Caldwell United Methodist Church 8 Academy Road, Caldwell, NJ 07006 phone 973-226-4410 / [email protected] visit us on facebook Sunday, May 31, 2015 Sunday, May 31 This week’s calendar 9:00 a.m. Confirmation Practice 10:00 a.m. Confirmation Sunday and Pentecost observed 11:00 a.m. Gardening Monday, June 1 10:00 a.m. Prayer/Study Group-Guyn Room Leader, Midge Winnicki 5:30 p.m. Youth Group (9-12 graders) Wednesday, June 3 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal Thursday, June 4 9:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Men’s Breakfast-Caldwell Diner Hand Bell Choir Rehearsal Sunday, June 7 10:00 a.m. Worship Service Pleasant Day in Auditorium Wednesdays, 10-11/Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 Alcoholics Anonymous Open Meeting in Auditorium Sundays, 6-8:30 GARDENERS - Tomorrow, Monday, June 1, from 11:00—noon, we will plant the geraniums behind the church, trim some dead foliage and put down some mulch. JUST SHOW UP with trowels and pruning shears. NEW BIBLE STUDY BOOKLETS are available NOW in the back of the sanctuary for $8. for the Summer Monday Morning Prayer/ Study Group. All are welcome to this weekly hour of prayer and study. The summer quarter includes Amos, Micah, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Zechariah and Malachi. Our Weekly Prayers Prayer for the church For our confirmands that they might continue to grow in grace and love all of the days of their lives. Prayers for the week of May 24, 2015 For the Greater New Jersey Annual Conference. Meeting May 28 through May 30 and our representatives, Marilyn LaFlamme and Pastor Viv; Cheryl Zacagnino-undergoing inpatient chemotherapy—for healing and strength; Carlene Starke-recovering from broken pelvis at home; friends Anna and Chet engaged this weekend [Pezzinos]; Selina M.asking God’s mercies, forgiveness, healing and peace in her life [Zorina D’Emilio]; Rose Traponi-asking God’s continuous mercies, healing and peace [Zorina D’Emilio]; Matthew T.- asking God’s guidance and peace in his life [Zorina D’Emilio]; George Stanton-recovery at home; Grant Harper and Stephen Craig-recovery from strokes [George Carnrick]; George Fudali-upcoming surgery; Richard Turton-upcoming surgery June 1; Debbie F.-recovering from stroke [Bruce and Liz Ciccone]; Christina P.-that she finds peace and happiness; all of our precious members no longer able to regularly come to church and church events; thanksgiving for continued recovery for Jim Marinucci; Sue Marinucci under treatment for back pain; John Norvis-relief from back pain after surgery; former church member Mildred Angerer (99) passed away on Sunday May 17. Services are private. The family appreciates your prayers. [Christie Pavlishon] Continuing requests Edna Kramer; Ruth Conklin; Carolyn Gazzillo; Alex; Marianne Smith; the Casavant family; Rachel Rotter; Craig Decker; Judy Burger Service Personnel Our men and women in the military and their families. Returning veterans and their families. For our Gateway North District Superintendent, Rev. Manuel Sardinas, and Bishop John Schol Serve Others CALDWELL FOOD PANTRY On Sundays in June, please bring canned chicken or meat to church for the Caldwell Food Pantry. Donations should be placed in the back of the sanctuary. SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE This summer we will be collecting school supplies for the children served by the Interfaith Hospitality Network (IHN) and the Center for United Methodist Aid to the Community (CUMAC). This year we invite you and your family or friends to team up, purchase a new backpack, grab a school supply list from the display in the Narthex and go shopping. The result will be backpacks loaded with great age-appropriate supplies to help children of all ages get off to a strong start in September. The lists vary by age and are categorized as Pre-K & K, 1st - 4th, 5th - 8th and High School. Nurturing Ministry WOULD YOU LIKE SOMEONE TO PRAY FOR YOU DURING THE WEEK? Please contact Barbara Bechtold, 973-226-4517, [email protected], she will be glad to pray for you or refer you to a member of the Intercessory Prayer Team. You can be confident that you concerns will be addressed with compassion and confidentiality PROMOTION SUNDAY JUNE 21 The Children, Youth and Christian Educators of our congregation will lead the worship service with songs and presentations about what they have learned about the Christian faith. Please let Arlene Fudali know date of graduation, high school or college, degree, and if they graduated Magna Cum Laude, Suma Cum Laude or Cum Laude. We would also like a picture of their graduation in a jpeg format. You may send everything to Arlene, [email protected]. Acolytes and Children’s Hand Bell/Chime Ringers will be recognized as well. WORSHIP IN THE GARDEN SUNDAY, JUNE 28, 10:00 a.m. The Caldwell United Methodist Church will be celebrating our annual outdoor service, where we will have an opportunity to worship in the peaceful garden behind the sanctuary. It is always a positive and uplifting experience to worship in this lovely natural setting surrounded by the beauty of God’s creation. Disciples are needed to help set up and take down chairs before and after the outdoor worship service. Please come early on Sunday morning, June 28, if you can help. Ways to bless our finances FOOD GIFT CARDS: We have gift cards for Foodtown, ShopRite and Stop & Shop. The cards are good at all locations for each store. Remember, a $100 card costs you $100, and you get to buy $100 worth of items with it - the benefit is the Caldwell UMC makes $5 for every $100 card you buy! Cards are available for $25, $50, $100, DONATIONS SOUGHT FOR NURSERY ATTENDANT: In order to fund this ministry, $30 per week is being sought. If you can donate a week or a month, please place a check in the offering plate, marked “Nursery Care.” Thank you. NEED EVENT SPACE? Various spaces in the church may be rented for parties, showers, meetings, classes, etc. Please contact the church office, 973-226-4410 to check availability and receive detailed guidelines. All Knitters and Crocheters Save the date All Knitters and Crocheters and Friends of all Ages Monday evening, June 29, 7:00 p.m. A fun and informational evening, new ideas, goodie bags, a fun presentation by Lion Yarn’s Brand Ambassador. Please contact church office, 973-226-4410, to register your attendance. “I’m pleased to be able to introduce my friend Ms. Blumenthal to all my knitting and crocheting friends.” Pastor Viv
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