Parishes of St Michael’s & St Patrick’s in Blacktown We acknowledge the Darug people, the traditional custodians on whose land we worship. 58 Orwell St, Blacktown 2148 Tel 9622 9149 A/H 9621 3146 Fax 9671 6425 [email protected] Parish Team Meetings each Monday from 1.00pm—2.00pm Office Hours: Mon– Thurs 8.30am—4.00pm Fri: CLOSED Parish Offices Closed 1.00pm –2.00pm daily (Lunch) 22 June 2014 BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST P AR I S H T E AM : Fr Peter Confeggi Fr Christopher Antwi-Boasiako Fr Dénes Ledeczi Deacon Owen Rogers Sr Grace Roclawska csfn Sr Judith Lythall sm Claudette Cheetham Jacqueline Anchique Sr Rita Apura csfn Lisa Bright 51-59 Allawah St, Blacktown 2148 Tel 9622 1125 A/H 9621 3146 Fax: 9671 6425 [email protected] Office Hours: Mon– Thurs 9.00am— 5:00pm Fri 9.00am—4.30pm YEAR A INSIDE TO PRAY AND OUTSIDE TO PLAY ….and with care! There is a medieval story told of St Francis going on preaching tours carrying a broom. Before saying anything he would sweep out the chapel or sacred space where he was to preach. He wanted to say, this is a sacred place. In our increasing twenty-four-seven culture we have been left with very little sense of sacred time and sacred place. We need to recognise that our Churches are indeed sacred places that lead us into sacred time Catechist Coordinators St Michael’s (Marina DeSa) 9622 9149 St Patrick’s (Christina Rodricks) 9622 1125 Filipino Chaplaincy 9831 7832 Filipino Mass: Fourth Sunday 10:45am (St Michael’s) SCHOOLS: St Michael’s Primary 9622 9910 St Patrick’s Primary 9621 4122 Nagle College 8887 4501 Patrician Brothers College 9671 3000 Catholic Early Learning Centre (St Michael’s) 8814 8406 Institute for Mission Fr Paul Roberts (Director) [email protected] St Patrick’s Parish—Blacktown 9831 4911 Catholic Care 51- 59 Allawah St, Blacktown [email protected] 8822 2222 MASS TIMES Weekday Masses 8:00am (St Michael’s) Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri 9.00am (St Patrick’s) Mon– Sat Wednesday 7.30pm (St Michael’s) First Friday 7.30pm (St Michaels) Sunday Masses 5.30pm Saturday Vigil (St Patrick’s) 7.00am Sunday (St Patrick’s) 8.00am Sunday (St Michael’s) 9.30am Sunday (St Michael’s) 10.00am Sunday (St Patrick's) 3:00pm Sunday—Sudanese Mass (St Patrick’s) 5.30pm Sunday (St Patrick’s) 6.00pm Sunday (St Michael’s) Sacrament of Reconciliation: Wednesday 7.00pm—7.25pm (St Michael’s) Saturday 9.30am - 10.00am (St Patrick’s) HOLY HOUR: 6.30pm—7.30pm Wednesday @ St Michael’s 9.30am—10.30am Saturday @ St Patrick’s Baptisms, Marriages, Funerals by appointment. Please contact office for details At St Patrick’s there is a wonderful woman who is at the Church door before 6am every Sunday morning to make sure that the Church is tidy before people arrive for the 7am Mass. At first light on Monday morning, Jane, who walks some distance with a disability, returns to tidy up after the Sunday Masses. I have seen similar sessions of collecting stray bulletins and bits and pieces left on seats at St Michael’s. Recently there have been complaints about people bringing food into the Church. While I acknowledge that young babies need a bottle and perhaps a biscuit, cans of coke are just not on! Furthermore, I often confront children running around the Church, more especially at St Patricks where there are long corridors and space that St Michael’s doesn’t have. Perhaps the pews of St Michaels acts as restraints. My standard response to these children is INSIDE TO PRAY AND OUTSIDE TO PLAY! There is also the question of the care of our children both inside the Church and in the Church grounds. St Michael’s, particularly during the week with a small space for parking has real challenges with children arriving for school. On the other hand the large car park at St Patricks can become unwieldy, especially when weekend Mass