Meet Manager Steps – May 2015 update 1. Open the League`s Meet

 Meet Manager Steps – May 2015 update 1. Open the League’s Meet File and Prepare for Coaches The 2015 Meet File is on the CCSAKC website – download and save that file in Meet Manager. This will be the file from which you create all meet files during the 2015 swim season. Open the “2015 Meet File.” Resave this meet file as your current meet. Go to “Setup” menu. Select “meet setup.” Change data to appropriate information (meet name, meet location and meet date -­‐ make sure age-­‐up date stays as 5/30/15. Other data should be as follows: Meet Type – Under By Divisions – “By Event” should be selected (this allows only A events to be scored). Under Meet Style – make sure “Standard” is selected. When your information is correct, select OK from bottom of menu box. From the Set-­‐up Menu select Entry/Scoring Preferences Menu, from the “Entries/Entry Limit tab,” place the date 06/01/15 in the “entries must have been performed after” box IF you want only current year times to be pulled. Make sure entry limits are appropriately set. Select OK when your data is correct. From the Scoring/ Awards Tab, make sure “Different point system for each division” is checked AND MAKE SURE “SCORE A RELAY ONLY” IS checked. Check to make sure point scores are correct from "Setup" menu, "Scoring Setup," select "Standard." Review the points assigned to individual and relay events to make sure points are accurate. (Note -­‐ exhibition entries will have no points attached, as these swimmers will be entered as "exhibition.") Select OK when finished. FYI: The Events menu shows all events in the meet. (When coaches do their entries, they should enter all “A” swimmers in the event first. All other swimmers in the event MUST BE ENTERED AS EXHIBITION – AS THEY ARE NOT SCORED. Also note each relay age category and gender only has one event number assigned. All relays are entered into this event. But when entering these events via Team Manager / Swimtopia, the coach must assign the appropriate “letter” – A to the scoring relay, B and C to the two exhibition relays. This meet will score appropriately as we have set up meet to ONLY score A entries.) Page | 1
2. Export Events to Coaches for Team Manager / Swimtopia From main menu screen, select File. Select Export. Select “Events for TM.” Make sure dialogue box shows correct information. Answer “yes” if satisfied. Select OK. Select the location to which you wish to save this file on your computer (please note this pathway – as you will need to attach this zip file in an email to coaches – thus you will need to know location. The next dialogue box tells exact pathway – NOTE THIS). Select OK. You can then email this file to coaches. COACHES MUST USE THIS EXACT FILE TO COMPLETE SWIM ENTRIES AND EMAIL BACK TO YOU. 3. Import Entries from Each Team To import entries, go to file menu – “import” and “entries” Import entry file submitted by coach. Double click on entry file. Select OK. Double click HY3 file. Select OK. Accept defaults by selecting OK. Select OK when Import is finished. Repeat this task to import all two or three teams. 4. Assign Lanes Select “Setup” from Main Menu. Select Meet Setup. Under “Meet Style” – change to “2 Team Dual.” Select OK. Again, choose Setup – Seeding Preferences. (Make sure Dual Meets tab is selected.) Drag and slide Host Club to lane 1, 3 and 5. Drag and slide Visiting Club to lanes 2, 4 and 6. Make sure the box “Use lane assignments above” AND “strict lane assignments all heats” is selected. Select OK from dialogue box. 5. Seed the Meet Select seeding from the menu bar. From the menu bar of the “seeding the meet” menu, select “select all.” Every event below highlights in yellow. From the main menu bar on top of the screen select “start seeding.” Computer will prompt seeding complete. Select OK. Seeded events are highlighted in blue. From the menu bar on the top of the screen, select “reports.” Select meet program. Meet program dialogue box appears. From this dialogue box in upper left portion of the screen, select “select all.” From bottom left portion of the screen, select triple. From top right portion of dialogue box select create report. This is a preliminary heat sheet, before any scratches or combinations. Remember, A, B and C relays have been combined for one heat, BUT ONLY A events are scored. Make sure A relays are in middle lanes. In a Dual meet, keep A relays in lanes 3 and Page | 2
