For more information about Bradford, visit our website @ Mary D. Bradford High School Daily Announcements Monday, April 20, 2015 School hours for students: Monday thru Friday- 7:30 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. Wounded Warriors Donations… Hey BRADFORD!!!! The Leadership Class is raising money to help local Wounded Warriors. Wednesday, April 22, has been designated as WOUNDED WARRIORS WEDNESDAY. Please help support our local servicemen who have been injured protecting our country by donating your spare change during a "Miracle Minute." This will be held at the end of your 2nd block class. Senior News… Seniors, please make sure you pick up your caps & gowns and graduation accessories from the Jostens reps this Thursday, April 23rd, during the lunch hours in the commons. ONLY CASH OR MONEY ORDERS - NO PERSONAL CHECKS OR CREDIT CARDS - will be accepted for payment (if you have a remaining balance due). CNA Sign Up News… Do you have an interest in becoming a nurse or a nurse assistant? If so, then you may want to take the CNA program next year. You must be a junior or senior when you take the class. See Mrs. Mars in room 218 for the application and for more information. Prom News…(Advisor: Ms. Betker) Last day to turn in prom court papers. Top reasons to turn in permission slips next week for prom: Early bird price reduction! Top five reasons to turn permission slips in: 5. Check out the new venue at Madrigano Marina Shores 4. Check out the Red Carpet Event theme this year! 3. Eat a great dinner at prom! 2. Dance Dance Dance!!!! 1. If you turn in permissions slips by Wednesday you get 5.00 off for early bird permission slips! That means 1 for 45.00 or 2 for 75.00. Future Business Leaders of America News… FBLA Members interested in attending NLC in Chicago MUST attend Tuesday after school meetings. At the April 21st meeting information will be distributed. Anyone interested in running for office for 2015-2016 should complete the application found on the BHS FBLA page. BHS had 20 FBLA members that attended the State Leadership Conference in LaCrosse. Bradford was well represented as conference had about 162 schools with over 2500 students that competed at the State level. Congratulations to Bradford’s FBLA members for a great showing at this year’s FBLA State Leadership Conference which was held in La Crosse April 12-14. Please congratulate the following students for their efforts. 7th Place - Brody Hegeman, Chris Healy, and Ben Jalensky – Computer Game and Simulation Programming 7th Place – Maxine Delabrue – Community Service Project 6th Place – Autumn Froeber and Kia Coburn – 3-D Animation 6th Place – Tianna Meeks and David Christian – American Enterprise Project 2nd Place – Joshua Weber and Deo Young – Partnership with Business Project Josh Weber and Deo Young have qualified for the National Competition to be held in Chicago the end of June. Kenosha Wounded Warriors News… Show your appreciation for your favorite teachers in the best way throwing a pie in their face. On Thursday, April 23, Bradford's Leadership class will be hosting a "Pie in the Face" fundraiser during all lunch periods. Join the fun by launching as many pies as you desire directly to the face of your dearest educator. The cost will be $2.00 for one pie or $3.00 for two pies. All collected funds will be donated to Kenosha's local Wounded Warriors. If you do not want to wait until Thursday to get your chance to throw a pie, tickets will be sold during lunch periods today, tomorrow, Tuesday, and Wednesday. If you have a ticket, you will just need to turn it in on Thursday, get your pie, and THROW. For more information see Mrs. Morrissette in Room 231. Supporting Our Wounded Warriors News… Hey BRADFORD!!!! The Leadership class is raising money to help local Wounded Warriors. Wednesday, April 22, has been designated as WOUNDED WARRIORS WEDNESDAY. Please help support our local servicemen who have been injured protecting our country by donating your spare change during a "Miracle Minute." This will be held at the end of your 2nd block class. LIBRARY NEWS …The library is hosting a Jelly Bean Challenge! Stop in the library to submit your guess on how many jelly beans are in the container. The winner will be announced on Wednesday, April 22nd (National Jelly bean day) The lucky person will be able to take home the entire container of jelly beans. Each guess is 25¢ or 5 guesses for $1. We will see you in the library. ACT Information Night News…Bradford will be hosting an ACT Parent/Student