Educational Visit Coordinator Update Training

Education Visits Coordinator Revalidation
For Educational Visits Coordinators responsible for primary, secondary children and Post 16 young adults
In line with Cornwall Council policy and national
requirements EVCs are required to revalidate
every three years in order to demonstrate
currency in their role.
If you have not completed the full EVC training
in the last three years please book onto one of
the updates below.
These sessions and will include the following:
• A review of educational visit guidelines and
updated procedures.
• EVC checklist.
• Near misses and lessons learned.
• Adventure providers, AALA and kitemarks.
Venues and dates:
• Monday 29 June 2015 at Carew House,
Bodmin PL31 2QT
Time: 1pm – 3.30pm
£60 for Cornwall Outdoors Safety SLA members
£80 for non SLA Members
To book online
Course code CLO25
For more information contact :
Sarah Melbourne
T: 01872 322930
E: [email protected]
Carew House, Beacon Technology Park, Dunmere Road
Bodmin PL31 2QT
Cornwall Outdoors