04-01-15 Current - Faith Fellowship

Volume 7, Issue 13
April 1, 2015
The Pastor’s Pen
by Dr. Bill Turner
Who We Are
Faith Fellowship of Lexington is a
Non-denominational gathering of
Christians who enjoy traditional
worship services.
Where to Find Us
Faith Fellowship of Lexington
worships in the Seventh-day
Adventist Church facilities at 968
Lane Allen Road in Lexington,
Kentucky. Our offices have
relocated to 365 Waller Avenue,
Suite 120, in Lexington. We're at
on the web. If you go to
you can watch our service live on
Sunday mornings. You can also
watch archived services by going
to the iHigh address above.
We Gather for Fellowship
Coffee/Donut Fellowship
Time: 9:15 - 9:30 a.m.
Pictured are Dr. Turner and his wife, Earlene Rentz Turner
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! To Richard - our Choir - the Orchestra Ginny, our soloist - our Greeters and Ushers - our Sound and Recording tech
folks - and all of you who invited and welcomed our guests for a wonderful
Fifth Sunday Musicale.
NOW . . .
A couple of reminders from the Sunday sermon.
First, it’s not that the Church decides to undertake the mission of Christ, in
the world…rather, it is that mission which actually births the Church into
BEING. We are together at Faith Fellowship because we’ve been called into
partnership with the Risen Christ and each other, and at the heart of that
partnership is a challenge to welcome others into faith and fellowship.
Second, remember the data about reaching out:
1. When are people most open to coming to church?
During seasons of transition in their lives
We Gather for Bible
2. Why do people visit a church?
Somebody they know and trust invites and welcomes them.
Adult I Sunday school meets at
9:30 a.m. in room 8 (Library).
3. When do they come back?
When the warmth and relevance of what happens here seems to
connect with their spiritual needs
Living Faith Sunday school meets
at 9:30 a.m. in Room 2.
We Gather for Worship
Sunday Worship: 11:00 a.m.
Children’s Church: 11:15 a.m
Child care is available.
We’re Looking
April 2 – Maundy-Thursday
Service at 7:30 p.m.
4. Why do people join a church?
If they're already believers, it's because this looks like a fresh place
to learn and serve.
If they're pre-Christian, it's usually because something is missing in
their lives.
Filling the God-shaped blank in the heart with other things isn't
working for them.
April 5 – Easter Sunday – service
at 11 a.m. Happy Easter!
I look forward to worshipping with you on the Day of Resurrection . . . and I
hope you've already invited somebody else to join you on Sunday at Faith
April 7 - Lenten Study at the
home of Carolyn Purcell at 10
a.m. Address is 2109 Island Drive.
Care Ministers from March 30 through April 5
April 9 – Women of Faith at 7:00
p.m. Location TBA.
April 11 – Men of Faith at 9 a.m.
at the Shamrock Grill. Mr. Tom
Leach, The Voice of the Wildcats
will be our speaker. Sign up at
the Welcome Center or call
Diana Sisk (266-1059) [email protected]
Mary A. Pollock (606) [email protected]
Dr. Bill Turner (859) 548-2093 [email protected]
Care Ministers from April 6 through April 12
Scot Reeves (278-4914) [email protected]
Sarah Reeves (278-4914) [email protected]
Jerrell Teague (252-1115 [email protected]
Norma at the church office, 2770420.
April 21 – Administrative Board
Meeting at 7 p.m. in the Church
April 23 – Missions Committee
Meeting at 7 p.m. in the Church
Prayer Requests
To add a prayer request, please
fill out a Prayer Request card that
can be obtained at the Welcome
Center; call the church office at
277-0420, or submit a prayer
request or update online at
Pray for John Compton who is
recovering from open heart
surgery (4 bypasses) on Monday,
March 30. Also, remember Gloria
and their family as well.
Come for Warm Fellowship on Easter Sunday morning
by Ms. Gloria Compton
Faith Fellowship appears to have a somewhat unique ability
to celebrate significant religious holidays while enjoying “fellowship” with
each other.
Our next religious “holiday” is Easter on April 5th. Easter, being a
major religious/sacred event, it usually inspires folks to make an extra effort
to attend church services. We expect to experience one of the best attended
services of the year.
In an effort to assure all attendees will enjoy our warm fellowship, the
Social Committee has plans to provide refreshments. It has been noticed
that our congregation enjoys the warm fellowship most when food is a part of
the fellowship/activities. Please attend, enjoy the service on this very sacred
holiday, and let the Social Committee feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. (Gloria has already baked her blueberry muffins!) NOT!
Bonhoeffer Class with Billy Ray continues…
by Rev. Billy Ray Jennings
The Bonhoeffer study, having lost two of its seven planned sessions to bad
weather, will offer a “bonus” open meeting during this Holy Week in the
Southern Hills UMC Fireside Room – 7 p.m. on Wednesday, 10:30 a.m. on
Thursday. Bring your book, lifting issues from any chapter. Dr. Jennings
will close with a March, 1937, Bonhoeffer sermon on Judas, “The Betrayer.”
Pray for the family of Jack
Musgrave, former principal that
Liz Berryman and Carol Taylor
worked with who passed away
recently. Jack’s daughter is
married to Margaret Rushing’s
son, Rick.
For Jean Newman and family in
the March 23rd death of her son,
Paul. Paul was Gina Smith’s
Pray for Al Smith who is
recovering from an infection.
Pray for Karen Delong who is
improving and will go to Signature
Healthcare in Georgetown for
three week for rehab. (Booker)
For Bonnie Savage’s dear friend,
Mary who has been diagnosed
with lung cancer.
Maundy Thursday Service – April 2nd at 7:30 p.m.
Maundy Thursday Service
April 2
7:30 p.m.
