend the 40,b annual DCCW Convention on April 25,h, at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Pensacola. The theme is "Our Family, Our Future." Speakers will be Dr. Tom Neal , Academic Dean at Notre Dame Seminary in New Orleans, and Sr. Margaret Kuntz, ASCJ, Diocesan Office of Faith Formation. Registration fee is $30 and includes continental breakfast and Bishop' s luncheon. To register, contact Kay Hale at LKHale@bellsouth .net. VACA TION BIBLE SCHOOL Charting the course for "The Vatican Express" (which departs Monday morning at 9:00 A.M. sharp on June 15,h and arrives Friday, June 19", at noon) is progressing nicely. We will be recruiting and training conductors (adults and teens) soon after Easter. So, look for our table in the Parish Hall in April to sign up to volunteer and also to register your pilgrims for the tour! A more detailed itinerary will be published very Contact Mary Staney at 422-0372 or soon. [email protected]. EASTER BREAK FOR R ELIGIOUS ED Religious education classes will not meet on Easter Sunday, April 5th. FIRST C OMMUN IO N R ET EA T Children in preparation for their irst Holy Communion will participate in the First Communion etreat on Saturday, April II 'h, at 9:00 A.M. to 12 :30 P.M. in the P rish Center (Hall). Please be sure children have a good breakfast nd wear comfortable clothes. REG ISTRATIO N & ORIENT TIO N MEETING FO R Sib GR ADE C ONFIRMA TI N CANDIDATES AND PARENTS Eighth grade baptized youth who ould like to celebrate their Confirmation next spring are asked t attend a meeting with at least one parent on Tuesday, April 14,h at 7:00 P.M. in the Parish Hall. This is the way to enroll in the prere uisite Program of Preparation for Confirmation and is for student in Catholic, public and home schools. If you did not receive y ur First Holy Communion at Blessed Sacrament, please bring a photocopy of your baptismal certificate. Contact Mary Sta ey, ORE at 422-0372 or [email protected] with questi ns or concerns. CATH O LIC CHA R ITIES G · LF TOURNAMENT Please join Bishop Parkes at the ual Catholic Charitie~ 9 Hole GolfTournamentonApril16,h atSou wood Golf Club. ReglstratlOn begins at 2 P.M. with a shotgun start t 3 P.M. Teams offour ($400) or individual ($100) are welcome. If ou are not a golfer, please Jom us at the "after par tee" to meet B shop Parkes over heavy hors d'oeuvres and refreshments. The "a er par tee" will begin at 5:30 P.M. at the Southwood Club Hous and include a silent auction featuring a week at Jimmy Buffet' s h use in Key West! If you would like to register to play or purchase tic ets to the "after par tee," please contact Joan May (443-1946 or 668- 996) for more information. STATIONS OFTHE CRO SS T SAN LUIS MISSION On Good Friday at 12 noon. Admission is free to all participants and will be open for self-guided tours fohowing the Stations. Check in at the admission desk and state that J ou are there for the Stations of the Cross. Facilitated by the Lady Dbminicans of Tallahassee. AC KNOWLEDGEMENT & HANK YO U My family and I acknowledge and I/'ank all who remembered my sister, Anne, who passed away on January 15'0. We appreciate all the Your sympathy cards, Mass Bouguets and Mass Cards. thoughtfulness means so much to us. he Holy Sacrifice of the Mass will be offered for your intentions. Fondly, Msgr. John V. O'Su