Answer Key

Quiz #4 – EconS 425 (March 25th, 2015)
Question #1 (50 Points)
Grand avenue in the city of Pullman is best described as the interval [0,1]. Two Mexican restaurants serving
identical food are located at the edges of the street, so that restaurant 1 (Rancho Viejo) is located on the most lefthand side, and restaurant 2 (Nuevo Vallarta) is located on the most right-hand side of Grand avenue. Consumers
are uniformly distributed on the interval [0,1], where at each point on the interval lives one consumer. Each
consumer buys one meal from the restaurant in which the price plus the transportation cost is the lowest. In Grand
avenue, the road conditions are worse in the right than in the left part, hence the transportation cost for a
consumer who travels to the right is $T per unit of distance, and only $2 per unit of distance for a consumer who
travels to the left. Answer the following questions:
Let pi denote price of meal at restaurant i, i=1,2. Assume that p1 and p2 are given and satisfy
Denote by the location of the consumer who is indifferent to whether he or she eats at restaurant 1 or
restaurant 2 and calculate as a function of p1, p2, and T.
b) Solve Rancho Viejo’s and Nuevo Vallarta’s maximization problem with respect to price, and identify their
Part (a)
In order to find we need to guarantee that consumers obtain the same payoff when buying from either firm. That
Therefore, restaurant 1 faces a demand , and restaurant 2 faces a demand
, that is
Part (b)
Rancho Viejo’s maximization problem is
Solving for p1 we obtain that
. Nuevo Vallarta’s maximization problem is
EconS 425, Ana Espinola
Solving for p2 we obtain that
. Finally, substituting (B) into (A):
and substituting p1 into (B) we have that
. In addition, we can obtain
restaurant 1’s and 2’s profits:
EconS 425, Ana Espinola