The Independent - Episode 1

THE INDEPENDENT >> Building a Business with $50 in 3 Months
Here are the steps we will take
in Month 1 of building a
p ro f i t a b l e b u s i n e s s i n 3
months. >>
We will discuss these steps in a
few episodes of this podcast,
and we will explore further
steps of building and refining
your brand as well.
What is the most important
thing you want to come from
developing this business?
Name your brand.
Create an initial content plan.
Create a brand statement + tagline.
Create your initial products or services.
DIY your branding + logo.
Reach out to your friends + network.
Establish a website.
Find an online community.
Create an email signup form +
Spend time building your brand’s
landing page.
content and getting feedback.
Figure out the free item/resource
Master social media as a newbie.
you’ll give away.
Launch your brand.
Notes from the episode on building a brand people can trust:
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
THE INDEPENDENT >> How People Evaluate a Brand by Its Site
What are the three questions people ask (internally)
when they first encounter your brand/site?
Any ideas for how you can answer your audience’s
questions/needs with your site?
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
THE INDEPENDENT >> Getting Started Questions
Answer the three questions from the getting started section.
What do you want to teach/do?
Why does it matter?
To whom does it matter the most? As in: Who is your most receptive audience?
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
THE INDEPENDENT >> Doing Some Industry Research
Create a spreadsheet to record 10 brands in the same industry and answer the following questions about each:
What do I like about this brand?
How would I improve this brand if I owned it?
How would I improve the audience experience of this site?
What things is this brand doing exceptionally well for their audience?
What is something more that I can give away or do that will make me stand out?
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
THE INDEPENDENT >> Name Your Business
As you brainstorm names, ask:
What makes sense for you? What seems like it can serve you in the long run?
What sounds good to your audience? Ask family, friends, and mentors.
What impression does this name leave as soon as someone hears it?
Is it already a registered trademark or name in your country?
Does another company in your city/state/area already have your desired name?
Are your desired social media names and domain name available?
Name notes:
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
THE INDEPENDENT >> Create Your Brand Statement and Tagline
It’s important to have both a brand statement (which kinda encompasses your mission + vision) and a tagline.
Develop your brand statement.
Answer who you serve, why you care, what you provide, and what
you offer that’s different from others.
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
Develop your tagline.
Keep it short (so you can use it with your
social media accounts) and add some
Foundational Items
Brand fonts
Brand patterns or other style elements
Brand colors
Brand tagline or statement
Website and blog
Email account to interact with clients
Business phone number + voicemail, if applicable
Press kit or media kit
Digital Items
Social media logo (displays well as a square)
Favicon (the icon in the browser tab for your website)
Social media accounts and cover photos
Profile descriptions for each social platform
Physical Items
Business cards
Letterhead and/or notecards (and envelopes for each)
Giveaway/swag items
Branding notes:
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from
THE INDEPENDENT >> Episode 1 Notes
Things to remember or research:
#StayScrappy >> Episode 1 (from