Academic Affairs Dean of Undergraduate Education General Education Cluster Proposal Process Integrative Clusters 1. “Integrative clusters” are courses linked by theme, content or line of inquiry. The new General Education program requires students to complete two integrative clusters: the “Thematic Integrative” cluster, based on the UB 2020 themes of Health, Humanity, Innovation, Justice and Environment; and the “Global Integrative” cluster that focuses on issues of language, culture, and diversity at home and abroad. 2. Clusters can be made up of new, revised or existing courses, or any combination of the three. 3. Clusters should be developed by the faculty in consultation with their department chairs. Clusters that encompass multiple departments and/or schools are strongly encouraged. No single subject (course prefix) can offer an entire cluster. 4. Each cluster must contain courses that meet AT LEAST TWO of the UB Areas which also encompass the SUNY General Education requirements (GER) of: Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Foreign Languages, US History, Western Civilizations, and Other World Civilizations. Please note – courses intending to fulfill the GERs need to be validated to assure they meet the mandated SUNY criteria. If a course is not already so approved, the Office of Undergraduate Education will facilitate the steps for this approval. 5. Cluster courses are typically conceived as a sequence offered in three section sizes: Course 1 = large lecture (c.220 seats); Course 2 = mid-sized class (c.90 seats); Course 3 = seminar (varies). 6. Once a cluster is developed, the attached cover sheet should be completed and forwarded to [email protected] with emails confirming departmental and decanal support from all units involved. 7. Once approved at the unit level, proposals will be submitted to the General Education Committee on Integrative Learning by email to [email protected]. 8. New courses, or courses requiring substantive revision, must be simultaneously proposed using the UB Course Proposal form 9. Departments wishing to offer clusters in the 2016-2017 academic year should submit their proposals as soon as possible but no later than October 16, 2015. Please feel free to contact Elaine Cusker, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, with questions at 716-645-0522 or by email at [email protected]. 24 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1670 Tel: (716)645-8989 Fax: (716)645-3368 E-mail: [email protected] Cluster Proposal - Cover Sheet • Proposers name, email, and phone: Click here and enter information • Co-Proposer(s) name, email, and phone (if applicable): Click here and enter information • First Semester to be offered: Click here and enter first semester and year to be offered • Proposed Cluster Title: Click here and enter proposed cluster title • Cluster Rationale (100 words): Please indicate which Cluster you are proposing : I. Thematic Integrative – check theme(s) ☐Health ☐Humanity ☐Justice ☐Innovation ☐Environment II. Global Integrative – check appropriate track(s) ☐Global Diversity ☐Language and Culture ☐International Experience (subject to standard study abroad approval) Cluster Course Information: Course 1 Instructor Name & Email: Course Title: Course Number: Proposed Seat Capacity: SUNY GER (if any): Fall/Spring/Both: Existing Course (Yes/No): Is this course also required for your major or minor (Yes/No): Does this course have pre-requisites (Yes/No): Fulfills Domestic Diversity requirement (see Course Development Guidelines for learning outcomes) Yes/No: Course 2 Instructor Name & Email: Course Title: Course Number: Proposed Seat Capacity: SUNY GER (if any): Fall/Spring/Both: Existing Course (Yes/No): Is this course also required for your major or minor (Yes/No): Does this course have pre-requisites (Yes/No): Fulfills Domestic Diversity requirement (see Course Development Guidelines for Learning Outcomes) Yes/No: 24 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1670 Tel: (716)645-8989 Fax: (716)645-3368 E-mail: [email protected] Course 3 Instructor Name & Email: Course Title: Course Number: Proposed Seat Capacity: SUNY GER (if any): Fall/Spring/Both: Existing Course (Yes/No): Is this course also required for your major or minor (Yes/No): Does this course have pre-requisites (Yes/No): Fulfills Domestic Diversity requirement (see Course Development Guidelines for Learning Outcomes) Yes/No: Additional courses may be added – please affix extra sheet APPROVALS Please attach emails confirming department and decanal support from all departments and Schools/Colleges involved. 24 Capen Hall, Buffalo, NY 14260-1670 Tel: (716)645-8989 Fax: (716)645-3368 E-mail: [email protected]
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