2015 delegate packet - Girl Scouts of North

Dear Delegates and Alternates,
Thank you for taking the responsibility of representing your Service Unit at the
GSNCA Annual Meeting. Our Annual Meeting is our “stockholders” meeting to
be held yearly as required by Alabama State Law. You represent your Service
Unit membership as well as yourselves. It is your duty to know what the girls
and adults in your Service Unit think about the things you will be voting on at
the meeting. In other words, you are to be “informed” by your Service Unit.
With that knowledge, you MUST vote your conscience. We have long referred
to this as “Being informed but not instructed.”
In this booklet, you will find the Single Slate created by the Board Development
Committee elected by the Delegate body in 2015. That committee does not
answer to the Council Board, but to you as a delegate body. That committee
relies heavily on you, the membership, for recommendations of community,
corporate and Girl Scout persons who might serve you as Board members.
The Bylaws require the BDC to present just one name for each position, the
best person willing to serve.
You will find also find proposed changes to the Bylaws. The Bylaws are not
intended to restrict, but to give guidance. As you and the Service Unit study
the proposed changes, please keep this in mind. The Bylaws Committee has
worked diligently to make the Bylaws as clear as possible. Someone from the
Bylaws Committee will be at each Delegate training to answer any questions.
Once again, I thank you for agreeing to serve your Service Unit and the
Council by being Delegates and Alternates.
Yours in Girl Scouting,
Sarah Edwards
President GSNCA
Lifetime Member since 1986
Directions to Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church: 1211 Westmead Street SW, Decatur, AL 35601
From the North:
Take I-565 West
Keep straight onto US-72 W (19.2 miles)
Keep straight onto US-31 S/US-72 W/AL-20 W (3.6 miles)
Turn right onto Moulton Street East (2.1 miles)
Road name changes to W. Moulton Street (0.4 miles)
Turn left onto Memorial Drive SW (0.6 miles)
Turn right onto Westmead Street SW (1.7 miles)
Arrive at 1211 Westmead Street SW, Decatur, AL 35601
From the South:
(via I-65 North)
Take I-65 North toward Huntsville
At Exit 334, take ramp right for AL-67 toward Somerville/Decatur/Priceville (72.8 miles)
Turn left onto AL-67 North (0.3 miles)
Turn right onto Danville Road SW (7.2 miles)
Turn left onto Westmead Street SW (0.9 miles)
Arrive at 1211 Westmead Street SW, Decatur, AL 35601
From the East:
(via I-20 West)
Take I-20 West toward Birmingham (11.6 miles)
At exit 124B, take ramp right for I-65 North toward Huntsville (43.2 miles)
At Exit 334, take ramp right for AL-67 toward Somerville/Decatur/Priceville (72.8 miles)
Turn left onto AL-67 North (0.3 miles)
Turn right onto Danville Road SW (7.2 miles)
Turn left onto Westmead Street SW (0.9 miles)
Arrive at 1211 Westmead Street SW, Decatur, AL 35601
From the West:
(via I-20 East/I-59 North)
Take I-20 East/I-59 North toward Birmingham
At Exit 124B, take ramp left for I-65 North toward Huntsville (53.8 miles)
At Exit 334, take ramp right for AL-67 toward Somerville/Decatur/Priceville (72.6 miles)
Turn left onto AL-67 North (0.3 miles)
Turn right onto Danville Road SW (7.2 miles)
Turn left onto Westmead Street SW (0.9 miles)
Arrive at 1211 Westmead Street SW, Decatur, AL 35601
2015 Annual Meeting
Saturday April 25, 2015
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church
1211 Westmead Street SW Decatur, AL
Registration 11:00am – 12:00 pm
Opening Flag Ceremony and Girl Scout Promise……………………………………………….…………………………..Troop 88 from Decatur
Adult Recognition……………………………………………….…………………………………………Cynthia Smothers, Awards Committee Chair
Call to Order…………….…….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Sarah Edwards, President
Agenda………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………..Sarah Edwards, President
Appointment of Tellers and Parliamentarian………………………………………………………………………………Sarah Edwards, President
Credentials Report and Quorum……………………………………………………………………………………………….Tina Waggoner, Secretary
Review of 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes……………………………………………………………………………………Sarah Edwards, President
Standing Rules &Voting Process Explained……………………………………………….…………………………………Sarah Edwards, President
Operational Report……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………Mary Charles, Interim CEO
Overview and Review of the Accomplishments of the Board………………………………………………………Sarah Edwards, President
Finances…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Marlene Brown, Treasurer
Property Committee……………………………………………………………………………………………………...Sally Smith, Chair
Strategic Plan…………………………………………………………………………………………Pam Copeland, 1st Vice President
National Convention Report………………………………………………………………………………………..Martha Grace Mize
Girl Scout Leadership Institute Report…………………………………………………………………………………Katie Stahlhut
Question and Answer Period for Delegates……………………………………………………...Sarah Edwards, President
Bylaws Amendment Vote………………………….…………………….………………………………..…...…………………….Barbara Johnson, Chair
Board Development Committee Report …………………..………………………………..……………………….Kathleen Rose-Byington, Chair
Election………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………….….Sarah Edwards, President
Recognition of Retiring Board and BDC Committee Members……………………………………………….……Sarah Edwards, President
Election Results……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………… Head Teller
Installation of Officers, Board of Directors, and Board Development Committee Members………………….…. Teen Girl Scouts
Announcements……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………Sarah Edwards, President
Adjournment……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..……………….Sarah Edwards, President
Closing Ceremony…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Girl Scouts of Decatur
Standing rules are provided for any large meeting in order to expedite the business of the meeting and to ensure that any delegate
wishing to express an opinion has an opportunity to do so. The adoption of the standing rules requires a 2/3 (two thirds) vote of the
delegate body.