The purpose of this service is to impress upon believers the
consequences of our sin and the magnitude of the Savior’s love and
sacrifice. This is a moving service that you will not want to miss.
Invite someone to come with you. They will be blessed as well.
Mr. Tom Leach to speak at Men of Faith Breakfast –
Saturday, April 11 at 9:00 a.m.
By Mr. Ron Reaguer
Listen up Men of Faith Fellowship!
Mr. Tom Leach, The Voice of the Wildcats will be our speaker at the next
Men of Faith gathering. What a perfect time to invite your friends and
neighbors to join in! Our next gathering is Saturday, April 11th at the
Shamrock grill at 9:00 a.m. You can sign up at the Welcome Center or give
Norma a call at the church office, 277-0420. The deadline to sign up will be
Thursday, April 9th. Don’t miss out guys! This will be fun fellowship with
your brothers in Christ!
Diana Sisk requests prayer for
her sister, Angie Walk. She is
having trouble cognitively with
coming up with words for her
thoughts and remembering. She is
only 55 which is young for
Directions: from Tates Creek past Man’O War turn left at the stop light on
symptoms of dementia. Her
Hartland Parkway. Follow that road till you see the Shopping Center on the
mother was diagnosed with
left near the Kroger store and Good Will Store.
Parkinson’s at about the same
time in her life. Please pray that
her doctor can figure out what
the problem is and get a good
treatment to halt or reverse the
John’s Current View
Pray for Joan’s son, Todd Pickett,
who needs a kidney ASAP!
by Mr. John Compton
Pray for Mo Smither, Norma’s
husband, as he recovers from
open heart surgery (5 bypasses)
on March 24.
Pray for Casie, the daughter of a
dear friend of mine. Although
Casie is a Christian and has
received therapy for some time,
she is cutting herself again.
Casie’s mother has requested
prayer from Casie’s brothers and
sisters in Christ. This mother’s
heart is broken for her daughter.
(N. Smither)
Some folks “flaunt” their talent (or talents), but Pam Gilkerson prefers
to say that she’s only a flautist (also known as a flutist). She has been one of
those “flautists” flutists since grade school, but put public demonstrations of
her talent on hold while she played mother to a son and daughter.
However, she did find time to commit herself to few “mental
institutions,” namely colleges in Wisconsin, West Virginia and graduated
from Western Kentucky University. Thereafter, with her degree in
Elementary Education she served many youngsters as a Remedial Reading
Her love of music and traditional church services led her to Faith
Fellowship. The Faith Fellowship “seed” may well have been planted during
a “Fifth Sunday Musicale” she attended while her church membership was at
Trinity Hill Methodist.
Soldiers…Faith Afield
Here are the names of the service
people we currently know about.
We folks at Faith Fellowship are glad she shares her talent with us.
She and the Troubadours also visit nursing homes, etc. and share their talents.
SSGT. Jamen Berry, son of Andy
From time to time you may see her six year old granddaughter (from
Shelbyville) in tow. She also tends to gravitate toward Bill and Marjorie
Boughton, her parents. While she can see her daughter and granddaughter
Capt. Ginny Iskandarov – niece of
Ginny Berry
fairly often, visits with her son and family (2 boys) in California are more
complicated to arrange.
Elnur Iskandarov – nephew of
Ginny Berry by marriage
When you talk with Pam, you will sense that she is just as glad to be
at Faith Fellowship as Faith Fellowship is glad she’s here and flaunting her
flautist (flutist) talents!
SSGT. Cameron Smith – brother
of Sean Smith
Airman Benjamin Engelbrecht –
son of Paul Engelbrecht
Please send Ginny Berry any
updates on the status of these
persons…change in rank,
address, new assignment…Her
email address is
[email protected]
Current Administrative
Board for 2014 - 2015
Ron Reaguer, Chair
Mitch Borders, Treasurer
Andy Berry, Board Secretary
Roger Blair
Jackie Bondurant
Denny Bonner
Charlotte Krasinski
Kinch Query
Bob Quisenberry
Sarah Reeves
Adam Rudder
Thank you from the Kiwanis!
by Mr. Wayne Sullivan
A great big Thank You to all who came out to our Kiwanis Soup Day!!
Monies raised will be distributed to the backpack program at Harrison
Elementary School, after school programs at the Carnegie Center, Jarrett's
Joy Cart at UK Medical Center, Sweet Blessings Bakery, that makes birthday
cakes for kids living in poverty, and a medical clinic for children and
families, in Ecuador, co-sponsored by Kiwanis and Shoulder to Shoulder
Thank You!!
Carolyn & Roger Blair, Tandy Haggard, Jim Pepperl, Wayne Sullivan and
Rachel Jones. Rachel is an active member of our club and was inadvertently
left out of previous listing.
Sue Thompson
Patricia Wilson
Volunteer Skill Bank
Contact Information
8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.
Church Office: 859-277-0420
Other times, call:
Liz Berryman: 859-227-7560 Andy
Berry: 859-223-8687
A Celebration of Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter!
Waving of the palms…
Pictured far left (front) is Ella,
granddaughter of Pam Gilkerson,
great granddaughter of Bill and
Marjorie Boughton. Far left
(back) is Alin Flores, goddaughter
of Barbara Hull. Pictured right is
Litsy Flores, goddaughter of
Barbara Hull.
If they cannot be reached, call:
Mary Anne Pollock: 859-368-0667
or 606-776-2194.
Prayer requests, committee
news or announcements, and
personal interest stories
should be submitted by Noon
on Monday for inclusion in the
next issue of The Current.
Please send them by email to
[email protected].
Announcements for the
Sunday bulletin should be
submitted to Norma by noon
on Wednesdays at
[email protected].
Our Choir under the direction of Rev. Richard Dwyer at the Fifth Sunday Musicale