March 18, 2015 - Chantilly Choir

Chantilly Music Boosters Executive Meeting Minutes
March 18, 2015
Meeting called to order:
6:40 PM
Adjourned: 7:48 PM
Aaron Mynes, Orchestra Director
Doug Maloney, Band Director
Evan Ayars, Choir Director
Chris Singleton, Band Director
Pete Doherty, President
Ed Van Keuren, Treasurer
Cathy Sanata, Choir Charms
Daphne Rechner, Scrip Coordinator
JoEllan Frasch, Choir VP
Steve Wallace, Band VP
Cindy McNeal, Secretary
President’s Comments:
The February 11, 2015 Executive Board Meeting minutes were approved.
We were contacted by the Centreville Band Boosters, they were wondering if we could share
some information and provide guidance. We will try to help them but are not clear about what
they are requesting. They may need to contact the FCPS Comptroller’s office.
Music Director’s Reports:
Choral: Spaghetti Dinner Concert was last week, all did great, Honors Elementary Choir
performed on Wednesday night, Rocky Run MS performed on Thursday night, they watched
Chamber and Showstoppers. Assessments will be held on Saturday March 21, all groups
are going, Concert Choir will be assessed, Showstopper will receive vocal feedback,
Chamber should do well. After Spring Break, will prepare for Jazz and Pizazz. Spring trip to
Nashville starts on April 15, Chamber and Showstoppers are almost paid up.
Orchestra: Friday of District Assessment was snowed out so the Concert Orchestra missed
it. Combined Symphonic Orchestra and Philharmonic Orchestras received Superior ratings
at Grade V. Chamber Orchestra received straight Superior ratings at Grade VI. All students
were on time and did their best.
Band: The Pyramid Concert was held one night, the second night was snowed out 3 times.
Assessments will be held at Washington-Lee HS on March 20-21, Concert Band,
Symphonic Band, and Symphonic Winds will be going. The Winter Guard International
(WGI) competition was held this past weekend, we were 3rd in class. Drumline and Indoor
Guard are going to the Atlantic Indoor Association (AIA) Championships. Chantilly Jazz is
getting ready for the George Mason performance. The last weekend of March is the Jazz
Festival, still need some volunteers. Daphne put up 2 posters in Contemporary Music and 1
in the Chantilly Regional Llibrary. The Chicago trip is coming up. Davina Miaw auditioned
for All-State Band and earned 1st chair for flute. A Band volunteer has been found to help at
Treasurer’s Report: Copies of the budget are available, scrip needs to be updated, choraling
funds are not all in yet, checks need to be deposited. Debit card info was worked on, BBT
paperwork was straightened out, original forms had been completed but bank could not find
them. Holiday spec funds need to be distributed to Band and Choral FCPS accounts, Orchestra
transfer has been completed. FCPS Comptroller reviewed Treasurer records, CHS Music
Boosters is in compliance, Charms accounts are good, Vendini funds need to be transferred.
Appears the debit card was hacked and used at an office supply store in Iowa, bank was
contacted, card was reported stolen, card was cancelled, new card was issued. Reviewed card
usage procedures, Band Director will keep the card at school, people will have to request the
card when needed.
Secretary’s Report: No issues
VP Reports:
Choral: JoEllan went to the Richmond competition with the Combination Choir, they did
well, most of the other groups use a traditional style, our group is more modern, several
senior citizens commented about how polite our children were and enjoyed our style. Need
someone to shadow JoEllan next year, found someone to shadow costume and Vendini this
year. The Spring Concert will be held May 5.
Orchestra: Mindy was not able to make the meeting, need to have a discussion about
volunteer duties.
Band: Continuity planning for next year is a concern. Steve to send out the Master list of
openings, need a Chair and a shadow, should assess open Chair positions prior to the
Volunteer Fair. Will need to pick a date, provide brief description of job, and identify if
position will receive assistance from other volunteers.
Old Business: Ongoing
Fundraising meeting was snowed out several times, it needs to be rescheduled.
Volunteer Fair is for all 3 groups, possible hold it in the Lecture Hall or the Cafeteria.
New Business:
Recommendation was made to seek an official audit or financial review. Pete to look into
accounting firms, services and obtain quotes for discussion.
Motion was made to move forward with the joint Athletic Booster-Music Booster fundraiser to
sell pavers for school beautification, motion was seconded, vote was taken, motion carried.
Another fundraising idea is pep wear.
Daphne will be out of town during a scheduled scrip week distribution, her husband will be
added as a person who is able to accept the package when delivered.
Next Executive Board meeting: April 20 at 6:30 PM