Following are the standing rules that will be presented for adoption at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Girl Scouts of North-Central
1. Upon recognition by the presiding officer, any voting member wishing to address the assembly shall identify themselves by name
and service unit, Council Board Member, or Board Development Committee Member before speaking to the Council Delegate body
at large. Only voting members registered prior to the start of the annual meeting are permitted to speak to the Council delegate
2. No speaker shall speak longer than two minutes while providing feedback. Timing of the two minute period shall begin
immediately following the required identification.
3. No speaker shall speak a second time on a discussion item until all other council delegates wishing to speak a first time have done
4. No speaker shall speak more than twice on the same discussion item without permission of the assembly.
5. All remarks shall be addressed to the chair.
6. Feedback/debate on any one subject will be limited to 10 minutes.
7. Two copies of all motions and amendments shall be presented, in writing, to the Secretary. (one copy for the Secretary and one
copy for the President.)
8. The presiding officer shall be authorized to expedite business by utilizing any type of voting the officer deems appropriate. These
methods shall include, but not be limited to: unanimous consent, voice vote, show of hands, rising, counted and ballot.
9. Mobile phones and pagers shall be silenced during the meeting. Video cameras and recording equipment, other than that
approved by the presiding officer, shall not be permitted in the meeting room. There shall be no use of the internet or social media
networks during the business portions of the meeting. Any such activity will result in the surrendering of the communication device
until after adjournment of the meeting.
10. Printed biographical sketches of persons to be nominated from the floor will be placed by a designated person in the seats in the
delegate section, prior to the beginning of the business meeting. Biographical sketches shall be in the same format and approximate
length as those slated candidates.
11. The Girl Scouts – North Central Alabama Council Board of Directors shall serve as the Annual Meeting Minutes Approval
Committee and shall be empowered to approve and distribute the minutes of the Annual Meeting.
These rules set limits on debate to provide reasonable and equitable opportunity for participation. They supplement Robert’s Rules
of Order Newly Revised, the parliamentary authority for matters of procedure that are not specifically covered in the bylaws of Girl
Scouts of North-Central Alabama.
Annual Meeting Minutes
April 26, 2014
10:00 AM
Metropolitan Church of God
2800 Metropolitan Way
Birmingham, AL 35243
Sarah Edwards, President
Sarah Edwards welcomed attendees and called the Annual Meeting to order.
Flag Ceremony and Promise
The president called on Girl Scouts from GS Troops 176, 242, 362, 674, and 6420 to conduct the
flag ceremony, lead the Pledge of Allegiance, and lead the Girl Scout Promise. Jessica Jester
was the caller. The president thanked the girls for conducting the flag ceremony.
Awards Ceremony and Brunch
Pam Callaway, Chair of the Awards Committee, welcomed attendees and led a Girl Scout grace.
Volunteer Awards were presented to the following:
Juliette’s Pearls: Janell Alexander, Barb Boyers, Carolyn Endress, Rachel Estes, Frances Faulks,
Jeanette Humes, Peggie Myles, and Lisa Watson
Heart for Service Award: Carolyn Brouillette
Juliette Low Community Partnership Award: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Alabama, F.E.
Burleson Elementary School, Helena UMC, and Kappa Delta at UAH.
