HOW TO IMPORT JPEG-FILES IN AUTOCAD RHINO autocad start autocad create new file check preferences/eigenschaften for right unit settings autocad make sure everything is set on millimeters insert jpeg-image autocad choose jpeg file set coordinates and scale for the image autocad check if the image has right measurements move to different layer autocad move to different layer lock layer autocad create several layers for each sort of line in addition you can also use different colours rhino start rhino choose small objects - millimeters change view with doubleclick on top/drauf rhino place background-bitmap choose jpeg-file rhino one click two clicks to place image rhino draw a line with right measurements 280 millimeters rhino show background-bitmap options scale image rhino 1 2 3 scale image with reference line with the bitmap option window you can switch the image on/off rhino create several layers for different lines
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