livan, Pastor Emeritus CHURCH SUPPORT March 22" - $18,662.12 Needed I eekJy - $24,038.46 5:00 P.M. - $4,039.00 8:00 A. . - $3 ,329. I 2 10:30 A.M. - $4,451.00 12: 15 PM. - $2,432.00 Mai Ifln - $2,488.00 7:00 P.M. - $1,913.00 God Bless Your yellerosityl Please use the SUllday ell velopes. They are the prillcipal source of support. I Holy Week in the Parish TUESDAY, MARCH 31 "WHO DO YOU SAY THAT I AM? The youth of our parish will enact a Lenten drama "Who Do You Say That I Am?" in the Parish Center (Hall) at 7 P.M.. The presentation directed by Olivia Abyoung includes dramatic monologues, special music, songs for cast and audience, and a slide presentation. Come, experience the story of Jesus through the eyes of some of His followers, a story of grace and sacrificial love, and leave with a symbol of His love for you and your own answer to the question. You won't want to miss it! Contact Olivia Abyoung at 656-1071 if you have any questions. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1 All who are joining the Church at Easter are asked to meet in the church at 6:15 P.M. Wednesday with their sponsors for a rehearsal. APRIL 2 7:00 P .M. - Mass of the Lord's Supper fo llowed by Adoration until midnight. (No 8:30 A.M., or 5:30 P.M. Mass today). Today we celebrate the institution of the Priesthood. The Diocese has designated the collection taken up today for the promotion of vocations and the education of future priests. +Holy IThursday ADORATION We ask you to come as a family and spend one hour in prayer with Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. Adoration will be in the Chapel. This Vigil begins after the 7:00 P.M. Eucharistic Celebration and concludes at midnight. We have invited the following pari sh organizations to come and pray as a group. 8:00-9:00 P.M. - Legion of Mary 9:00- 10:00 P.M. - Ladies Guild & Youth Group 10:00-11:00 P.M. - Parish Council 11 :00- 12:00 A.M. - Men of Blessed Sacrament and Knights of Columbus Come spend one hour with the Lord. INACTIVE CATHOLICS We would like to invite all who are inactive to come back home. The initial step is belong here and we will be happy to help. From the Pastor's Desk We are honored to have non-Catholics attend Mass, especially your guests, and invite you to introduce them to our priests after Mass. Any Catholic bringing guests should tell them about the Mass prior to their visit. At Communion time, non-Catholics are asked not to participate in Communion, which is viewed as the Real Presence of Christ by Catholics, but not by all other Christian groups . Catholics when attending other Christian services, are reminded likewise not to participate in Communion out of respect for difference in belief. APRIL 3 IGOOD 7:00 P.M. Celebration of t he Lord's Passion Veneration of the Cross FRIDAY - Communion Service. 3:00 P .M. - Stations of the Cr ss Each year a collection is take up on Good Friday for the needs of the Church in the Ho Land. This is used for the upkeep of the Holy Land Shri s and for the basic needs of Christians in that country. ABSTINE~CE REMlNDER: Good Friday, Xril 3"', is a day of fast and abstinence (only one full meal; 0 meat). Those between the ages of 18-59 are obligated to pst. Those who have reached the age of 14 are obligated to a stain from meat. FAST AND HOLY APRIL 4 8:00 P.M - Vigil of the Lord's