President’s Award: SU 31, SU 34, Mountain Brook SU, and Shades Mountain SU
Volunteer of Excellence Award: Angela Amin, Laurie Barber, Kristina Bobo, Elizabeth
Bowerman, Brandi Brown, Kara Cansler, Cecelia Culver, Jean Downs, Maria Eagly,
Catherine Fowler, Sandra Haygood, Misty Henderson, Sherry Holloway, Ashlee Horton,
Charlene Irizarry-Rivera, Carolyn Jester, Deatrice Johnson, Heather Klinner, Staci Krupp,
Felicia Lesley, Paula Lott, Joan McKenna, Glenda McMahon, Maria Millington, Traci
Morrow, Judy Mosely, Jina O’Clair, Deborah Pate, Savannah Ponder, Traycine Rice,
Melanie Rogers, Allison Rudick, Kim Smith, Mary Tucker, and Annette Wickert.
Appreciation Pin: Cambia Bailey, Maria Burke, Joyce Christian, Jennifer Crumpton, Judith
Cullinan, Mandi Gonzalez, Pollyanna Higgs, Christin Jocson, Ann LeRoy, Pat Logan,
Serena McBrayer, Dana Price, Dedra Sheffield, Shelly Shields, Quintessa Thomas, and
Dee Walker.
Honor Pin: Beverly Alldredge, Barbara Barone, Cynthia “Cindi” Davis, Carolyn “Mitsy” Fittipaldi,
Valerie Jones, Elizabeth Johnson, Susan Keene, Beth Leonard, Sheila McCallum, Joanne
Pearson, Anita Pullin, Shelley Talley, Emily Warman, and Amanda Winsett.
Thanks Badge: Selah McBride
Thanks Badge II: Linda DeLong, Laura Elliott, and Sheila Smith
Volunteer Years of Service Pins were presented to the following:
20 Year Service Pin: Carolyn Endress and Selah McBride
25 Year Service Pin: Donna Craig and Mary Dunn
30 Year Service Pin: Kay Henderson and Joan Page
35 Year Service Pin: Barbara Boyers
40 Year Service Pin: Karen Cooper Carroll
45 Year Service Pin: Milly Cooper
By process of elimination, the longest serving volunteers present were found to be Kay
Henderson with 62 years of service and Alice Williams with 55 years of service. To close the
Awards Ceremony, Karen Carroll recited a poem “Rainbows” and Girl Scouts performed to the
song “Weave.”
Sarah Edwards, President, thanked friends and family members for attending the Awards
Ceremony portion of the Annual Meeting. She then asked for voting delegates and alternates
to move to central tables. A 10 minute break was announced before the call to order of the
business portion of the Annual Meeting.
Call to Order and Agenda
President Edwards called the business portion of the Annual Meeting to order at 11:32 AM and
the agenda was accepted by consent.
Credentials Report
Tina Waggoner, Secretary, presented the credentials report. She reported:
 Number of potential voting members was 135.
 Number of voting members in attendance and registered with the credentials table is
 At least 50%+1 of the voting members of the Council were elected by the service units,
for a total of 83 voting delegates and 20 voting board members in attendance.
 Voting with a simple majority is 52.
 Voting with a 2/3 majority is 69.
The president declared that a quorum was present to conduct business.
Appointment of Tellers and Parliamentarian
Beverly Alldredge, Laurie Barber, Jim Franklin, Susan Jones, Amber Ladner, and April Smith were
appointed by the president as tellers. Amber Ladner served as Head Teller.
Susan McCartney Anderson from Huntsville was introduced and appointed as Parliamentarian.
The president declared that the meeting would be conducted in accordance with the current
bylaws as adopted April 27, 2013 and the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order, Newly
Revised. There was no objection.
Review of the 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes
President Edwards declared that the Board of Directors served as the reading committee for
the April 27, 2013 Annual Meeting Minutes as per the 2013 Standing Rules and that the
minutes were accepted by the board as presented and mailed. There were no objections.
Appointment of the 2014 Reading Committee
Debbie Tews and Marilyn Akin were appointed by the president as a reading committee for the
2014 minutes. There were no objections.
Voting Process Explained
President Edwards called attention to the red and green voting cards. She announced that
paper ballots were also available if required.
Appointment of Timekeeper
The president appointed Callie Smothers as timekeeper. There was no objection.
Meeting Standing Rules
In addition to the standing rules that were mailed to the voting members, President Edwards
requested that an additional rule be added.
Standing Rule #11: A Reading Committee will work in conjunction with the Board Secretary to
prepare the 2014 Annual Meeting Minutes, which will be presented to the Board of Directors
for approval no later than May 10, 2014 and posted on the Council website no later than May
31, 2014.
The standing rules that were mailed to voting members, plus Standing Rule #11, were approved
by a 2/3 majority vote.