times coincide with large gatherings at the African Centre. This also calls for care with driving and parking. There are serious issues at St Patrick’s with double parking, cars parked across driveways and cars parked, especially on Sunday evening, in the “no stopping” area. There are substantial fines that apply! So it sounds as though I am having a real whinge this weekend. However, there are key issues that need to be addressed week by week: the care of our Churches, the protection and engagement of our children and respect for those who live around our churches. Fr Peter Please remember in your prayers Recently Deceased: Anne Gertrute, Fr David Hume, Fr Peter Woodward Special Intention: : Aloysius Coutinho, Lydia Antipo, Carlisle Bartley, Bernabe Imbang, Kerwin Abinoja, Patrick Dako Anniversaries: Sime Orlovic Masses have been offered for Thomas De Souza, Samuel & Rita Rajayah, Simon Fernandes, Joseph Carneiro, George Kitney, Edwin Ebejer, William Spring, Ngo Tan Long, Deceased Members of the Livolsi and Falzon Families, Sansouci Family, Carmen and Lewis Sterlini, Agnelo Dias (in Canada), Marie Therese Gaudio, Joseph Grech, Tony Muscat, John, Georgina and Joe Falzon, Pauline Meilak, Charlie Galea, Mark Falzon, Deceased Members of the Falzon Family, Joseph and Mary Cutajar, Mercy, Johannes, Clifford, Maurice and Ivan Stanslaus, Fortunata Baiada and Deceased Members of the Baiada and Teuma Families,Les Magee, Bob & Dale Connellan, Lea and William Richards, Jean & Digger Barnes, Bruce Marshall. Thomas Desouza, Stanley Stokes, Joaquin Sumera, Carlisle Bartley, The Schembri family, P. Camilleri, Maggie Fernandes, Edgardo Clemente, Paulina Clemente and the abandoned souls in purgatory. BODY AND BLOOD OF CHRIST said. Jesus replied: ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: He fed them with the finest wheat and satisfied them with honey from the rock. First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2-3. 14-16 Responsorial psalm: Praise the Lord, Jerusalem Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! I am the living bread from heaven, says the Lord; whoever eats this bread will live for ever. Alleluia! Gospel: John 6:51-58 A reading from the holy Gospel according to John My flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Jesus said to the Jews: 'I am the living bread which has come down from heaven. Anyone who eats this bread will live for ever; and the bread that I shall give is my flesh, for the life of the world.' The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ. Then the Jews started arguing with one another: 'How can this man give us his flesh to eat?' they Daily Readings M 23 June: 2 Kg 17:5-8, 13-15, 18; Mt 7:1-5 T 24 June: Is 49:1-6; Acts 13:22-26; Lk 1:57-66, 80 (Birth of John the Baptist) W 25 June: 2 Kg 22:8-13, 23|:1-3; Mt 7:15-20 Th 26 June: 2 Kg 24:8-17; Mt 7:21-29 F 27 June: Deut 7:6-11; 1 Jn 4:7-16; Mt 11:25-30 (Sacred Heart) S 28 June: Lam 2:2, 10-14,18-19; Mt 8:5-17 A word from Pope Francis @Pontifex Sometimes we cast the elderly aside, but they are a precious treasure: to cast them aside is an injustice and an irreparable loss. 'I tell you most solemnly, if you do not eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you will not have life in you. Anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life, and I shall raise him up on the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in me and I live in him. As I, who am sent by the living Father, myself draw life from the Father, so whoever eats me will draw life from me. This is the bread come down from heaven; not like the bread our ancestors ate: they are dead, but anyone who eats this bread will live for ever.' COMMUNION ANTIPHON Sharing the Gospel with your Children ... A beginning point for discussion of this week's Gospel with children: Who do you invite