Out-of-Town (ONLY) Regalia Order BACHELOR`S

Out-of-Town (ONLY) Regalia Order
If you currently live out of town, you may use this form to order
your gown, cap, and accessories. Enclose payment with form.
Send to: Barnes and Noble at Buffalo State Bookstore
1300 Elmwood Ave. Buffalo, NY 14222.
Checks payable to Buffalo State Bookstore.
Canadians, please use postal money order in U.S. funds.
 Please reserve my order. I will pick it up in the bookstore.
 Please mail my order. I added $7.95 for shipping and handling.
Name: _________________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
City: __________________________ State: _____ Zip: _________
Daytime Phone: _________________________________________
Prices include sales tax. All caps one size. Order deadline is April 24,
 Bachelor Gown/Cap/Tassel ($56.55)  Gold Honors Cord ($16.74)
 Shipping Requested ($7.95)
Height ____________
$_________ Total Enclosed
Weight ____________
Credit Card No.___________________________ Expiration Date___ / ___
Cardholder Name_______________________________________________
Cardholder Signature____________________________________________