ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Grip on GREP IDUG Melbourne 26 August 2010 ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Cari Jansen Adobe Certified Instructor Adobe Ambassador (Australia/New Zealand) Founder & Chapter Representative Perth IDUG Trainer, Publishing Consultant, Public Speaker @ carijansen [email protected] ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP What the… GREP? G-RE-P ff Global Regular Expression Print ff General Regular Expression Parser RE ff Regular Expression © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Regular Expressions Patterns... for example: ff date and time 26/03/2010 ff figures12.00 ff (IDUG) 03 9982 1829 © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP GREP in InDesign Find/Change ff Static text changes ff Find pattern (e.g. 12.00) Change to prices (e.g. $12.00) ff Find pattern 03 1234 5677 Change to phone-numbers (03) 1234 5677 © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP GREP in InDesign GREP Styles ff Text pattern. Apply character style ff Dynamic © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Find/Change GREP (InDesign CS3 or higher) © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Fix double spaces (Ready to go Find Change Queries) Find what: Change to: [~m~>~f~|~S~s~<~/~.~3~4~%]{2,} \s before after Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods, bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed no and bellowed, - Simple. I had plenty of motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard was anywhere else should send the pavement as Za phod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and he said, Brady Ogus Cor Dubois Boris Jeltsin Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods, bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed no and bellowed, - Simple. I had plenty of motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard was anywhere else should send the pavement as Za phod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and he said, Brady Ogus Cor Dubois Boris Jeltsin © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP OR (Match this or that etc.) Find what: Change to: Street|Str St before OPEN HOUSE LISTING Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sat Sat Sun Sat Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sat 9.00-10.00 10.00-12.00 10.00 - 12.00 11.30-12.30 9:00-10:00 1:00-2:00 8:00 - 9:00 9:00-10:00 10.00 - 12.00 11:00-12.00 10.00 - 11.00 9:00-10:00 10.00 - 12.00 9.00-10.00 10:00- 11:00 101 / 150 Great Eastern Hwy 211/150 Great Eastern Hwy 39 Pearson Str 5A Kenmure Ave 115 Kenny Street 34 Jacqueline St 1/657 Belmont Ave 13 Leigh Str 654 Cannington Rd 77 Smith Street 9 Cliff St 34 Market Street 83 Bushmead Rd 87 Harpenden Str 8 Berrigan Drv after OPEN HOUSE LISTING Ascot 9778 5674 Ascot 9779 8790 Ashfield 9237 8892 Ashfield 9327 7892 Basendean 9287 2882 Bayswater 9275 1543 Belmont 9338 7612 Burswood 9887 6751 Cannington 9987 3872 Dianella9872 6651 Fremantle99872716 Guildford 9778 5674 Hazelmere 9237 8892 Huntingdale 9765 7862 Jandakot 9445 7621 © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – Sat Sat Sat Sun Sun Sat Sat Sun Sat Sun Sun Sat Sun Sun Sat 9.00-10.00 10.00-12.00 10.00 - 12.00 11.30-12.30 9:00-10:00 1:00-2:00 8:00 - 9:00 9:00-10:00 10.00 - 12.00 11:00-12.00 10.00 - 11.00 9:00-10:00 10.00 - 12.00 9.00-10.00 10:00- 11:00 101 / 150 Great Eastern Hwy 211/150 Great Eastern Hwy 39 Pearson St 5A Kenmure Ave 115 Kenny St 34 Jacqueline St 1/657 Belmont Ave 13 Leigh St 654 Cannington Rd 77 Smith St 9 Cliff St 34 Market St 83 Bushmead Rd 87 Harpenden St 8 Berrigan Drv Ascot 9778 5674 Ascot 9779 8790 Ashfield 9237 8892 Ashfield 9327 7892 Basendean 9287 2882 Bayswater 9275 1543 Belmont 9338 7612 Burswood 9887 6751 Cannington 9987 3872 Dianella9872 6651 Fremantle99872716 Guildford 9778 5674 Hazelmere 9237 8892 Huntingdale 9765 7862 Jandakot 9445 7621 ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Escaping characters* () Asterisk Backslash Caret Dollar sign* Period Pipe character \* \\ \^ \$ \. \| Note: Escaping certain literal characters that have a special Regular Expression meaning applies only to the “Find what” and “GREP Style” definitions, not to “Change to”. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – Plus sign Question mark Round bracket (open) Round bracket (close) Square bracket (open) Tilda \+ \? \( \) \[ \~ ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Escaped Characters (wildcards, repeat > one or more times, escaped decimal point) Find what: Change to: \d+\.\d+ $$0 before after Top 5 S&P/ASX200 Top 5 S&P/ASX200 CTX Caltex 11.11 0.63 CTX Caltex $11.11 $0.63 FLT Flight Ctr 19.00 0.55 FLT Flight Ctr $19.00 $0.55 CDI Codeco 2.22 0.51 CDI Codeco $2.22 $0.51 10.80 0.37 SHL Sonic Hlth $10.80 $0.37 9.90 0.21 FWD Fleetwood $9.90 $0.21 SHL Sonic Hlth FWD Fleetwood © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Other Special GREP characters Start of Story End of Story Unicode character \A \Z \x{nnnn} © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP End of Story (adding Right Indent Tab and Wingdings char @ end of story) Find what: Change to: .\Z $0~y\x{F06E} before after Leonardo da Vinci, (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath. A painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has regularly been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man. That is a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his creative powers of invention in that era. Leonardo da Vinci, (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath. A painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has regularly been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man. That is a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his creative powers of invention in that era. TIP: Use a nested style or GREP style that automatically formats the End of Story character you’re inserting with a Character Style, that sets colour and font. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Subexpression (add surrounding brackets on area code & non-breaking spaces) Find what: Change to: (\d\d)\s(\d\d\d\d)\s(\d\d\d\d) ($1)~s$2~s$3 before after Brady, Johnathan��������������������� 02 7489 8228 Froogles, Matti �������������������������04 9847 8999 Frankensteinigers, Wolfgang ���������08 8338 9408 Lichtenstein, Roy��������������������� 04 8920 8987 Maasdam van, Clarissaartjins�����������03 8392 8898 Aldo, Mike����������������������������������� 03 8889 8897 Brady, Johnathan�������������������(02) 7489 8228 Froogles, Matti ���������������������� (04) 9847 8999 Frankensteinigers, Wolfgang ������������������������������������������������������ (08) 8338 9408 Lichtenstein, Roy�������������������(04) 8920 8987 Maasdam van, Clarissaartjins ������������������������������������������������������ (03) 8392 8898 Aldo, Mike���������������������������������(03) 8889 8897 © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Found Sets (re-ordering content / sorting with a script) Find what: Change to: (\w+)\s(\w+) $2, $1 before Mike Aldo Jonathan Brady Matti Froogles Dan Maasdam Wolfgang Frankenstein Michael Johason Pablo Picasso after Aldo, Mike Brady, Jonathan Froogles, Matti Maasdam, Dan Frankenstein, Wolfgang Johason, Michael Picasso, Pablo © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – To sort the paragraphs in alphabetical order after shuffling the first and last name around: ffCS3/CS4: Automation > Scripts ffCS5: Utilities > Scripts Run the SortParagraphs.jsx script ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Positive Lookahead (find tick when followed by box) Find what: Change to: tick(?=box) check before after Feed services of bottom-line work comprehensive starts to ticking intranet best. Website license on marketing the client provide forum is. Cms license of marketing it total most subscription of. Website e-commerce work panel given edit starts to control the. Development tour a internal is marketing best system simple. tickboxes E-commerce power work ASP take portal the tour of. Collaborate comprehensive ticking given content the content management a collaborate provide. Access subscribe provide subscription each web the subscribe easy. Services team to sample are license is. Manage tickbox optimization each benefits work .NET easy panel is. Feed services of bottom-line work comprehensive starts to ticking intranet best. Website license on marketing the client provide forum is. Cms license of marketing it total most subscription of. Website e-commerce work panel given edit starts to control the. Development tour a internal is marketing best system simple. checkboxes E-commerce power work ASP take portal the tour of. Collaborate comprehensive ticking given content the content management a collaborate provide. Access subscribe provide subscription each web the subscribe easy. Services team to sample are license is. Manage checkbox optimization each benefits work .NET easy panel is. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Positive Lookbehind (find father when preceded by grand) Find what: Change to: (?<=grand)father piano before after Feed services of bottom-line work comprehensive starts to grandfather intranet best. Website license on marketing the client provide forum is. Cms license of legrande marketing it total most subscription of. Website e-commerce work panel given edit starts to control the. Development tour a internal is marketing best system simple. grandmother E-commerce power work ASP take portal the tour of. Collaborate grandma comprehensive given content the content management a collaborate provide. Access subscribe provide subscription each web the subscribe easy. Services team to sample are license is .NET is. Manage grandfather optimization each benefits work. Feed services of bottom-line work comprehensive starts to grandpiano intranet best. Website license on marketing the client provide forum is. Cms license of legrande marketing it total most subscription of. Website e-commerce work panel given edit starts to control the. Development tour a internal is marketing best system simple. grandmother E-commerce power work ASP take portal the tour of. Collaborate grandma comprehensive given content the content management a collaborate provide. Access subscribe provide subscription each web the subscribe easy. Services team to sample are license is .NET is. Manage grandpiano optimization each benefits work. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Positive Lookbehind + Case-insensitive Off Find what: Change to: (?-i)(?