Overview and Review of the Accomplishments of the Board
Finance Committee Report
Marlene Brown, Chair of the Finance Committee, reported that the committee met five
times in the last year. As of September 30, 2013, the Council had approximately 8.5
months of operational reserves. Ms. Brown presented a slide summarizing the 2013
financial data. She also presented a slide showing financials for the first six months of
the current fiscal year (October 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014) as compared to the budget
and as compared to the first six months of last fiscal year. She noted that GSNCA is
showing a downward trend. Ms. Brown commented that the primary variances from
the budget for this year have been unrealized cookie profits and lower than expected
Resource Development Committee Report
Susan Carswell, Chair of the Resource Development Committee, presented the report
for the committee. In July 2013, GSNCA formed a partnership with AmeriCorps* VISTA
under a new initiative, ToGetHerThere Alabama. This initiative strives to increase the
outreach of GSNCA by forming capacity- building task forces in under-served regions
within the Council. Pilot outreach programs are planned for Chilton and Marshall
counties in Summer 2014. Many new donations and grants were received because of
the ToGetHerThere Alabama initiative.
United Way agency allocation requests of over $866,000 were submitted to 15 United
Ways and funding requests of over $1 million were submitted.
GSNCA was also the honored beneficiary of multiple memorial donations given in
memory of our sister Girl Scout, Susan Bevill Livingston.
Special events sponsored by the Council this past year included three Women of
Distinction lunches, the Fishing Tournament, and the Soiree. The Women of Distinction
lunches raised $128,145 gross, the Fishing Tournament raised $25,179 gross, and the
Soiree raised $12,691 gross.
Possible future fundraising events include a fishing tournament at Lake Guntersville, a
Fall Fashion Fling at the Shops of Grand River, and a reactivation of the Friends and
Family Giving program.
Property Committee Report
Dr. Sally Smith, Chair of the Property Committee, presented the report for the
committee. Since the Board decided to rescind the Three-Phase Property Plan, the four
camps that were rested or closed have been reopened for limited use, without staff.
Camp work parties have taken place at all of these camps and have been well attended
by the membership. Two additional camp properties are also open and fully staffed for
Strategic Planning Committee Report
Ruth Ellen Yeager, Chair of the Strategic Planning Committee, presented the report for
the committee. In December 2013, GSNCA initiated a strategic planning process in
order to establish a clear vision and goals that are aligned with day to day activities. In
partnership with Clarus Consulting, GSNCA developed a plan to engage key stakeholders
through personal interviews, membership Community Conversations, and a survey.
Over 350 people expressed their views during this process, including board members,
senior staff, community leaders, funders, and Girl Scout members. Overall, all groups of
stakeholders were found to be engaged and grateful for the opportunity to be heard.
On April 29, 2014, the Strategic Planning Committee will attend a meeting facilitated by
Clarus Consulting to review the information gathered from stakeholders and to develop
a draft Strategic Plan to be presented to the Board of Directors at the May board
Question and Answer Period
President Edwards called for questions about the Finance, Resource Development, Property,
and Strategic Planning reports.
Board Development Committee Report
Margaret Vann, Chair of the Board Development Committee, presented the following slate on
behalf of the Committee:
Officers for a two year term ending 2016:
Second Vice President
Third Vice President
Kathryn Cook
Paige Mize
Directors for a two year term ending 2016:
Linda Albritton, Jessica Bero-Hess, Susan Carswell, Pam Copeland, Damita DunnPitts, Jacqui Hart, Cathie Mayne, Melanie McNary, Paige Phillips Parnell, Katie
Jones Powell, and Cynthia Smothers
Directors for a one year term ending 2015:
Pam Cook and Lissa Tyson
Non-Voting Operational Volunteers for a two year term ending 2016:
Karen Carroll and Suzi Henley
Non-Voting Older Girls for a two year term ending 2016:
Perry Dowell, Katie Shields, Katie Stahlhut, and Becka Youngblood
Board Development Committee members for a two year term ending 2016:
Cathie Mayne
Jean Caldwell
Tina Upshaw
Board Development Committee members for a one year term ending 2015:
Kathleen Rose-Byington
Pam Cook
Adele Stockham Culp
Margaret J. Vann
Board Development Committee Chair for a one year term ending 2015:
Kathleen Rose-Byington
National Council Delegates for a three year term ending 2017:
Flora Blackledge, Anna Crow, Sabrina Duncan, ShoShanna Edwards, Savannah
Gibilisco, Vicki Loyd, Martha Grace Lowry Mize, Heather Story-Lawson, and Ruth
Ellen Yeager
National Council Alternates for a three year term ending 2017:
Cheri Brewer, Diane Dunning, Mandi Gonzalez, Liz Johnson, Valerie Jones,
Brooke O’Brien, Joanne Pearson, Kathleen Rose-Byington, and Tina Waggoner
Margaret Vann moved that the slate of officers, non-officer directors, non-voting operational
volunteers, non-voting older girls, board development committee members, board
development committee chair, delegates and alternates to the National Council Session be
elected as presented.