4 and drag the B and C relays in to alternate lanes from the above A Relays. Print the heat sheet at this point, and peruse heat sheet for logical combinations. Close the heat sheet preview menu (select red “X” in top right corner of screen). Close the Meet Program Menu. You return to the seed the meet menu. To change the lanes, from the seeding menu, select the small box on very left of screen to the left of the event number in which you want to change lane assignments, event highlights in yellow. From the menu bar select preview. The preview adjust screen comes up with current lane assignments. Click and drag the team to the proper lane. YOU MUST SELECT SAVE FROM THE PREVIEW ADJUST MENU FOR THIS CHANGE TO STAY. You come back to seeding the meet menu. Continue to do the above for any lane changes. Don’t forget to save each change. After you are finished combining heats and adjusting lanes, from Main Menu, select “reports.” Select “Meet Program.” Select “Select All” events. Click icon in upper left corner of screen to export files as a pdf. Select proper save location. You can then email this copy to coaches, swim chairs, etc. for changes. At this point, even though it is preliminary, you could email to parents. AFTER YOU HAVE ASSIGNED LANES, TO PROPERLY SCORE THE MEET, FROM THE MAIN MENU CHOOSE SETUP, SELECT MEET SETUP AND UNDER MEET STYLE SELECT STANDARD. 6. Making Changes to Entries FOR RELAYS The Relay Menu shows all relays entered. You can make relay additions/changes from this menu. To Make Relay Changes from the main menu screen, Go To Relay (from top menu bar). The Relay Events appear in the upper left portion of the screen. By selecting a “seeded” relay event from the left portion of the screen, the Relay Team Entries appear in the middle portion of the screen and the relay order of the selected team athletes appear in bottom center of screen and all eligible team athletes appear on lower left portion of screen. To delete an athlete, from the lower middle portion of screen under relay order, double click on athlete to delete. The athlete disappears. From the lower left portion of screen under the eligible athletes, drag the appropriate athlete to the relay order. To add an entirely new relay from this screen, make sure the correct event is selected and highlighted in blue from the top left portion of screen under “Relay Events”. From the menu bar, select “Add”. “Relay Team Abbr” Dialogue box appears. Click the downlist and select the proper team. Make sure the “Relay Designator” matches the appropriate A, B or C Relay. All eligible athletes appear. From lower left portion of screen, drag (or double click) athletes to Relay Order. From the middle portion of the screen under Relay Team Entries, assign a heat and a Page | 3
lane to the new relay (ie., Heat 1 Lane 2 would be entered as 1 / 2 in Heat/Lane column) To delete a Relay from this Menu, find the proper event number. From underneath the Relay Team Entries in middle of screen, select the team to delete (relay is highlighted yellow), select “delete” from menu bar. FOR INDIVIDUALS To take an individual athlete out of an event and replace with someone else, from the main menu, select Athletes from menu bar. Locate the athlete to delete by last name, (use the alphabetical characters from top portion of screen). Click on the athletes name. Athlete is highlighted in blue and athletes events appear under eligible events at bottom of screen. Checkmarks denote the events athlete is currently entered. Click on checkmark next to event in which you intend to delete (MAKE SURE YOU DENOTE THE HEAT AND LANE ASSIGNMENT BEFORE DELETION). As typically when you delete an athlete, you add an athlete in this exact place. To add an athlete, again locate the athlete by last name. From the bottom lower portion of screen, under eligible events select the event by clicking “checking” box AND assigning this athlete a heat and lane assignment under this column OR From Seeding the Meet Menu, select the event in which you wish to change athlete. Click Preview from menu bar. Click “Show Eligible Athletes”. All eligible athletes appear at bottom of screen. Find the athlete you want to add, and drag him to appropriate lane. Sometimes, a swimmer shows who isn’t originally entered in the meet. From main menu. Select Athlete. Select Add. Fill in First name, last name, if you don’t have the birthdate, just put the age. Click the downlist arrow under teams and select appropriate team of the athlete. Select OK from the bottom middle part of screen. 7. Printing Timing Sheets To create timing sheets from the main menu screen, select “reports.” Select “Lane Timer Sheets.” You can print timing sheets such that each one complete age group of single stroke is one set of time sheets. To print timing sheets for 8 and Under Medley Relay, click on box to left of events: 11 and 12. (If one of these events is unseeded, do not select this box) Under “Sort By” at bottom right of screen, make sure “Lane then Event” is selected. Under “Parameters” at bottom middle of screen, deselect “using touch pad option” AND make sure Lane boxes read “1” through “6.” From menu bar, choose “Create Report.” You will have 6 pages of timing sheets for Page | 4
the above events as each lane prints on a page. You can use the “forward” and “back” arrows at top of screen to scroll through the sheets. Page | 5