Presentation tomorrow, April 21st to help our families understand why the ACT and ACT Aspire should matter. It is open to everyone, but we are especially targeting Grades 9, 10, 11 families. What’s the big deal about the ACT Test? Who: All Bradford parents and students When: Tuesday, April 21st @ 6:30-7:30 pm Where: Bradford High School Cafeteria Come learn why the ACT is a really big deal, now and in the future. Dinner will be served. Childcare is available. Come eat dinner on us and learn more about the ACT. Annual AP Art Appreciation News… You are all invited to attend the Annual AP Art Show this coming Wednesday the 22nd. Please come and see the amazing work that our students have produced. Meet the student artists and support the Visual Arts in our school. Thank you. Open from 8:00 a.m. till 4:30 p.m. in the library Talent Show News…Attention Talent Show participants. There will be a mandatory meeting in Rm 224 after school on Wednesday, April 22nd. Senior News… Seniors, make sure you pick up your caps & gowns and graduation accessories from the Jostens reps will be here Thursday April 23rd, during the lunch hours, in the Commons. Only cash or money orders will be accepted for payment if you have any remaining balance due. Anime Club News… Into anime and manga (pronounced [mahn guh])? Want to learn more about Japanese and Asian culture? Interested in Asian-style drawing and gaming? Join BHS Anime Club every Thursday after school from 3:25-4:30PM in room 114!!! (Advisor: Ms. LiVolsi) Military Exam News…There will be an ASVAB Military exam for students who are interested in the military on Thursday, April 23rd from 7:30 until 10:30 in room 108. If you are interested, (Advisor: Mr. Days) in room 216 to get a permission slip. German Club News… Hallo Kenosha! German Club is hosting an event Thursday, April 23rd in the Bradford Library. Join us from 5:00 until 6:00 for snacks, games and fun! All are invited, no German required. Contact Frau Ishmael or visit for more information. (Advisor: Ms. Ishmael) National Honor Society News… All NHS members, there is a mandatory meeting this Wednesday, the 22nd in the cafeteria. If you are unable to attend, you must provide either Mrs. Hirsig or Mrs. Gonzales with a brief written explanation for your absence prior to the meeting. See you all there! Summer School News…Summer school forms are now available outside of Room 152 and on the Bradford website. You must have your completed registration form, emergency health form, transcript attached with your counselor’s signature in order for it to be accepted. We will be accepting completed forms before school, after school and on your lunch hour. Make-Up Snow Dates… The following Fridays will turn into full instructional days and students will be released at 3:00 p.m. We will be running the Monday –Thursday schedule including Quest on these days. April 17, April 24th, May 1, & May 8th Students vs. Faculty Basketball Game… Hey students!!! This is important so listen! On Thursday, April 30, the Leadership class will be hosting a faculty vs. student basketball game. We are looking for students who would like to challenge their teachers in this game. Any student who would like to play can sign up outside of InfraRed during all lunch periods Monday, April 20 Friday April 24. This year's players will be chosen through a raffle. Raffle tickets will cost 50 cents for one or $2 for 5. The more tickets purchased, the better chance of having your ticket drawn and getting to play. All proceeds will be donated to our local Wounded Warriors. Friday will be a PBIS spiritwear day!!! Anyone wearing any type of Bradford spiritwear will receive a Rowdy Reward that can be entered into the raffle for additional Bradford spiritwear, local restaurant gift certificates and/or items in InfraRed. Show your Red Devil spirit, One Side North Side!!! KUSD Theatre Arts Presents@ Bradford HS Auditorium “In The Heights” April 24th, 25th May 1st & May 2nd @ 7:30p.m. April 26th & May 3rd @ 2:00p.m. Tickets: Adults $10.00, $8.00 Senior, $5.00 Student Advanced ticket sales @ After School Spotlight News… Monday, April 20 3:00 Boys JV Golf (Away) Racine CC 3:00 Boys Varsity Golf (Away) Tuckaway CC Freshman Baseball Today we will be indoors, 8-10pm for workouts. If you have any questions, contact coach Lugo in room 120. Today’s Lunch… Mini Corn Dogs Please stand for the Pledge of Allegiance School -Motto: Every Kid, Every Day. For more information about Bradford, visit our website @
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