FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE April 21, 2015 CONTACT: Jacqueline Barreiros (850) 414-8301 [email protected] Florida Manufacturing Career Fair Set for Wednesday, April 22 #FLManufacturingCareers TALLAHASSEE – Florida’s state colleges, manufacturers and regional workforce boards are teaming up to connect Floridians with great careers in advanced manufacturing. The Florida Manufacturing Career Fair on April 22 will be held at multiple locations across the state and will feature local manufacturers who are hiring. The Career Fair brings together the Manufacturers Association of Florida; The Florida Department of Economic Opportunity; the Florida TRADE Consortium, a coalition of 13 state and community colleges; and members of the CareerSource Florida network at the state and local levels to connect manufacturers who have job openings with qualified candidates. “Advanced Manufacturing is an important industry targeted for future growth in Florida,” said CareerSource Florida President and CEO Chris Hart IV. “CareerSource Florida is a proud partner in this collaborative effort to help Florida’s manufacturers expand and compete, and Floridians secure rewarding, well-paying careers.” – more – The Florida Manufacturing Career Fair is a component of the “Drive to 1000,” a Florida TRADE Consortium initiative to place 1000 Florida TRADE students into manufacturing jobs over the next year. The Career Fair is open to all and may provide opportunities to anyone interested in a hands-on, high-tech career. For more information about the Florida Manufacturing Career Fair including locations and times, please visit For information about the Florida TRADE Consortium, visit ### About CareerSource Florida CareerSource Florida is the statewide workforce policy and investment board of business and government leaders charged with overseeing the CareerSource Florida network, which includes the Department of Economic Opportunity, 24 regional workforce boards and nearly 100 career centers. The CareerSource Florida network connects employers with qualified, skilled talent and Floridians with employment and career development opportunities to achieve economic prosperity. Learn more at or 1-866-352-2345. CareerSource Florida is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. The voice telephone numbers in this document may be reached by persons using TTY/TDD equipment via the Florida Relay Service at 711. Disponible en Español.
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