8. Entering Dive Scores Dive Scores must be added before you start the meet. The swim coach should enter divers from Team Manager when swim entries are entered. However, this doesn’t always happen. Therefore, you will need to enter from Dive Meet Sheets. Enter each diver in appropriate event through the Athlete Menu. Go to Athlete Menu. Click last letter of diver’s name. If diver appears simply enter in right event. Otherwise, you might need to add the athlete as we did earlier. IF you end up adding an athlete, the eligible events will pop up. You can add the diver to the event right here. Be sure to answer OK in the add the athlete window. After we enter the divers. We need to back in to the seeding menu and seed the dive events. Select all dive events. They will be highlighted in yellow. Choose “start seeding.” It prompts that 10 events seeded. Select OK. Close the seed menu. Now we are ready to enter dive scores. From the main menu bar, select Run. The event list pops up. Event one is highlighted in upper left portion of screen. In bottom third of the screen you see the 8 & U boy divers. Enter the appropriate score from dive sheet. Press Enter. Enter this in the Final Points column. After you enter the last score and press enter. From the bottom middle portion of screen, select “Score” to score this event. A results page, appears. This can be printed and posted. The word SCORE appears in pink under status column. The score must match the dive sheet. 9. Running the Swim Meet From the Main Menu, select “Run”. Swim Meet will start with Event 11. Under the “Event List” on left side of screen, select the current event. In the bottom portion of the screen, enter the appropriate swim times in the “final times” box. Make sure to press enter after each entry. If the event is a C or B event, after you have entered times, press “list”. Meet Manager prepares report which lists results. This can be printed and posted. B and C events are not scored, so you don’t need to score these events. For A events, after times have been entered, press Score. Scoring report appears. Event appears as scored under “event list.” Page | 6
10. Printing Award Labels This option can be accessed from the main menu screen under “Labels” then “Award Labels.” You have two options to set-­‐up and print award labels: 1. From the Award Labels Menu from Main Menu screen. Select the box to left of an event to print labels. Print labels periodically to save label sheets. In bottom left corner, adjust relay places if necessary to 1-­‐2 (for dual meets) and under Award Type, choose participation. This will print out 1-­‐6 for “A” and the remaining, including exhibition and any DQs in order of fastest to slowest. Your ribbons crew will need to pay attention to this when matching up 1-­‐6 place ribbons for “B” swimmers. We typically do not award ribbons for DQs. 2. From the Run the Meet Screen while you are running the Meet. There is one click Awards button choice or a hot key Ctrl-­‐A that prints awards with one click. Refer to previous paragraph on label settings. To keep track of which events have had awards printed, click the check box in the Printed column at the right of each event. Those checked will also be highlighted in light blue. To customize preferences, from the Run the Meet Menu Bar, click on Preferences / Award Labels to customize how and when Award labels are printed from the Run Screen. · You have two ways to select who gets and award label: 1. Standard -­‐ Select this preference when you wish to print Award Labels for each event's top finishers. 2. By Heat -­‐ Select this Preference when you wish to print Award Labels for Each Heat. · You can select from several label types within the Laser / Ink Jet or Dot Matrix choices. The 3x10 Laser is a 5160 Avery number (30 labels per page) while 5161 would be for the 2x10 Laser choice (20 labels per page). · There are two Print Methods you can set up: 1. Preview to the screen first: Each time the Award button is pressed in Run, the labels to be printed will be previewed on screen whether there is one label to print or a 100. This is a wasteful way to print if using laser or ink jet labels. Page | 7
2. Print directly to the printer: This method can be very efficient when the Print only when page full is activated. MM will accumulate labels to be printed and when there are enough to fill a page, it will print that page and keep any remainder labels for the next time the Awards button is pressed. If you want to know each time how may labels are in the queue, check the Warn if page not full check box. If you are at the end of a session and want to print the remaining labels left in the queue, press Ctrl-­F. · You can Indicate how many Relay Athletes on each relay that you want to get an award. Generally this would be four and four labels would be printed for each relay. · You also have the following choices about how and when you want the labels printed. · Print Directly to the Printer · If you choose this option, MM will not display the print preview screen. You may specify if you want MM to wait until the label page is full before printing Award Labels. For example, you may have scored Event #1 and are ready to print but the page may have only 6 labels of the 20 labels per page actually printed. In order not to "waste" blank labels, click on the box for "Print Only When page Full" and MM will wait until you have 20 labels to actually print the page. You can choose to turn on or off the Page Not Full Warning message. · Preview Screen First · Check this option and MM will show the print Preview Screen each time. Indicate the number of Relay Swimmers for which you want Award Labels printed. · In order to tell MM to Print or Preview the Award labels for a specific event that you have just run, click on the Awards button in the middle of the Run Screen or press the Ctrl-­A key. Page | 8
