Archie Casson - Diggle Primary School

Class 6
Summer Term
15th May 2015
WELL DONE! I would like to say a huge well done to each and every
one of the children in Class 6. They have all worked their socks off in what
has been an incredibly stressful week for them. They have all coped
extremely well with the pressure they have felt and I am exceptionally proud
of them all.
Well done Class 6... you are amazing!
Work after SATs: Although SATs have finished, the children will still
be expected to work hard over the next half term. This will, however, be a
little more relaxed than in recent weeks and will consist more of topic and
project work.
Star of the Week: To choose a star of the week this week
proved to be an impossible task. After all of their hard work
and determination, my star this week is:
All of Class 6
If you have any questions/concerns, do not hesitate to email:
[email protected]