Monday Morning April 27, 2015 - Los Angeles Trade Technical

Monday Morning April 27, 2015 - 90th Anniversary Kicks-Off/High Scho...
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Monday Morning April 27, 2015 - 90th Anniversary Kicks-Off/High School
Outreach Builds
Frank, Laurence B.
Monday, April 27, 2015 10:44 AM
Rodriguez, Francisco C. (Chancellor); Barrera, Adriana D. (Deputy Chancellor)
Attachments:LATTC_Trikathon_Form.pdf (636 KB)
Good Monday morning on April 27, 2015‐‐‐
This Thursday we get our 90th Anniversary Celebra on fully into gear. We are combining our 90th Anniversary
Campus Fun Day (12‐3pm) with the Child Development Center’s 25th Anniversary Trike‐a‐thon (10‐12 noon). This
Fun Day is for our Trade Tech family, for you, to stop for a moment and really honor each other for being part of
this college’s history. 90 years is a real milestone, and we are all a part of it.
‐First off, I understand that Physical Plant has dominated the recent Trike‐a‐thons, and, in fact, director Bill
Smith, has stated “there is no compe on.” That sounds like smack talk to me, so I would like to urge all programs
and departments to put together a team and let’s try to take down Physical Plant. The track is moving to the cement
around the new grass where the E Building stood. The entry fee is an $85 contribu on to the CDC for a team of four.
La Tanga Hardy at CDC is the contact person (phone: ext. 3691; email: hardylg@la Financial Aid has won in
the past, so please get a team together. How about EOPS, GAIN/CalWORKs, Bridges? We need some young legs. I’m
even working on an Administra on team, so feel free to call someone else out. A ached is the Trike‐a‐Thon sign up
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‐At noon, we will move to the tents and lawn outside for Fun Day. We are going to have jumpers, the dunk
tank, an obstacle course, sumo wrestling, sack races, large hamster ball races, hula hoops, lip synching, Trade Tech
trivia and lots of great prizes, food and fun. Please close your offices at noon and let’s come together as a campus,
to celebrate our legacy and each other. There will be a couple keepsakes for everyone who a ends. And we really
need the departments and programs to step up and help, by pu ng together a gi basket that will be raffled off. It
is me to have fun as a college family and from what I can see, this Thursday is going to be fun.
I really want to thank all of you who a ended last Tuesday’s Armenian Day of Remembrance. The South Tent was
filled with over 500 students, staff and faculty as some world‐class speakers talked about this terrible chapter in
world history. The event was called a “Lunch and Learn” and I need to thank our catering truck contractor Erik
Pula an for providing everyone with box lunches. Mourad Topalian, for 12 years the Chair of the Armenian
Na onal Commi ee (ANC) and former community college VP from Florida, delivered a very emo onal address
about how his rela ves did not survive the genocide and we were also joined by the current Western Regional
director of the ANC. I understand Mr. Topalian and the speakers were especially impressed with our exhibit
honoring the centennial of the genocide, currently in the library. If you haven’t had a chance to visit the
presenta on, please take a trip to the library and give yourselves a few minutes to take it all in. A huge thank‐you
to Anna Badalyan and her team (also pictured below) for pu ng together a moving program that was both
educa onal and inspira onal. On Friday, more than 130,000 people took to the streets of Los Angeles to mark this
centennial and among them was a con ngent of LATTC students. It makes me proud that this campus has such
ac vism.
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Last Friday the Bridges team put together the inaugural LATTC Day, an outreach effort for over 40 area high school
counselors and gatekeepers. The two sessions focused on our offerings, our intake process and the enrollment
guidelines. These orienta ons are giving high school counselors and community leaders important informa on that
they will deliver to prospec ve students. Thank you to Dr. Henan Joof, Sylvia Ibarra and the en re Bridges team for
pulling together a successful event for the good of the campus and our prospec ve students. 4/27/2015 10:59 AM
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The LAPD was on campus last week trying to cut down on the the s of third seats from within SUVs. Apparently it’s
a lucra ve market for thieves who use various methods and various tools to extract seats from SUVs and other
vehicles and then sell them. In addi on, thieves who break into vehicles also take laptops, cell phones, cameras, car
seats for infants, house keys, money, speakers, sound systems, tools and just about anything else that might be le
una ended in a vehicle. The ps from the LAPD were simple: If your vehicle is una ended, always lock it. Keep
valuables out of sight as much as possible. For those trying to protect the third seat of an SUV, there are ways to
secure the seat and to place iden fiers on it, in case they are stolen. O en those iden fiers can help recover the
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seat. We want to thank the LAPD for taking the me to bring this message to the LATTC campus and the city.
This Wednesday (April 29th) we are joining in on Denim Day with the help of counselor Ashraf Hosseini, who has
been organizing our awareness events for many years now. Please wear denim to show your solidarity with the
understanding that there is no excuse for sexual assault. This past week Ashraf also coordinated EAP training for
those who wanted to learn more about things we can personally do to improve the environment on college
campuses with regard to preven ng sexual a acks. The training was well‐a ended and all of us must make a
commitment to our students and ourselves that we will look a er each other in making this campus as safe as
possible. This is the me of year when so much is happening. The Employee Recogni on Luncheon is this Tuesday, where we
honor those employees who have hit milestones in their service to the district and LATTC. It is so gra fying to see
how many employees have made 10, 20 or even 30‐year commitments to Trade Tech and our students. Please join
in. On Wednesday, our Sheriff’s Deputy and Team Leader, Lavonce Jeffrey, will receive the Legendary Lawman
Recogni on Pin. Congratulate him when you see him. The following week, please get ready for our annual Tools for
the Trades Rally on Wednesday, May 6th (faculty reps‐please get your tools purchased by the Tools Dinner on
5/14). The Job and Resource Fair is next Thursday, May 7th, along with Dancing with the Foster Care Stars. Follow
this link for ckets (
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This is a special me on campus. I hope to see ALL of you at this week’s Fun Day celebra on. Have a great week.
Laurence "Larry" Frank
L.A. Trade‐Technical College
400 W. Washington Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90015
O – (213) 763‐7052
F – (213) 763‐5366
Celebra ng 90 years
Training. Transfer. Tradi on. Trade‐Tech.
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