SUMMER TERM 2015 Issue 1 - Monday 27th April 2015 Note from the Headteacher Welcome back! We hope you had a really enjoyable Easter holiday and made the most of the beautiful weather! Long may this weather continue to allow us to make the most of the activities we have planned. The summer term will as usual be busy with trips, year 6 SATs and residential visits. Also this year we are planning a Creative Arts Week later in June where children will explore all kinds of arts including music, drama and art – we hope during that week to offer you opportunities to visit school and see some of our work – As ever all the important dates are listed on the calendar attached. As the weather has been kind since we returned to school it is good to see children in summer uniform. There does appear to be a rise in examples of inappropriate school uniform particularly in footwear, correct school colours and the wearing of jewellery. I have enclosed a copy of our uniform guidelines for your information – please help us to ensure our school uniform standards are as high as other areas of our school. Please also make sure that uniforms and PE kits are labelled with your child’s name. Kevin Grayson Summer Residential Visits A polite reminder to parents that the payments for the summer residential visits are due. Please send payments into school with your child, ensure it is in a sealed envelope marked with your child’s name and class. Thank you Attendance Last week’s attendance figure was 96.5% What’s Coming Up…. Tuesday 28th April—Reception visit to Hoo Farm Thursday 30th April—Class 18 to Alderlsey (PM) Week beginning 11th May - Year 6 SATs. There will be a free of charge Breakfast Club for year 6 Monday-Thursday of SATs week, all are welcome! Week Beginning 1st June—Healthy Eating Week * Please note that the Year 5/6 sports day has changed to 25th June due to the year 7 transition week beginning on 29th June. Term Dates Monday 4th May—Bank Holiday The school will definitely be closed for General Elections on 7th May. Half term - week beginning Monday 25th May School closed for INSET on Friday 26th June Break up for the summer on Friday 17th July Polite Request—Playground safety We must ask that pupils do not bring their own footballs / playground toys into school. There have been a few accidents of late at the start/end of school day. We provide children with balls during playtimes and lunchtimes if they are required. A reminder also to children and adults not to ride bicycles and scooters on the playground at the end of the day—they are very busy and accidents are easily caused. May we also remind you that dogs are not permitted on school grounds. Can we again remind KS2 parents to wait away from the Year 6 classrooms please and not use the picnic benches outside the classrooms. Thank you Internet Safety Please find attached a guide to the use of images online! Please do take the time to read this and help keep our children safe online.
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