THE PARISH OF THE DIVINE SAVIOUR (LPA 12 - The Local Pastoral Area of Runcorn and Frodsham in the Diocese of Shrewsbury – St Augustine’s Presbytery, Castlefields Avenue North, Castlefields, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2HT Telephone: 01928 566068 E-mail: [email protected] (Registered Charity Number: 234025) SAINT MARTIN’S OUR LADY’S SAINT AUGUSTINE’S Murdishaw Palacefields Castlefields SUNDAY JANUARY 18th 2015 YOUR MASSES THIS WEEK (Sunday Cycle of Readings – Year B; Weekday Cycle – Year 1) Saturday January 17th 2nd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 5:00pm. (StA) RON WILLAMONT + Sunday January 18th 2nd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 9:00am. (StM) EDWARD & THOMAS MARTIN ++ Sunday January 18th 2nd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 11:00am. (OL) ALL PARISHIONERS Monday January 19th FERIAL 9.00am (StA) EDWARD CARRARA + Tuesday January 20th FERIAL Noon (StE) Wednesday January 21st FERIAL Thursday January 22nd 9.30am (StM) MARGARET WHITELAM + St AGNES (School Mass) (OL) ANN & ALF ROYLE + (Anniv) Friday January 23rd FERIAL 9.00am (StA) JOHN & MARGARET HANLON ++ Saturday January 24th 3rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 5:00pm. (StA) ALL PARISHIONERS Saturday January 25th 3rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 9:00am. (StM) DAVID, SHARON & GRACE QUINN (Sick) Saturday January 25th 3rd SUNDAY ORDINARY TIME Mass: 11:00am. (OL) MABEL ALLEN + (Anniv) (OL) = Our Lady’s (School Mass) (StA) = St Augustine’s (StM) = St Martin’s (StL) = St Luke’s (HS) = Holy Spirit (StE) = St Edward’s SUNDAY MISSAL Today’s Mass - p185, Readings - p188 BAPTISMS By appointment. MARRIAGES By appointment (6 months notice required) CONFESSIONS On request. PRIEST’S REST DAY Please note that Fr. Lucas’ rest day will be on a Tuesday with Weekday Masses adjusted accordingly. MASS INTENTIONS This week 16 Mass Intentions have been received. This brings the outstanding number of Intentions to 36 with some dating back to October. It is with regret that it will some weeks before it will be possible to assign Masses on the dates or in the churches requested. Those who asked for Masses in January, for example, are unlikely to see the Intentions offered until March at the earliest. COMMUNION TO THE HOUSEBOUND For each person taking Communion to the Sick there is an ‘Information Pack’ in the sacristy. After reading it if you have any queries please contact Deacon Bill. There is also a Communion Housebound Register for each church. ALL visits should be properly recorded in the Register for Safeguarding purposes. KEY HOLDERS’ REGISTER Anyone holding keys for the parish, please enter the details on the Key Holders’ Register Form which will be found on a clipboard in the sacristy. PRESBYTERY HOUSEKEEPING Anyone who is able to help with some general housekeeping in the presbytery once a week, please contact Fr. Lucas. PARISH PROJECTS 1. The leaking roof at St Martin’s will be repaired in the near future. 2. A CCTV scan of the drainage system at Our Lady’s highlighted a serious problem for the kitchen project. Details will be released when known. 3. The surveyor has reported on Our Lady’s presbytery. He has put a number of possible options which will be considered by the Finance Board in March. There is no date yet for when a decision might be made. READERS’ AND EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS’ ROTA The rotas are being compiled at the moment. Please check your commitment carefully and if there are any changes to be made please contact Toni Woodhead - [email protected] or for Readers, please contact Samantha Johnston - [email protected]. MORE VOLUNTEERS ARE NEEDED, ESPECIALLY AS READERS! Full support and training will be provided. READERS’ TRAINING There will be a training session for Readers from across the LPA at St Edward’s on Thursday 22nd January at 7pm. All Readers are encouraged to attend, most especially those who didn’t attend the recent Training Day in Northwich. If you need transport please liaise with other Readers at your church. DAY OF REFLECTION FOR MINISTERS There will be a Day of Reflection for all those who serve the parish in any sort of ministry (Readers, Cleaners, Musicians, Catechists, Counters, etc.) at St Edward’s on Saturday 21st February 10.30-3.00. Please bring a packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be provided. OUR PARISH COMMUNITY - AN OPPORTUNITY FOR GROWTH We have seen how the loss of one priest can affect hundreds of parishioners. To help our parishes to survive in the years ahead, this will require much more participation from the Laity in many aspects of ministry. At the moment too few people in our parish are undertaking too many tasks. I would, therefore, ask you all to consider very seriously becoming more involved in the running and ministries of the parish. Shortly, a list of ministries will be available and you are all asked to consider becoming more involved in the pastoral care of YOUR parish. DIVINE SAVIOUR - FACEBOOK We now have our own Facebook page. If you use Facebook please visit our page and ‘Like’ it. _____________________________________________________________________________________ PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS THOSE WHO ARE SICK Vera Anderson, Abby Byrne, John Caldwell, Bernard Carroll, Alan & Bernie Connor, Kath Hopley, Edel Huston, Kenny Hughes, Karen Kendrick, Cath Mackrell, Mrs Ann Moore, Kay Peloe, Val Pugh, Maureen Reid, William Rooney, Sheila Rooney, Julie Rooney, Bridget Rose Natasha Whelan. PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS THIS WEEK’S ANNIVERSARIES Vera Tonner (1995), Anastasia Tyrell, Ann Ryder O’Conner, Norma Peterson, Mary Holmes (2006), PARISH WEBSITE: LPA WEBSITE:
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