For those who serve on the altar, for those who cantor, for the ECF teachers, for those who clean the church, for those who have embroidered cloths for the church, for those who ready the church for Divine Liturgy, for those who take up and count the collection, for those who clean the hall, for those who care for the grounds, for those who make the Pascha bread, for those who support and bake for the social after Divine Liturgy, for those who set up for special functions, for those who bake the Prosphora, for those who assist in administering the pastor’s office, for those who help the pastor, for those who minister to the sick of our parish, for those who keep us in their prayers, we offer sincere and heartfelt thanks to God and you. Maria Bailey Stephen, Jennifer, Carson & Lucas Boniface Nicolas & Helen Bukaczyk Peter & Barbara Butkewicz Christina Capelle Christine Charyton & John Elliott Michael, Erin, Jillian & Claire Christie Donald, Julie, Mara, & Katherine Clark John Clear Robert, Lucy, Robbie, Aaron & Lucia Cook Steven Cornett John Czyrnik Ronald & Charlotte Doctor Julia Fedeczko James Figler Anna Frye Mark, Teresa, Sarah & Alexandra Frye Rachel Frye Gloria Gaskey Alfred & Eileen Gingras Dennis, Kathy & Dillon Gomolak Brent & Natasha Goodin Peter, Aniko, Conrad & Greta Gozon Nicholas & Ida Gressis Robert Gulis Ray, Brenda, John & Amanda Guman Thomas, Patricia, Joseph, Frank, Elizabeth, Georgianna, Maria & Gregory Hartung Martin, Dina, Carey & Ryan Hodovanich Mr. & Mrs. Randall & Mark Hofmann Jeff & Debbie Holliday Carol Hoover Lilian & Joseph Hospodar John Hospodar William & Margo Hospodar Evelyn Houston Liam Hurley, Qin Dong, Padraig & Emon Hurley Anna Ilko Esther Imhoff John, Doris, George, Joseph & Abraham Ivan Thomas & Rose Ann Jirles Eugene Kirtos Robert & Connie Kotula Nicholas, Emily, Donovan & Connor Koval Donald & Kathleen Krofcheck Douglas Krofcheck Rebecca Krofcheck Ms. Marilyn Kuchta Christine & Brooke Leon Barbara Levak Rev. Eugene Linowski David Lonzrick Lora Lonzrick Tim Lyons Thomas Marco Fr. Deacon Jeffrey & Paula Martin Justine Marunowski Paul, Sharon, Max & Wulf Mech Barbara Milone Matthew & Dorinda Mnich Maria Morris Mrs. George Morse Nicholas, Chelsea & Andrew Morton Mark, Jennifer, Anna & Mark J. Moseley Myroslava Mudrak Keith Nissen Blair & Mary Nunnery Ed & Rosemary Nyahay Michael & Ann O’Halloran John & Paula Oshinski John & Carol Osifichin Michael & Patricia Papai Robert & Julia Parks Suzanne & Jennifer Patton James & Cathy Pitt Kaitlin Pitt John, Kristina. Michael, Isabella, Christian, Evangeline, David & Augustine Popp Mark & Lisa Rado Alexander, Alexandra, Evangeline, Ilya, Madelyn, & Teresa Rakowsky Bohdan Rakowsky Luke Rakowsky Maria Rakowsky Sofia Rakowsy Linda Sachs Justine Schwenk Monica Shusko Thomas Smith Christopher Stasek Jerome Stasek & Dana Hardin Patrick Stasek Mark & Helen Stephens Joseph & Linda Sudimack Lisa Sulich Michael & Karen Sweda David Ternasky Bernard & Ruth Turanchik James & Irena Wallace Ryan, Toni, Ava, & Anna Walters Willard & Mildred Woryk David & Rita Zaroka Robert, Jr. & Helena Zvansky To all of our Eritrean Brothers and Sisters, we give thanks for you and wish you a Blessed and Happy Pascha (Easter)! St. John Chrysostom - Col’s, OH St. Barbara Chapel - Dayton, OH Divine Liturgy Schedule for the week of April 4 through April 11 Parish Schedule for the week of April 5 through April 12 Pascha Sunday 10:00am April 5 Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom. Blessing of baskets in narthex of church. Parish Office Closed for Bright Week If you need to contact Fr. Bob while the office is closed, please use his cell number 330-631-5045. Monday 7pm April 6 Bright Monday Pascha Service Saturday April 4, 2015 4:00pm Vespers with the Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great The Blessing of Baskets in the parish hall following services. Saturday April 11 St. Thomas Sunday Divine Liturgy +Barbara Kowalski by the Parish Family 4pm Divine Liturgy of St. Basil the Great For the Faithful Tuesday 7pm April 7 Bright Tuesday Divine Liturgy +Robert Houston by the Parish Family Wednesday 7pm April 8 Bright Wednesday Divine Liturgy +Michael & Rosalia Magora by the Parish Family Saturday April 11 7pm Eritrean Easter Service Celebration in hall following service Sunday April 12 St. Thomas Sunday 9:30am Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom For the Faithful ~ Coffee and refreshments will be served after the Divine Liturgy in the parish hall. Everyone is welcome! ~ Coffee and refreshments will be served in the parish hall following the services. Everyone is welcome! St. John Chrysostom Parish Fr. McCarthy will also be the main celebrant at Mass at 9:30 on Sunday morning April 19. The Nonviolent Jesus: His Way of Nonviolent Love A RETREAT WITH Fr. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy April 17-18, 2015 All faiths are welcome. There is no cost for attending, but free will donations are welcome. St. John Chrysostom Byzantine Catholic & Holy Resurrection Melkite Catholic parishes are hosting a conference titled “The Nonviolent Jesus: His Way of Nonviolent Love” on April 17 & 18, 2015. The conference will explore the teachings of Jesus and how we can live them in our daily lives. These are the original traditions of the Church and are known by most through the stories of the early saints, the lives of the apostles, and the Gospels. The presenter will be Rev. Emmanuel Charles McCarthy. Rev. McCarthy is a priest of the Eastern Rite (Byzantine-Melkite) of the Catholic Church. Formerly a lawyer and university educator, he is the founder and the original director of The Program for the Study and Practice of Nonviolent Conflict Resolution at the University of Notre Dame. He is also the cofounder, along with Dorothy Day and others, of Pax Christi-USA. He was the keynote speaker at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee for the 25th anniversary memorial of the assassination of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. He has spoken throughout the world on the relationship of faith and violence, and has written three books and innumerable articles on the subject of violence and religion. His life’s work on behalf of peace within people and among people has been acclaimed internationally. The conference will be held at St John Chrysostom Byzantine church, 5858 Cleveland Ave, Columbus, OH 43231. The conference will start at 7:00-9:00 PM Friday evening and continue at 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM on Saturday. Contact Sam Dean for details at 614-286-0921 or [email protected]. There are fliers on the table in the narthex and in the hall.
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