April 2015 - Blink

“Our learning strategies, your professional success.”
April 2015
Volume 1, Issue 3
FEATURED classes and programs
T o r e g i s t e r , v i s i t u c l e a r n i n g . u c s d . e du .
Accomplishing More with Less
Friday, April 3, 2015, 8:30am-4:30pm
Training Center North, Torrey Pines Center North
This workshop covers topics such as managing time, priorities,
interruptions, email, calendar, and to-do lists. Participants will
learn how to work more strategically instead of working harder
while methodically managing competing priorities, and turn
stressful situations into opportunities.
Performance management is an ongoing process of
communication between a supervisor and an employee that
centers on setting expectations, objectives and goals; giving
and receiving feedback; coaching, engaging, and developing
employees; and evaluating results.
Maximizing Generational Diversity
There are two options available to obtain the certificate:
1. Complete four instructor-led workshops
2. Complete eight online modules and two instructor-led
Tuesday, April 7, 2015, 8:30am-11:30am
Training Center North, Torrey Pines Center North
This workshop explores tools that can enhance the productivity
in a multi-generational workplace. Learn about general
characteristics of each generation, sources and solutions for
misunderstanding, and suggestions on using diversity
productively in the workplace.
For managers/supervisors
Change Management Orientation for Employees
Thursday, April 2, 2015, 8:30am-4:00pm
Training Center North, Torrey Pines Center North
The following instructor-led workshops coming up soon:
Creating an Effective Individual Development Plan - March 24
UC San Diego Performance Appraisal Process - April 30
Contact Staff Education and Development for more information.
Featured e-Learning Tool:
Live events from skillsoft e -learning
Is your department or team going through change or transition?
Encourage your staff to attend this workshop which focuses on
engaging individual employees impacted by change.
Participants will gain a feeling of control over the change
process, learn the concepts of change management, and
understand how to use the ADKAR model as a change tool.
Skillsoft offers a wide variety of free Web-based courses, books,
and videos to staff and faculty anytime, from any location, for
Windows, Mac, and some mobile devices.
Skillsoft offers Live Events—live and interactive presentations
featuring the most recognized thought leaders and authors.
One of our favorites is Power Poses: Using Body Language to
Achieve Influence featuring social psychologist Amy Cuddy.
M a n a g i n g W o r k p l ac e Co n f l i c t s
4 / 1 /1 5
E n h a n c i n g Q u a l it y C u s t o m e r
Service Skills
4 / 8 /1 5
S i t u a t i o n al L e ad e r s h i p
4 / 9 /1 5
M a n a g i n g M e e t i ng s a nd
G r o u p s E f f e ct i v e l y
4 / 2 1/ 1 5
D r i v i n g U C S D V e h ic l e s
a n d E l e c t r ic C a r t s
4 / 2 1/ 1 5
F i n a n c i a l L i nk : R is k - B as e d
F i n a n c i a l A n a l y s is
4 / 2 2/ 1 5
C o m p u t e r E r g o n o m i cs :
T r a i n t h e E v a l u at o r
4 / 2 3/ 1 5
E m p l o y m e n t H i r i n g : St r e a m l i n i n g t h e
R e c r u i t m e nt P r o c e s s
4 / 2 3/ 1 5
The next Live Event, Profiles in Leadership featuring Paul Hiltz,
CEO of Community Mercy Health Partners, will be held on
Tuesday, April 14 from 9:00am—10:00am. Check it out!
Gearing up for our
annual campuswide programs!
Successful Change: Delivering the Future of UC San Diego is a
series of three interconnected campus-wide programs designed
by Prosci, a leader in change management research, in
partnership with Staff Education and Development.
These three programs are entitled
Executive Forum, Leadership
Advance (formerly Middle
Management Advance), and Staff
Development Program.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look
with some of our Staff Ed team
preparing for this year’s Executive Forum on March 19th.