Chris Ross, delegate from Whispering Pines Service Unit, requested a point of information to
verify the term of Tina Upshaw. The chair responded that Tina Upshaw was nominated for a
one year term.
The President noted that this being a committee report, the motion requires no second. The
slate as presented by the Board Development Committee was elected.
Nomination from the Floor
Margaret Vann, Chair of the Board Development Committee, explained that the original
nominee for Treasurer, Dan Puckett, had removed his name from consideration due to an
increase in work responsibility. Because of the vacancy on the slate in the office of Treasurer,
the Board Development Committee presented current board member, Marlene Brown, as a
nominee from the floor for Treasurer to serve a two year term ending in 2016.
The motion was approved.
Special Appointment by the President
President Edwards appointed Valerie Jones as a special, non-voting, operational representative
to the Board. She also announced that a representative from West Alabama was still being
Bylaws Committee Report
Barbara Johnson, Chair of the Bylaws Committee, stated that the proposed bylaw amendments
had been presented at six delegate forums in the Fall and at six delegate trainings in the Spring
and that input was received from the board and from the field. On behalf of the Bylaws
Committee, Barbara Johnson moved that the bylaw revisions be accepted as presented.
President Edwards noted that bylaw amendments require a 2/3 majority vote for approval. The
motion to accept the bylaw revisions as presented was approved by a 2/3 majority.
Recognition of Retiring Officers and Board Members
President Edwards thanked an outstanding group of officers and board members who are
rotating off the board: John Gorecki - Third Vice President, Alice Williams - Treasurer, Margaret
Clark, James Mize, Dan Puckett, and Margaret Vann. A “Volunteers Make the World a Better
Place” pin was presented to those in attendance.
Chief Executive Officer Report
Melva Tate, Interim CEO, reported on the “Focus Forward” spirit that she has seen during her
nine weeks as CEO. She complimented the involved board and the great staff. Ms. Tate
explained that the COO position was eliminated and that two senior director positions had
been created. Laura Elliott was hired as Senior Director of Outdoor Program and Facilities and
Debbie McDowell-Tate was hired as Senior Director of Membership, Program, and Volunteer
Services. The full time staff has decreased from 87 to 68, which is down 20% from last year.
Ms. Tate highlighted the ToGetHerThere initiative, the national “Ban Bossy” campaign, and the
GSNCA Hispanic Initiative. She also shared inspiring stories of successful events led by troops
from around the council.
Through the Pathways approach to flexible membership, particularly the “Series” pathway, the
2013 membership year showed significant increase, with the highest membership increase in
the Tuscaloosa area.
Melva Tate reported that the council has a surplus of cookies remaining from the cookie sale
and that the Product Sales Team has developed a program to move the cookies.
Recognition of Tellers
President Edwards thanked the tellers for their service during today’s meeting.
Sarah Edwards installed the officers, directors, non-voting operational volunteers, non-voting
older girls, board development committee members, board development committee chair, and
delegates and alternates to the National Council session.
Kathleen Rose-Byington called for a Point of Information to ask what is the appointed position
that Valerie Jones was appointed to. President Edwards explained that Valerie Jones was
appointed as an advisor to the board, not as a board member.
President Edwards thanked the staff, the volunteers, and everyone who helped plan today’s
The President thanked the Metropolitan Church of God for the use of the lovely facility.
Attendees were reminded to complete the evaluation forms and leave them in the basket in
the lobby as they exit the meeting.
Following the retirement of the colors, the meeting was adjourned at 1:11 PM.
Minutes by:
Tina Waggoner, Secretary
Approved May 10, 2014 by GSNCA Board of Directors
Current Bylaw
A. Each service unit shall elect delegates and alternates in
accordance with the "Delegate Election Policies and Procedures"
document established by the board.
A. The board of directors shall consist of officers, directors, and
non-voting members. The number of voting members of the board
of directors shall be between twenty-seven (27) and thirty-four (34)
including six (6) elected officers. The number of non-voting
members of the board of directors including one (1) ex-officio shall
not exceed nine (9).
C. No individual shall serve more than a total of four (4)
consecutive terms on the board of directors regardless of
position(s) held but may run again providing that a span of one
term has expired since the end of the last term served.