when you share a meal? Who does Jesus invite to share in his sacred meal? What are some of the things we do at this sacred meal, the Mass? (ie. listen to God’s Word, bring forward gifts, sing, pray, join in processions etc) Eucharist means ‘thanksgiving’. What can we thank God for in the Eucharist today? Saint of the Week — June 24 Birth of John the Baptist The Nativity of St John the Baptist as told in the Gospel of Luke, begins with the Angel Gabriel appearing to John’s father in the temple. Gabriel told Zachariah that his elderly wife Elizabeth was to have a son named John. When Zachariah left the temple he was unable to speak, for Gabriel had told Zachariah that he would be left mute until his son was born. After Elizabeth gave birth there was disagreement among the family’s relatives over the naming of the baby. When they approached Zachariah he wrote, “His name is John”. From that moment, Zachariah was able to speak again and he praised God and made a prophesy about John, saying: “You will be called the prophet of the Most High.” In NSW/ACT a person wishing to make a complaint regarding abuse within a Catholic Organisation should contact: 1300 369 977 COLLABORATION CORNER Collaborate: a process where two or more people or organizations work together to realize shared goals. VINNIES WINTER APPEAL— ”Do Something About It!” Many thanks for your generous support of the Vinnies Winter Appeal last weekend. If you were away or unprepared for the can drop your donation to the Parish offices or donate online or phone 131812! St Patricks Parish Collection was $4,346.25 St Michaels Parish Collection was $2,974.25 LITURGICAL MINISTRY FORMATION Are you interested in completing Liturgical Ministries Formation Program at IFM? IFM (Institute for Mission) is right on our doorstep here in Blacktown—and this is a great opportunity for those involved or considering to be involved in liturgical ministries within our Parish. Understanding Liturgical Ministry 21 July & 28 July (Introductory sessions – Everyone to attend) Ministry of the Word 4 August & 11 August Extraordinary Ministers of Communion 25 August & 1 September Communion to the Sick & Dying 8 September All sessions commence at 7.00pm. JEAN & BETTY’S BUS TRIP! Tuesday 8 July 2014 Christmas in July Burning Log Theatre Restaurant—Legends of Rock and Roll 9.30 am pick up from Church—incl coach travel, morning tea, Christmas Lunch & show. Cost: $65.00 per person. For more Applications close forms are available from the Parinformation, please contact Jean on 0425 251 754 or 9920 3401. ish Offices. 10 ways to strengthen your marriage: 21 June Presented by Ann O’Brien, Director – Marriage Support and Specialist Services with CatholicCare Social Services, Diocese of Parramatta. This is a seminar for married and engaged couples and those interested in making marriages strong and resilient. Ten important principles will be presented with examples and strategies to build on healthy and loving relationships. There will be opportunities for discussion, questions and interaction. From 1pm-4.30pm at St John XXIII Parish School, 160 Perfection Ave, Stanhope Gardens. No cost: sponsored and organised by Youth for Christ Australia, a family ministry of Couples for Christ Australia, with the support of the St John XXIII Parish Faith Formation Committee. Details: (02) 9831 4044. Holy Hour for Vocations: 17 July Everyone is welcome to join the Holy Hour for Vocations from 7-8pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month for an hour of adoration, prayer, music and quiet time. Blessed Sacrament Chapel in St Patrick’s Cathedral, 1 Marist Place, Parramatta. To find out more about priesthood in the Catholic Diocese of Parramatta contact Fr Warren Edwards – Vocations Director: tel 0409 172 700, [email protected] Bible Study: Every Thursday at 7:30pm in