ST PETER’S LUDLOW and ST ELIZABETH’S CLEOBURY MORTIMER Sunday 5th July 2015 - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time Mass Times and Intentions Sat 4 Jul Sun 5 Jul 10.00am 6.00pm 9.00am 11.00am 9.30am 11.30am Ferial Vigil 14th Sunday St Elizabeth's St Peter's Ferial St Elizabeth's - Funeral Eamonn Ralph People of the Parish Patrick Larkin Ron Pitchford Priest's Intention Mass, Ron Douglas Mon 6 Jul Tue 7 Jul 9.30am Ferial Joseph Mohr Wed 8 Jul 9.30am Ferial Service of the Word and Communion Thu 9 Jul 9.30 am Martyrs of China Church in China Fri 10 Jul Sat 11 Jun Sun 12 Jun 8.00am 10.00am 6.00pm 9.00 am 11.00am The Hungry Church in Europe Joseph Mohr Priest's Intention People of the Parish Ferial St Benedict Vigil 15th Sunday St Elizabeth's St Peter's MORNING PRAYER: 15 minutes before Mass, each weekday PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Betty Berry, Catherine Champion, Sheila Chick, David Coates, Joyce Douglas, Mary Edwards, Tessa and Val Frank, Jacob Hawthorne, Jim Jones, Lady Lisburne, Joseph Lupini, Hugh O'Neill, Muriel Powick, Tom Preece, Margaret Round, Nora Rouse, John & Edith Slater, Coleen Smith, Bob and Gerry Palmer, Camille Stewart, Pauline Straughton, Mary Wallace, David Warr, Maria Weeks, Elizabeth Yates. RECENTLY DECEASED: MINISTERS OF COMMUNION: We were not able to have the recomissioning of those at 11am Mass last Sunday (my fault, Fr Chris). So we will be having it this Sunday at 11am Mass. All commissioned ministers are asked to sign the register at the back of church. LAUDATO SI': Pope Francis' new encyclical letter "Laudato Si": On Care for Our Common Home" is commanding attention and acclaim around the world. Some copies of it are now available at the back of church, at the special price of £4. A must-read document that the world is talking about; we can't afford not to be familiar with it. It will probably provide the theme for the autumn sessions of our Faith Cafe. HEATING: Work will begin on installing the new heating system in the church and parish centre at St Peter's on 6th July and is forecast to take up to six weeks. It will begin with the church and conclude with the parish centre. During the work in church, Mass will continue in church at the weekends, but Monday to Fridays it will take place in the Parish Lounge accessed via the Parish Centre. We thank you for your patience and understanding during this disruption. FRUIT & VEG: The stall for surplus produce from your garden will be open throughout the summer. Items may be taken on payment of an appropriate donation to CAFOD. Empty jam jars are required by our jam makers, and can be left at the back of church. Ron Douglas, Don Grant ANNIVERSARIES: Jeffrey Lewis, Bridget Whelan OFFERTORY: St Peter’s £534.35 St Elizabeth’s £118.78 DEMENTIA: Linda Francis of the Alzheimers Society will be giving a talk on Saturday 25th July, 10.30 - 12noon, at the Friends' Meeting House, St Mary's Lane off Lower Corve Street. See poster in the porch. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: St Peter's Saturday 10.30 - 11.00am St Elizabeth's Before Mass (or by appointment) COFFEE/ TEA is served in the Parish Lounge after 11am Mass. ALL ARE WELCOME. Canon Christopher Walsh, St Peter’s, Henley Road, Ludlow, SY8 1QZ - Tel 01584 872906 - Website: - Email: [email protected] The Diocese of Shrewsbury is a Registered Charity (No 234025)
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