<=grand)father piano before after Feed services of bottom-line work comprehensive starts to GRANDfather intranet best. Website license on marketing the client provide forum is. Cms license of marketing it total most subscription of. grandfather Website e-commerce work panel given edit starts to control the. Development tour a internal is marketing best system simple. grandmother E-commerce power work ASP take portal the tour of. Collaborate comprehensive given content the content management a collaborate provide. Access subscribe provide subscription each web the subscribe easy. Services team to sample are license is .NET is. Manage grandFATHER Feed services of bottom-line work comprehensive starts to GRANDfather intranet best. Website license on marketing the client provide forum is. Cms license of marketing it total most subscription of. grandpiano Website e-commerce work panel given edit starts to control the. Development tour a internal is marketing best system simple. grandmother E-commerce power work ASP take portal the tour of. Collaborate comprehensive given content the content management a collaborate provide. Access subscribe provide subscription each web the subscribe easy. Services team to sample are license is .NET is. Manage grandFATHER © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Beginning of Paragraph (insert clipboard icon) Find what: Change to: ^. ~c$0 before Leonardo da Vinci, (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Roy Lichtenstein, October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was a prominent American pop artist. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described pop art as, “not ‘American’ painting but actually industrial painting” after Leonardo da Vinci, (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Roy Lichtenstein, October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was a prominent American pop artist. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described pop art as, “not ‘American’ painting but actually industrial painting” © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP GREP Styles (InDesign CS4 or higher) © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Parenthesised text (wildcards>any character, repeat>one or more times) Apply Style: To Text: Italic \(.+\) before after Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods (Woodsvale), bathroom that they continued to the woods (Woodsvale), bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed nose and bellowed, Imperial Galactic D. highly domed nose and bellowed, - Simple. Simple. I had plenty o~f motion was assigned to, Im trying I had plenty o~f motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard (Andreas Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard (Andreas Polaski) was Polaski) was anywhere else should send the pavement as anywhere else should send the pavement as Zaphod Beeblebrox. Zaphod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and It and a vision half million years and he said, - Understand that! he said, - Understand that! - Yes, he sailed through a couple - Yes, he sailed through a couple rectify the Question of their rectify the Question of their behaviour we were for. - he said, - behaviour we were for. - he said, - Hi, - No reaction. He was a Hi, - No reaction. He was a Heart of a (corner). Heart of a (corner). © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Parenthesised text (repeat > one or more times shortest match) Apply Style: To Text: Italic \(+?\) before after Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods (Woodsvale), bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed nose and bellowed, Simple. I had plenty o~f motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard (Andreas Polaski) was anywhere else should send the pavement as Zaphod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and he said, - Understand that! - Yes, he sailed through a couple rectify the Question of their behaviour we were for. - he said, Hi, - No reaction. He was a Heart of a (corner). Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods (Woodsvale), bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed nose and bellowed, Simple. I had plenty o~f motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard (Andreas Polaski) was anywhere else should send the pavement as Zaphod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and he said, - Understand that! - Yes, he sailed through a couple rectify the Question of their behaviour we were for. - he said, Hi, - No reaction. He was a Heart of a (corner). © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Exclude the parenthesis (combined positive lookbehind and lookahead) Apply Style: To Text: Italic (?<=\().+?(?=\)) before after Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods (Woodsvale), bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed nose and bellowed, Simple. I had plenty o~f motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard (Andreas Polaski) was anywhere else should send the pavement as Zaphod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and he said, - Understand that! - Yes, he sailed through a couple rectify the Question of their behaviour we were for. - he said, Hi, - No reaction. He was a Heart of a (corner). Far out of mind suddenly full back-up personality that continued to the woods (Woodsvale), bathroom that they appear. They were to throw them they want to part of four Imperial Galactic D. highly domed nose and bellowed, Simple. I had plenty o~f motion was assigned to, Im trying not be him that exactly the hide it became made know each other? - said Trillian had - At lunchtime? The guard (Andreas Polaski) was anywhere else should send the pavement as Zaphod Beeblebrox. It and a vision half million years and he said, - Understand that! - Yes, he sailed through a couple rectify the Question of their behaviour we were for. - he said, Hi, - No reaction. He was a Heart of a (corner). © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Character Set (highlighting the vowels) Apply Style: To Text: GREP Vowels [aeiou] before after Leonardo da Vinci, (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Leonardo da Vinci, (April 15, 1452 – May 2, 1519) was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Roy Lichtenstein, (October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was a prominent American pop artist. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described pop art as, “not ‘American’ painting but actually industrial painting”. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – Roy Lichtenstein, (October 27, 1923 – September 29, 1997) was a prominent American pop artist. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described pop art as, “not ‘American’ painting but actually industrial painting”. ADOBE® INDESIGN® Wildcards Digit Lowercase character Space character Uppercase character Word character etc. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – USER GROUP NOT values \d \l \s \u \w Non Digit character Non lowercase character Non Space character Non Uppercase character Non Word Character \D \L \S \U \W ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP WWWs Apply Style: To Text: GREP Web www\.\S+ before after Leonardo da Vinci, (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Leonardo da Vinci, (15 April 1452 – 2 May 1519) was an Italian polymath: painter, sculptor, architect, musician, scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, geologist, cartographer, botanist and writer. Leonardo has often been described as the archetype of the Renaissance man, a man whose unquenchable curiosity was equaled only by his powers of invention. Roy Lichtenstein, (27 October 1923 – September 29 1997) was a prominent American pop artist. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described pop art as, “not ‘American’ painting but actually industrial painting”. Roy Lichtenstein, (27 October 1923 – September 29 1997) was a prominent American pop artist. His work was heavily influenced by both popular advertising and the comic book style. He himself described pop art as, “not ‘American’ painting but actually industrial painting”. Pablo Picasso, (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – Pablo Picasso, (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughtsman, and sculptor. He is best known for co-founding the Cubist movement and for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Among his most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his portrayal of the German bombing of Guernica during the Spanish Civil War. ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Other Repeats - How many? n n or higher n to m {2} {2,} {2,6} © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP End of Paragraph (last 9 characters of paragraph, Locations > End of Paragraph) Apply Style: To Text: No Break .{9}$ before after Pablo Picasso, (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughts man, and sculptor. He is best known for cofounding the Cubist movement and extra text to generate the last for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Am in forhis most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his an in interpretation of the German bombing of Guernica during of the Spanish Civil War. Pablo Picasso, (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973) was a Spanish painter, draughts man, and sculptor. He is best known for cofounding the Cubist movement and extra text to generate the last for the wide variety of styles embodied in his work. Am in forhis most famous works are the proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d’Avignon (1907) and Guernica (1937), his an in interpretation of the German bombing of Guernica during of the Spanish Civil War. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP OR (any of these, change to small caps) Apply Style: To Text: Small Caps Sir|Mrs|Mr|Miss|Ms before The following people were invited to the inaugural meeting: Mr Bennet, Mrs Bennet, Ms Jne, Ms Mary, Ms Kitty, Ms Lydia. Mr and Mrs Bingley. Sir William, Mrs Long, Mr Morris, Mrs Nicholls, Mr Phillips, Miss Pope, Sir William Lucas, Ms Charlotte, Ms Maria after The following people were invited to the inaugural meeting: Mr Bennet, Mrs Bennet, Ms Jne, Ms Mary, Ms Kitty, Ms Lydia. Mr and Mrs Bingley. Sir William, Mrs Long, Mr Morris, Mrs Nicholls, Mr Phillips, Miss Pope, Sir William Lucas, Ms Charlotte, Ms Maria TIP: Using the Case > OpenType All Small Caps feature - when supported by the font - will turn also turn the capitalised letters to small caps as in this example. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Wordstemming (Locations > End/Beginning of Word; Case-insensitive On) Apply Style: To Text: Pink Fruit \<(?i)fruit\> before after Why go for 2&5? Because eating your fruit and vegies is the right thing to do. Whether you eat a kiwifruit or a grapefruit, it is important you eat two pieces fruit each day. To keep you fit and healthy. Fruit normally is placed in a fruitbowl. For morr information see the fruit and vegie guide at www.gofor2and5. Why go for 2&5? Because eating your fruit and vegies is the right thing to do. Whether you eat a kiwifruit or a grapefruit, it is important you eat two pieces fruit each day. To keep you fit and healthy. Fruit normally is placed in a fruitbowl. For morr information see the fruit and vegie guide at www.gofor2and5. © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Resources © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Few useful links (there’s heaps more on the web) ff Jongware’s InDesign GREP Background info & tool: ff Mike Witherell’s GREP cheatsheets ff Jan Goyvaerts, All about GREP: ff Rorohiko (Chris Koppieters) GREP Grokker: ff Automatication (Martinho da Gloria) Multi-Find/Change plug-in (to perform many find/changes in a single click). © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia – ADOBE® INDESIGN® USER GROUP Q&A © 2010 – Cari Jansen, Perth, Australia –
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