OUR LADY OF UNITY 3rd,Annual I CAR, TRUCK AND CYCLE SHOW TO BENEFIT THE OLU SCHOOL (Rain or Shine) Saturday, April 25, 2015 2646 S 34th St., Kansas City, KS Check in time 8:00-12:00 A.M., Awards start at 2:00P.M. Early bird before 4/17/15: $15.00, after 4/17/2015 $20.00 per entry FREE T-SHIRT FOR THE 1sT 100 ENTRIES, FREE DASH PLATES FOR t= 150 ENTRIES For more info visit: Face Book OLU Car Club and/or email [email protected] NAME: ~ ADDRESS: _ E-MAIL: _ YEAR: _ MAKE: _ MODEL: _ PHONE NUMBER: _ T-Shirt Sizes _M_L_XL_XXL I Make checks to: OurLadyof Unity Mail to: 2531 S. 53rd St, Kansas City, KS 66106 Waiver and Release of Liability Agreement In consideration for permission to show my vehicle(s) in the Our Lady of Unity Car Show «Show», on April 25, 2015, I hereby release, waive and discharge the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas, Our Lady of Unity Catholic Church «Church» and their officers, directors, employees, volunteers, and affiliates, from any and all liability, claims, demands, and causes of action of any kind, arising out of or in any way related to my participation in the Church car show, including any and all loss, damage to property or injury of any kind sustained by me, my vehicle or other personal property wheter or not caused by the fault of the released parties. I understand that I am responsible for my vehicle during the Show. I understand that this Waiver and Release is a legal and binding waiver of my rights and is binding on me, my family, my heirs, assigns, estate and personal representatives. I understand that my vehicle( s) and I may be photographed or filmed during the Show and agree to permit the Church and its sponsors to use any such likeness of me or my vehicle(s) for any legitimate purposes including, without limitation, publication on the Church website and in event programs, marketing materials and registration forms, without payment to me. I have carefully read this Agreement, fully understand its meaning and am signing it voluntarily. Participant's Signature Date
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