Resurrection . Service of Light - Salvation history is proclaimed through Scriptures. n of Baptism, Reception, Confirmation, and Eucharist. here will be a reception in the Parish Center (Hall) to welco e the newl y baptized and the newly confirmed. (No 5:00 P.M. Vi il Mass today.) SATURDAY BLESSING OF THE ~ OD Blessed Sacrament Church will offer the Rite of the "Blessing of the Food" on Holy Saturda April 4" , at 2:00 P.M. in the Church. We hope many fayulies will add this Eastern European tradition to their Easter celebration. Simply bring your family and a basket with a election of food to be blessed, and then consumed on Easter unday. The selection usually includes butter or dairy produc s, meat and eggs, bitter herbs, wine, salt and bread, and may i elude children's Easter Basket items as well. The Rite of Ble sing will be conducted for the food and families present, and ill only take about 15 minutes . EASTER SUNDAY, AP~IL 5 Commemoration of the Lor s Resurrection with renewal of Baptismal Vo s. Mass schedule as usual : 8:00 A.M. 10:30 .M. 12:15 P.M. 7:00 .M. R ejoice,jor the Lord is ruly risen! AUTOSPORT 2755 West Tennes~)ee Street Tallahassee, 32034 850-576 116 HJROPRACTJC Hn~"ital (TMH) Across Since 1985 l{,e~II':O Ir®• ~' Dr. Raymond l. Verrier Dr. Zachary R. Verrier ~entofArmorR..1ty 1519 Killam CentlfBMI r...Mi..... , Fl 323OS1 (SSO) 893-2525 Friend in Real Estate, ,., Q » ~ 6am - 6pm (MON-FR1) !iiiiiii~==~ '"~, 5' 701-2145 Beggs Funeral Home Family Owned & Operated Since 1886 O SELECTED Independent FUNERAL HOMES Tallahassee 942-2929 J MARY PELLEGRINO & ASSOCIATES SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGISTS Specializing in Communication Disorders 32 15 Capital Medical Blvd., Tallahassee 878-0609 C HIACF"RACTlC PHYSICIAN MASSAGE THERAPY AVAILABLE 2538 CAPrTAL MEDICAL BLVD. TALLA.HASSEE (8S0) 878-8242 MON., WED . &. THURS. S -6 TUESDAY & F"AIOAY B-1 Family Practice including Obstetrics 2888 Mahan Dr, #6 Tallahassee, FL 32308 Tallahassee Memory Gardens Rocky Ezell - Funeral Director 4037 N. Monroe Street .. Tallahassee, Fl32303 Fax 850-562-1518 850-536-5890 Certified Public Accountant 5407 Touraine Drive Near The Parish Hall & IMMUNOLOGY Tallahassee, FL 32308 Fax: 656-2266 656-8228 261$ CENTENN1AI... 8LVO .• • 103. TAU.AHASSEE. FL32301 PH 850-6156-7720 WWW.TAUAHASSI(ItA1..LI:ftOY.COM ... --+-~~~~~; ......... + Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday April ~ Ap rll 201 5 ThS~~i~IY' • . ......... .'. ........' '.. ." t l ,L Vl-.1E:t'j" :. (JI-;t.Rl$JI±:. .D.· ", · G· .. " ". :'· ...·':;L ..... .. ~O ratias • ........ ,.. '.' .. Easter Mass 8:00, 10:30, 12~ '1 7:0 M. \ • • _ ~T.':R Month of 1 2:aO~~ ;~~s:~. 3~~~~~~s30~t~e Mass 8:30 AM. & 5:30P.M. t" Good Friday Service - 7 P.M. g 10 I 0 y Thursday ,..... .... --.- 5 T Friday IGOOD FRIDAY ll!!:j [l Saturday Reconciliation Each Sat urday: 12-1 P.M. &34P.M. 4 ~~~e~~gil Mass- Blessing of the Food - 2 P.M. HOLY Iiiu SATURDAY ~, CRIei,;ous GraphIcs, Ud. 6 7 8 Mass 8:30 AM . & 5:30 P.M. B'bl St d 7'00 PM l eu y . .. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5'30 P.M ' '. SI. Teresa Circle Mtg. 7:00 P.M. Mass830AM. & 5:30 P.M. Knights of Columbus- 7.00 P.M. Parish Council Mtg 7 P.M. - Mass 7:00 AM.,8:30 AM. & 5.30 P.M. Men's Club - 7 A.M. 111 Mass 8:30 AM . & 5:00 P.M. 1" Communion Retreat 9:00 AM. