ark Paper : Persuasive Benchm Name Persuasive Essay Score 4 Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. Suppose that your school has raised some money and your principal is trying to decide how to use it. Think of one way that you think the money should be spent. Write to convince your principal to spend the money in the way you think is best. Congratulations on all the money you have raised! Here is an excellent way for you to spend it. I think we should go on more field trips. Such activities would make school more stimulating for everyone, including teachers. Let me explain why. First, kids learn more when they go to the source and learn about a place, a person, or how something works. Kids in science class could go to a research lab and see exactly what research chemists do. Maybe the chemists could help kids do an experiment. Kids in social studies class could visit the Metropolitan Museum and see actual mummies and Roman armor. Although reading about these things is okay, seeing them for real can be thrilling. Another reason for spending money on field trips is that field trips interrupt the routine of school life. We spend a lot of time sitting down and working with books, pencils, and papers. This happens day after day. A field trip gets us out of the classroom and lets us experience the larger world. When we come back the next day, we have more energy. It’s easier to pay attention. Field trips are definitely not a waste of time. After a field trip, we have not only learned exciting information, we are also eager to dig into our studies again. It’s fascinating to read about something you’ve actually seen or experienced. Third, field trips aren’t just a gold mine of knowledge for students. On such days, the teachers get a change in routine. The guide at the museum does the talking, and teachers get a break. The chemist in the lab demonstrates the experiment. Sometimes even the teacher learns something new on a field trip. Mr. Pietrowski, you can rent buses with cushioned seats for teachers. Without doubt, teachers will really enjoy these days. more Grade 6 Blackline Master ark Paper : Persuasive Benchm Score 4 Name (continued) Copyright © Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. These are just a few of the reasons why we need more field trips. Now that we have the money, let’s make it happen! Think of everything the students could learn about science, geography, history, art, and careers. Think of how much happier and more involved with learning everyone would be. Your students and teachers will thank you if you spend the money in this way. Blackline Master Grade 6
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