L IVE THE J OY OF THE G OSPEL CCS NEWS M AY /J UNE 2015 P RINCIPAL ’ S M ESSAGE There are a lot of things going on at the school these days. Some people are concerned about class lists, others about report cards, some about track and field, and others about uniforms. These are all important aspects of school life that deserve attention, but sometimes in the “busyness” of school life we can lose sight of all the good that surrounds us. When we forget about gratitude, our anxiety increases and happiness decreases. I would like to use my final “Principal’s Message” of the year to list the things I am grateful for at Cloverdale Catholic School: 1) Jesus - He is the reason for this school. His Spirit motivates all the good we do. He fulfills everything we need and more. 2)Kids– how can I forget to thank God for them everyday? Yes, they can frustrate, distract, do things you wish they didn’t do, but besides all that I marvel at their beauty, innate goodness, and potential. 4) Our Facilities– I spend too much time wishing for new facilities and too little time appreciating the gorgeous property we get to use 3) Community– in here I everyday. What a blessing it include all the staff and par- is to see that beautiful field ents of the school and parish. on a sunny day! We are so blessed to have each other day after day. In case I don not get an opAgain, it’s easy to get caught portunity to do so personally up in frustrations or disabefore the end of the year, I greements, but if we take a want to thank everyone for step back and consider all we their contributions to our do for each other and mean community. May God bless to each other it is a beautiful us all. thing. Want more blogs from Mr. Borkowski? Visit www.catholicprincipal.wordpress.com P REPARING FOR N EXT Y EAR Here are some important reminders as we look ahead to the 2015/2016 school year: 1) Next year we will have a two week Spring Break (March 7 to March 18) 2) We are developing an updated report card and are looking for parent feedback. Go to www.reportcardfeedback.wordpress.com Sections of a sample new report card will be posted each Friday for the next four weeks for your input. 3) Class lists are being composed for next year. If you have a request based on a very important reason, please submit it to Mr. Borkowski by Friday, May 29. Please understand not all requests can be accommodated. 4) Early dismissals next year will be at 2:30pm, rather than at 2pm. Upcoming Important Dates to Remember... Saturday, March 28 28 Thursday, May First Holy Communion Retreat Panoramic Photo Tuesday, 31 Friday, March May 29 Lice Check School Mass 3 Speech Arts Assembly Adoration/Confession 6 Wednesday, April 1 Sunday, May 31 G2 Field Trip @ Rosemary Family Heights Service Program deadline Thursday, April 2 Wednesday, JuneRetreat 3 Holy Thursday School Friday, CISVAApril Track3 Meet Good Friday (No School) Hot Lunch Saturday, April 4 4 Thursday, June Work Bee Feast of Corpus Christi Sunday, April 5 Food Bank Mass 2 Easter Friday, June6 5 Monday, April Family Service Forms Due Easter Monday (No School) Feast DayApril Holiday (No School) Tuesday, 7 Sunday, JuneTEAM 7 MEETING Gr 3-7 TRACK (noon) Blood donor Clinic Wednesday, April 8 10 Wednesday, June Hot Lunch CISVA Track Meet First HolyJune Communion Friday, 12 Rehearsal Thursday, April 9 School Mass 7P Spring Musical Parent Appreciation Tea Spring Musical Talent Show Friday, April 10 Monday, School Mass June 7N 15 Field Trip Altar Servers Adoration/Confession 6 Saturday, 11 16 Tuesday,April June First Communion G5 Field Trip Monday, April 13June 17 Wednesday, 7:30am Hot Lunch Gr4-7 High jump practice (open Step Up Day to all track athletes) Sports 3:00pmAssembly Friday, June 19 Choir Practice Fun Day April 14 Tuesday, School Mass 7N 3:00pm 5 girls Dismissal soccer practice Noon 3:00pm Tuesday, June 23 Gr 3-7 Seven TRACK AND FIELD Grade Farewell Training Friday, June 26 Wednesday, April 15 Last Day of School 12:00pm School Mass - Staff Gr 3-7 Trac Noon Dismissal Thursday, April 16 Cloverdale Catholic School “Educating for Now and For Eternity” 17511 59 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3S 1P3 Phone: (604) 574 5151 Fax: (604) 574 5160 Web: www.ccsunited.ca CCS NEWS A THELETICS A BSENTEES H EAD L ICE Congratulations to our Grade 5 Girls Soccer team for their first place finish in the CISVA playoffs! The best part of the day was seeing the girls really come together as a team. Way to go girls! If you have had children away due to illness please be sure to let us know with a note or email to the office. Each year the school is audited to make sure our students are accounted for each day and your notes help us in this accounting. Thanks for your cooperation. This has been a particularly bad year for head lice. While we do what we can to screen for head lice at school, the best defence is awareness at home. There are many resources online about how to check for and treat this stubborn pest. Our track season has been a lot of fun so far. Our students have participated in the Holy Cross Meet, St. Matthew’s Meet, Knights of Columbus Meet, and our own CCS Minimeet. Our athletes have grown in fitness and strength and it has been fun to watch. Good luck to all our participants in the CISVA Track and Field Championship in June. T EA AND T ALENT S HOW Our Volunteer Appreciation Tea and Talent Show is one of the highlights of the school year for many. Please join us for Mass at 9am. The Tea begins in the Gym right after Mass with staff serving the parents and friends of the school. Around 10:30am we begin the talent show. This year we will include a special tribute to Mrs. Sturgeon who is retiring after 23 years of faithful service to our school community. Please come to help us say good bye. F UN D AY Our annual fun day is fast approaching. On Friday, June 19th the students will be taking part in fun outdoor games and activities. The day concludes with a hot lunch prepared by Goode Eats. Dismissal will be at noon. Information about the day and order forms for lunch will be coming home in the next week or so. Parent volunteers are always needed so if you are available please join us. N EW M USIC R OOM F AMILY S ERVICE H OURS H OLY C ROSS H IGH S CHOOL Our new Music Room and Library is now used for Music and Band classes. Library shelving was installed, so very soon the books will be moved to their new location. This has been a long process, but it looks terrific (and it’s air conditioned!) Family Service Hour forms are due to the office on Friday June 5. The school is closed that day, so please get them in early or submit them online. Our hope is that all families get these hours done, not just for the sake of the work, but for the building of community. Holy Cross High School is the official high school of Precious Blood Parish. It is a great school with high academic standards and a plethora of extracurricular activities for students of all kinds. This year, CCS is proud to be sending more Grade Seven students than ever to Holy Cross for Grade Eight. F EAST D AY T OP M ARKS Our Parish feast day is the Feast of Corpus Christi on Thursday, June 4th. We will celebrate with Mass that day. We have a day off of school on Friday, June 5th. Please note that due to the two week Spring Break, this will not be a day off next year. Top Marks Our Uniform Supplier is Hiring! Once again Top Marks is expanding and we are looking for people to work as fitters at schools in your area. If you are energetic and committed to great customer service we want you. We are currently looking for people on Tuesday, June 23 from 1:00 to 8:00 pm. Additional employment possible. Wage $13.00/hour. You will assist parents choosing uniform pieces for the start of school in September. If you have any questions or if you are interested in joining a dynamic team please call Lorraine Mitchell at 1-204-979-1049 or email at [email protected]. Cloverdale Catholic School “Educating for Now and For Eternity” 17511 59 Ave, Surrey, BC, V3S 1P3 Phone: (604) 574 5151 Fax: (604) 574 5160 Web: www.ccsunited.ca
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