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Mass 8:00 , 10:30, 12:15 & 7:00 P.M. Parish and Trinity Picnic Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Bible Study 7:00 P.M. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Confirmation Mtg. 7:00 P.M. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Knights of Columbus 7:00 P.M. Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:00 P.M. ~ - ~a~8:00'10: 30' ~S.~8:30AM' & . ~S.~8: 30A M' I~~'.~'M' ~''''>AM' ~~'.">AM' ~~''''M.''OO 12:15 & 7:00 P.M. 26 Mass 8:00. 10:30, 12:15 & 7:00 P.M. .. 5:30 P.M. I 5:30 P.M. Bible StudY-LOO..E.M. ....j.. Cate.cbislMtg...,LOO P.M. 127 Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M. 28 29 Mass 8:30 A.M. & 5:30 P.M. Mass 8:30 AM. & 5:30 P.M. 5:30 P.M. ' 30 . I Mass 8.30 AM . & 5:30 P.M. Perpetual Adoration in the C hapel 5:30 P.M. I P.M. 1" Communion :omesslons - 9~On A.M. OReillOuS GnrclhIcs. UtI. BLESSED SACRAMENT CHURCH 624 Miccosukee Road, Tallahassee, Florida 32308 850-222-1321 Fr. Pete Zalewski, Pastor Fr. Tim Holeda, Parochial Vicar - Fr. Matthew Busch, Parochial Vicar Altar Servers Carol Sunderhaus 877-8775 Greeter's Committee Dick Van AHa 385-6993 Pastoral Council Rick Freesmeier 545-3085 Carol Sunderhaus 877-8775 Altar SOciety Carol Sunderhaus 877-8775 Helping Hands Carol Sunderhaus Perpetual Adoration Jean Nixon 445-3793 Stewardship Rick Freesmeier 545-3085 524-1466 Praying Husbands Rolando Gomez 385-1051 Sunday Nursery Catherine Lax 531-0414 Refreshment Committee Ann Trykowski 386-9214 Telephone Alert 445-3793 Refreshment Volunteer Trinity Catholic School Bag Sunday JOlin May 877-8775 High School Youth Director 668-9996 Daniel Stewarl Jackie Hallifax 878-5826 Jean Nixon Burse Club Virginia \Villiams 385-3766 Kaifus Prison Ministry Paul Kaczorowski 877-0545 Book Club Choir Director Diane \Vhitney \Vomen of Grace 878-2465 Religious Articles & Gift Shop Rosario Manzo 386-1629 Religious Education 644-1784 Liturgy Commision Olivia Ahyoung Christ Renews I-lis Parish Lectors \Vomen - Ted Allavilla Fr.lloleda Men Fr. Busch 656-4443 Knights of Columbus Vaughn Mikeworth 544-2003 Bell Choir Director Maria Spicer Beth Wilde Sick/ Shut-In Ministry 656-1071 Mary Staney 422-0372 386-5891 Resllect Life Joyce Newell 322-4189 Principal Tommy Bridges 222-0444 Ushers Charles Ziegmont 997-1150 'Vomen's Guild St. Therese Circle Mother Seton Circle R.C.IA. Legion of Mary Rosa Beasley 597-8821 M ike Nixon Carol Sunderhaus Finance Council Jeanne Scruggs Food Closet Carol Sunderhaus 877-8775 Rick FreesOleier 294-3092 Sacristan 545-3085 -------_. Middle School Youth Director Natalie I"land 877-8775 894-6316 New Parishioners \Velcome Rick Freesmeier 545-3085 Rita Fete 877-8775 Carol Sunderhaus M other of Perpetual Men's Club Eucharistic Ministers 228-2646 Darlene Luten 222-1321 222-1321 386-8715 Rita Fete n elp Carolyn \Valsh Leslie Seq)ico 386-8715 942-7075 Serra Club Dick VanAtta 385-6993 Our Lady of Guadalupe Circle Yvonne Richardson 320-6675 Dorothy \Vestwood 386-7834 St. Catherine Circle Sheri Smith Seraph Choir 212-0687 671-5350 Sen a Finklea Good News Outreach 412-0016 Sieve Starkee Neumann Center Dasha Nixon \Vornen's Bible Study 224-2971 Shelter Lunch Carol Sunderhaus Katrina \Vilhoit Wendy Soto 877-8775 422-3862 668-1834
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