B. Special Governance Meetings
2. Special governance meetings may be called upon request any
existing service unit troop.
The board may establish standing and special committees and/or
task groups, and/or ad hoc committees as needed, which shall
operate under the general supervision of the board. The standing
committees shall be Audit, Communications, Finance, Human
Resources, Property and Resource Development.
2015 Proposed Bylaw Amendments
Proposed Change
A. Each service unit shall elect delegates and alternates in
accordance with policies and procedures established by the board.
A. The board of directors shall consist of officers, directors, and
non-voting members. The number of voting members of the board
of directors shall be between twenty-three (23) and twenty-seven
(27) including six (6) elected officers. The number of non-voting
members of the board of directors including one (1) ex-officio shall
not exceed nine (9).
C. No individual shall serve more than a total of four (4) consecutive
terms on the board of directors regardless of position(s) held but
may run again providing that a span of one term has expired since
the end of the last term served and no individual shall serve more
than two (2) consecutive terms in any particular office.
2. Special governance meetings may be called upon request of any
existing service unit troop or membership group of five (5) or more.
The board of directors may establish committees and/or task
groups as needed, which shall operate under the general
supervision of the board of directors. The standing committees
shall be Audit and Finance.
Rationale for Change
The board approves the process
of electing Delegates. This
information needs to be located
in an existing document that
volunteers are familiar with and
refer to on a regular basis.
(Volunteer Policies and
Procedures, possibly)
Non Profit boards nationwide are
decreasing in size. Non-voting
girls and adults on the board
directly represent the interest of
the entire membership.
Last line inadvertently left off of
last year’s voting copy.
A troop must be 5 or more. The
same standard should be held for
a group of members.
GSUSA on-site plan suggest that
we not name standing
committees. Charter criteria calls
for Finance and Audit
Profiles of Nominees for Officers, Board of Directors, Operational Volunteers,
Board Development Committee Members – Listed in the order they are
presented on the slate.
Nominees for Officers
Pamela Copeland
Shelby County
President, Two-Year Term
Currently on the GSNCA board of
Alice Gordon
Jefferson County
First Vice President, Two-Year Term
Lifetime Member Girl Scouts of USA
Recruiter – SDS Resources
30 years serving as troop leader, co-leader
special needs troop, day camp, trainer, Points
East Service Area chair
Active in Our Savior Lutheran Church, Chelsea
Children’s Church Coordinator.
PTA treasurer & vice president , Erwin
Elementary school, office aide, team mother,
Oak Mountain High School wrestling team
Loves working with children and watching
them flourish and mature into successful
young adults
Looking forward to working alongside other
board members who want to establish a
positive, forward thinking and attainable vision
for GNSCA and watching the council grow to
its fullest potential.
Chief Executive Officer, Skye Connect
MBA – University of Alabama Birmingham
BA – University of South Alabama
Member of Gateway Board of Directors
Board Chair – Child Care Resources
Junior Board Member of the YWCA –
Has agreed to serve to continue giving back to
the community in a leadership capacity.
Looks forward to incorporating the Girl Scout
Leadership style and merging the
organization’s culture with her business
background and solid business skills.
Tina Waggoner
Shelby County
Currently serving on GSNCA Board as Secretary
and member of Executive Committee, Bylaws
Committee and Communications Committee
Served as Troop Leader, SU Manager, SU Event
Planner, Planning Committee for Council-wide
events, and Trainer.
Recipient of Outstanding Volunteer,
Outstanding Leader and Honor Pin awards.
Lifetime Girl Scout member with 18 combined
years as girl and adult
Secretary, Two-Year Term
Currently on GSNCA board of directors
Nominees for Board Members for Two-Year Terms
Dr. Charlotte Carter
Tuscaloosa County
Currently on GSNCA Board of Directors
Carol Covell
Madison County
Vice President for Retention – Stillman
College, Tuscaloosa, AL
PH. D. in Biology Education from Purdue
University - Lafayette, Indiana
M.S. in Science Education from the University
of Tennessee
B.A. in Biology from Miles College Birmingham
Active member of The First African Baptist
Church and the Amity Study Club
Has served as Chairperson of the Alabama
Department of the Environmental
Management Commission
Former member of the Tombigbee Girl Scout
Legacy Council Board of Directors
Recipient of the Faculty Merit/Incentive Award
for Excellence in Teaching – Stillman College
Systems Engineering Skill Lead – Jacobs
Engineering, ESSSA Contract
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
Outreach Fundraiser Chair and Discernment
Committee Self-Study Chair at St. Thomas
Episcopal Church
Advocate for United Way Leader on Loan/Red
Feather Giver
GSNCA SUM and Council Delegate (2005-2011)
Member of GSNCA Women of Distinction
Committee (2012)
Loves Cooking, Baking, Reading, Mentoring
and Hiking
Agreed to serve to see girls challenged to
pursue opportunities in STEM areas, presented
with leadership opportunities and encouraged
to help others in our community and beyond.