More Meet Manager Tips Additions/Scratches while running meet To make swimmer adjustments (additions/scratches) while “Running” meet. To simply scratch an athlete in “run the meet” mode – who is not swimming and, simply double click the athlete’s name and answer yes to “scratch swimmer from heat.” To replace with scratched athlete with another athlete in “run meet mode,” from the middle portion of screen, select the “adjust”/F8 command. The Preview/ Adjust screen appears. Click radio button to the left of “Show eligible athletes” from top portion of screen. The list of athletes appears below, drag the appropriate swimmer to appropriate lane. SELECT SAVE. You are returned to “run mode.” Judges Decision To override a “photo” finish from the meet official after times have been entered and MM assigns winning places, select JD (Judges Decision) or ctrl J from run screen option bar in middle of screen. The Judges Decision/ Time Breaker Dialogue box appears. The place column tells you MM placement of swimmer, the second column shows the lane the swimmer swam. From this menu, you can manually edit the placing/ points for a given result if needed. Follow the directions on the bottom of this dialogue box to change the placement finish. After making any changes select OK. Setting Up Sessions (Note: this has been done in the 2015 meet file to enable swim meet events to be published to the Meet Mobile app) From Events Menu – select Sessions. Select “Add.” Defaults to Session 1. Accept this default. You must give the session a Title. Type appropriate starting time. Default interval is 15 seconds with an extra default of 15 seconds for backstroke. Champs interval is 30 seconds between events and the same extra 30 seconds for backstroke). Accept all other defaults and click OK. Close the “Session Dialogue Box”. Wednesday swim meets would typically have one session. You see this one session you just created in top portion of screen. To add events to your session, select “Move All” from menu bar. Answer “yes” to moving all remaining events into selected session. All your events, even dive, have moved to right portion of screen under “Session”. To remove the dive events, double click on the actual event name “8 & U boys dive”. Select “yes” to remove. Continue to do this until all dive events removed. Session schedule now contains only swim events. To print the session report, select “print” from menu bar. In the “Sessions Report” dialogue box, check the box to the left of the session. Create Report. Page | 9
Export Results from Meet Manager to Team Manager / Swimtopia At the end of each meet, after results are finalized, you can export each team’s results back to respective teams. • From File Menu – select Export • Choose Results for Team Manager (first option) • Click the drop down list and select the team for which you want to export (for a tri meet – you will have three separate teams) • Make sure “both” is selected for gender • Make sure Relays with athletes selected • Select OK • At Export File Progress Dialogue, select OK when finished • You are able to select the destination folder and drive. I recommend writing down this pathway, so that you will know where to locate this file when emailing back to the team. Make sure you verify this pathway, when the dialogue box appears stating where the meet results have been successfully zipped. Select OK • You will do this for each team. You will then email this file to appropriate team. • When a team receives the meet results, instruct them to open Team Manager and go to file menu. They should select import and then Team Results. They should follow instructions on screen. How to Export a Meet Program Report to Edit in Word or Excel • From the Meet Program menu, at bottom left hand corner, check “RTF export” box • Choose “create report” • From the “Export “ icon at top left hand corner of screen, click the downlist arrow under the “format” option. Select Microsoft Word (Editable) RTF • Select OK. Select OK again • Save as appropriate name in appropriate location • You can then open this document in word and edit as desired. Support from HY TEK: -­-­The Help tab within Meet Manager has a great index of very specific support materials. -­-­ Technical support line (free with our CCSAKC license): 866.941.5123 or support@hy-­ Page | 10