the St Michael’s Parish Centre. All Welcome! NAGLE COLLEGE INTERVIEWS Nagle College will be conducting interviews for Year 7, 2015 on Wednesday, June 25 between 3:30pm-7:30pm. All families who have submitted enrolment applications will be receiving letters inviting them to book interview times for this evening. If you intend to enrol your daughter and have not submitted your enrolment application, please do so now. This will provide the school with the time to respond and for you to nominate an interview time. If there are any questions you may have, please contact the Principal’s Secretary, Ms Fiona Hudson on 888 74501. JOSEPHITE ASSOCIATES REFLECTION MORNING A reminder to all Josephite Associates that there is a Reflection Morning on Monday June 23 from 10.00am—12.00noon in St Michael’s Parish Centre. Sr Colleen O’Sullivan will be leading the reflection. Don’t forget to drop used stamps into the Parish Offices for the Josephite Missions. Knitting Patterns for East Timor Knitting Project are available from Parish Offices NAGLE COLLEGE DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Congratulations to Michael Hall, (Parishioner of St Patrick’s) who has been appointed Deputy Principal at Nagle College! WHAT’S HAPPENING AT ST MICHAEL’S PLANNED GIVING ENVELOPES Please collect your Planned Giving Envelopes from the back of the Church this weekend. Receipts will be available in the new financial year. SVDP PANTRY SVDP need the following items to restock their pantry—Sugar; Baked Beans; Pasta Sauce; Tinned Fruit; Tinned Meat (corned beef, leg ham) Thanks for your generosity! SACRAMENTAL PROCESS Please remember in your prayers the Parents and children involved in the Sacramental Process and are preparing for First Communion in late July. FAREWELL JOHN GEOGHEGAN! Next Sunday 29 June following the 9.30am Mass there will be the opportunity to farewell John and Marna. John has not only been general handyman and gardener over many years but has also been a great witness to the faith. We will miss his greetings on the notice board! We remember and pray for those who are ill at home or in hospital at this time—may they know the healing presence of Christ—Vivian Alam, Betty Maher, Jan Mossfield, Andrew McCarthy, Margaret Reynolds, Jean Pye, Alice Malouf, Esther Lynch, Rita Morgan, Kathleen & Claude Ryan, Kimberley Cusack, Flavio & Henry Cataldo; Louis Muscat. ROSTERS: 29 June 2014 ACOLYTES 8:00am Sunday Ian Faulkner 9:30am Sunday Ike Lutaos 6:00pm MINISTERS OF COMMUNION 8:00am Sunday Marie Cutajar & Rick Grech 9:30am Sunday Sunday Thong Nguyen Veronica DeSa & Colista MullhollandYoungman 6:00pm Sunday Harlane Petersen & Colin Maxwell TEA & COFFEE READERS 9:30am Sunday Joanne Zarb CHILDREN’S LITURGY 8:00am Sunday Fiona Grech & Rick Grech 9:30am Sunday Collista Youngman & Phyllida Mulholland 6:00pm Sunday Violeta Bada & Nelda Gopez School Holidays CLEAN TEAM Lucy Khoury* ; Beverley Flewitt; Mary Osbourne; Kathryn Wright COUNTING Ron Burgess & Don Jacobs HOSPITALITY Welcomers wanted for all Masses to greet parishioners as they arrive. Are you a friendly welcoming person ? Then we have a job for you! Please start today! Would you like to advertise here? $150 for three months DaphSTAR Fitness: Call Jacqueline at the Parish Office on 9622 9149 for advertising details ~One~on~one training ~Bootcamp ~Boxing/Kicking Boxing ~Circuit Training [email protected] 0479167530 Prices as low as $10/hr. Master Trainer at the “Australian Institute of Fitness” Registered with fitness Australia and Insured Call Jacqueline at the Parish Office on 9622 9149 for advertising details. Please understand that whilst St Michael’s Parish advertises in its bulletin, the parish cannot take responsibility if the service provided by an advertiser does not meet expectations.
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