Looking forward to helping GSNCA to rebuild
its leadership structure and promote the
benefits of Girl Scouting in our community and
throughout the state.
Jacqueline Gardner
Shelby County
Tracy Foy
Jefferson County
Director of Health & Wellness - St. Vincent’s
Health System
Bachelor of Arts - Communication - University
of Alabama
MA - Management - University of Alabama
South Shelby Chamber of Commerce Board of
Volunteer with St. Vincent’s Health System
Community Service Projects
Loves photography and traveling
Has agreed to serve to offer herself to the
next generation of female leaders in our
community and developing herself as a better
leader for her daughter and her peers
through Girl Scouts.
Looking forward to having the opportunity to
connect future leaders with the people and
resources here in Birmingham to provide
them with mentors and a future in our
Vice President of Information Technology –
HealthSouth Corporation
Masters in Health Administration – University
of St. Francis, Joliet , IL
Masters of Management in Information
Technology – University of Alabama Huntsville
BS in Computer Information Systems and
Accounting – Birmingham Southern College
Volunteers with HealthSouth Habitat for
Enjoys cooking, boating and craft projects.
Has agreed to serve because she believes that
Girl Scouts can provide a strong foundation for
women throughout their lives.
Looking forward assisting in progressing
Carrie Lewis
Madison County
Sr. Corporate Relations Specialist, Intuitive
Research and Technology Corporation
 B.S. Accounting – Columbia College
 Volunteer Coordinator at the Greater
Huntsville Humane Society
 Loves gardening, reading and traveling
 Co-Leader of the Redstone Arsenal Girl Scout
Troop from 2000-2002
 Very active in the children’s youth group at
 Looking forward to being able to help others
and meeting new and interesting people along
the way.
Jean Lynch
Shelby County
HR Manager - Alabama Power Company
BS in Business Management – Jacksonville
State University
Co-Leader of Brownie Troop 429
Volunteer for the Greater Alabama Council of
Boy Scouts of America
Room Mother for Our Lady of the Valley
Catholic School and Oak Mountain Elementary
Volunteer for the American Heart
Association’s “Go Red for Women” campaign
Loves photography, scrapbooking, horseback
riding and traveling with her family
Has agreed to serve because she is reminded,
when she works with others, that there is so
much good in the world and together we can
continue to make a difference.
Johnnie Lundin
Lauderdale County
Assistant Professor of Elementary Education –
Athens State University
Masters of Administration - University of
North Alabama - Florence, AL
Bachelor of Arts – University of North Alabama
- Florence, AL
District Elementary Teacher of the Year –
Lauderdale County Schools (2009-2010)
Elementary Teacher of the Year – Central
School (2009-2010)
Volunteer with PAWS
Member of Delta Kappa Gamma International
Women Educator’s Society
Enjoys cross-stitching, taking walks in the
country and doing arts and crafts with assisted
living residents
Looking forward to contributing her efforts
and knowledge and in collaborating with
others who share her goals for the betterment
of our youth
Attorney (Energy Law) – Balch & Bingham, P.C.
J.D. – Regent University
LLM Tax – University of Florida
Public speaker to elementary schools
Looks reading, traveling and playing golf
Looking forward to using his expertise to
continue to move the organization forward
Kevin McNamee
Shelby County
Lydia Cooks-Williams
Morgan County
Sales Representative with Color Xpress
Girl Scout Troop Leader for three years
Master of Business Administration - National
University in San Diego, CA
 Bachelor of Science - California State
Polytechnic University
 Assists the youth with college applications and
applying for scholarships
 Created an educational tutorial program for
40-50 junior high school students with
Transformers Ministries
 District Youth director at Christian Methodist
Episcopal Church
 Mentor for life for youth and college students
Dr. Sally Smith
Talladega County
Current board member and Property
Committee Chair
Owner/Veterinarian - Sleeping Giant
Veterinary Clinic
Bachelor of Science in Animal and Dairy
Science - Auburn University
Charter Representative - Boy Scout Troop 4032
- Talladega, AL
Has agreed to serve on the board of directors
to maintain Girl Scouts for future girls as
previous adults provided for her as a Girl Scout
Currently on GSNCA board of directors
Aaron Tews
Jefferson County
Currently on GSNCA board of directors
Pr. Estimator, Honeywell Process
37 years with Honeywell International
30 years as a registered Girl Scout
Lifetime Girl Scout Member
9 years United States Navy
Computer Engineering Degree
20 years as a Boy Scouts of America
Current District Commissioner for three
county areas of Blount, St. Clair and N.
Jefferson; one of the two highest
volunteer positions within the District
Recipient of District Award of Merit, 2013
Father of an Eagle Scout
Girl Scout Troop Assistant Leader
Hi/Low Ropes Course Facilitator
Father of a Gold Award Recipient
Recipient of:
Outstanding Volunteer Award
Appreciation Pin
Thanks Badge I
Cahaba Council Award
Nominees for Non-Voting Operational Volunteers for Two-Year Terms
Laura Green
Tuscaloosa County
Laurie Barber
St. Clair County
Office Manager – IMS Development
Member of CTE Workforce Advisory Council a
Advisory Committee (2014)
Active Member of Circlewood Baptist Church
Broken Wings of the Southeast Board of
Girl Scout Troop Leader since October 2002
Has agreed to serve because she would like for
Girl Scouts to be around for another hundred
years and for thousands of girls to lead and
serve like those girls that she calls “her own.”
Looking forward to helping to strengthen the
leadership of the Girl Scout Council of NorthCentral Alabama.
Co-Owner - Cat Scratch Engraving
Associate Degree in Applied Science –
Community College of Beaver County –
Monaca, Pennsylvania
Vice President of the Greater Birmingham
bowling Association (2005-2010)
Girl Scout Troop Leader from 2009 to the
Current service unit manager
Loves bowling and crocheting
Looking forward to meeting more people who
are involved with Girl Scouts.
Nominee for Board Development Committee Chair
Jacqueline Gardner
Shelby County
One-year Term
Director of Health & Wellness - St. Vincent’s
Health System
Bachelor of Arts - Communication - University
of Alabama
MA - Management - University of Alabama
South Shelby Chamber of Commerce Board of
Volunteer with St. Vincent’s Health System
Community Service Projects
Loves photography and traveling
Has agreed to serve to offer herself to the
next generation of female leaders in our
community and developing herself as a better
leader for her daughter and her peers through
Girl Scouts.
Looking forward to having the opportunity to
connect these future leaders with the people
and resources here in Birmingham to provide
them with mentors and a future in our
Nominee for Board Development Committee
Carol Covell
Madison County
Two-year Term
Systems Engineering Skill Lead – Jacobs
Engineering, ESSSA Contract
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- University of Alabama, Huntsville, AL
Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences College of Charleston, Charleston, SC
Outreach Fundraiser Chair and Discernment
Committee Self-Study Chair at St. Thomas
Episcopal Church
Advocate for United Way Leader on Loan/Red
Feather Giver
GSNCA SUM and Council Delegate (2005-2011)
Member of GSNCA Women of Distinction
Committee (2012)
Loves Cooking, Baking, Reading, Mentoring
and Hiking
Agreed to serve to see girls challenged to
pursue opportunities in STEM areas, presented
with leadership opportunities and encouraged
to help others in our community and beyond.
Looking forward to helping GSNCA to rebuild
its leadership structure and promote the
benefits of Girl Scouting in our community and
throughout the state.
Nominees for Board Development Committee - Community Members
Kathleen Rose-Byington
Jefferson County
Two-Year Term
Currently on GSNCA board of directors
and BDC Chair
Currently serving on GSNCA Board of Directors
and member of Property Committee and
Board Development Committee Chair (BDC)
Girl Scout Member for 4 years as Adult
Brownie troop leader
Family and professional ties throughout the
entire region served by GSNCA
Creative problem solver
Agreed to serve as a Community Member of
the BDC to provide some continuity on the
BDC and to put her GSUSA training and
committee experience to continued service
with GSNCA
Looking forward to identifying, cultivating and
training new, skilled board members who will
work to make GSNCA a stronger council
Elissa Tyson
Jefferson County
Two-year Term
Currently on GSNCA board of directors
Former Girl Scout [5 years] and mother of
three girls [now adult] Girl Scouts and a
boy, age 14, who is a member of Boy Scouts
 Woman of Distinction, Central Alabama,
 Leadership Birmingham, 2011
 United Way of Central Alabama: Crawford
T. Johnson Award with her husband 2007
 American Red Cross, Alabama Regional
Board of Directors, Member-at-Large
 Mountain Brook Library Foundation Board
of Directors
 UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center
Advisory Board
 McWane Science Center Endowment Board
of Directors
 President, Junior League of Birmingham,
 Graduate of University of Alabama,
 Canterbury United Methodist Church Lucille
Beeson Committee